

This was published 3 years ago


At $10 a pop, rapid COVID tests are the way to a safer, more open Australia

Small COVID-19 leaks from quarantine can have dire population-wide effects. Just look at Victoria’s two-week lockdown following a single case escaping from quarantine in South Australia.

People look at the federal facility in Howard Springs and assume its physical features – accommodation blocks spread across 67 hectares, separate cabins, fresh air – are the reason it hasn’t had a community outbreak. But they are missing a vital component of its administration: the daily rapid antigen tests used by AUSMAT – the federal Health swat team that has until recently supervised the facility.

The quarantine facility at Howard Springs in the Northern Territory.

The quarantine facility at Howard Springs in the Northern Territory.

This may be the key to why the Howard Springs facility has yet to face an outbreak

Rapid antigen tests use a test strip, like a pregnancy test, that reacts to the presence of viral proteins in a sample swabbed from the throat and nose. Results are available in minutes, not hours, as occurs with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests used by other facilities, including the hotel quarantine that forms the backbone of the Australian quarantine system.

Slower PCR test results mean staff may mingle in the community for hours before they know they are infectious. So may people being discharged from quarantine. Both can result in catastrophic outcomes, such as community outbreaks, if staff or those leaving quarantine are moving around the community unaware they are COVID-positive. This can result in uncontrolled community spread, as happened in Victoria recently, necessitating statewide lockdown.


If we want to make our quarantine system safer and avoid further outbreaks, building more Howard Springs-type facilities is not the answer. Daily rapid antigen tests could give us the security we need. They could help prevent quarantine workers spreading COVID-19 into the community when they return home every night from work. And returned overseas travellers could be retested post-quarantine to quickly identify those rare cases that become positive after leaving a facility.

Their speedy results are attractive given the emergence of new highly infectious variants of concern. Their low cost – $10 a test – means they are cost-effective to deploy regularly. Add mask-wearing precautions for those leaving quarantine for the first week and widespread community outbreaks could become a thing of the past. No one wants to be that case that locks down a state.

Britain is already offering free rapid antigen testing to all citizens twice weekly. Once vaccination is rolled out more fully in Australia, rapid antigen testing could also work for the general community. Regular, rapid community monitoring could help keep the population safe, particularly as we begin to open borders after the vaccine rollout.


For now, other countries are moving to different quarantining requirements for travellers. In the US unvaccinated international travellers must undergo one-week home quarantine followed by post-quarantine community case monitoring using COVID-19 testing.


Early in the pandemic, NSW assessed the role of post-quarantine testing but experts advised the rates of becoming positive post-quarantine were too low to warrant its mandatory use. Fifteen months on, that risk equation has changed and regular post-quarantine testing could help prevent community outbreaks arising from quarantine.

Vaccination is a critical step in the fight against COVID. It will help change this virus from one that kills into one that is a nuisance. In our bid to remain the country most adept at fighting the virus we should also consider offering vaccination to all returned overseas travellers or, even better, require them to vaccinate before returning to Australia. After all, millions of Australian lives and livelihoods depend on it.

Dr Katie Allen is the Liberal member for the federal seat of Higgins. She is a former paediatrician and public health professor.

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