This was published 3 years ago
Stopping unnecessary superannuation fees now hangs on one vote
Major reforms for the $3.1 trillion superannuation sector could be delayed if the federal government fails to either drum up support from crossbench MPs or significantly change the legislation to scrap powers letting the treasurer intervene in funds’ investment decisions.
The Your Future, Your Super regime is expected to start on July 1, but the government is struggling to get enough votes in the House of Representatives to ensure a smooth passage to the Senate. Crossbench MPs including Craig Kelly, who left the Liberal party in February, and Bob Katter have raised concerns about the new ability for the government to veto funds’ spending decisions and the implications of “stapling” workers to their funds.
Superannuation Minister Jane Hume.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen
The stapling measures, introduced to limit the creation of duplicate accounts charging unnecessary fees, mean new superannuation accounts are not changed when a worker takes on a new job unless they actively choose to switch funds. The suite of measures is expected to save workers $17.9 billion over the next decade.
However, Mr Kelly and Mr Katter are both concerned the changes could leave some employees with unsuitable insurance as specialist funds provide extra cover for risky jobs like construction and could lock people into poorly performing funds. Independent MP Zali Steggall has proposed amendments, while Andrew Wilkie said he is currently “reserving” his position on the legislation.
The Greens are critical of the bill and Labor is concerned stapling is happening too quickly. The opposition wants stapling pushed back until underperformers have been weeded out using new tests in the legislation forcing funds to inform members if their investments fall behind benchmarks. These aspects form the basis of the two most significant of the opposition’s eight requested amendments.
The Coalition has 75 seats in the 151-seat strong House of Representatives and needs at least one crossbench vote to get the legislation through. Sources close to the government who did not wish to be named said the main focus was convincing the crossbench of the benefits of the Bill rather than considering any significant amendments. The Bill continued to get pushed back this week as the government grapples with finding enough support.
Labor superannuation spokesman said the government has to navigate a “whole new world” when passing legislation due to Mr Kelly’s move to the crossbench.
“This is a hung Parliament and that raises the standard on any bill that comes before Parliament,” Mr Jones said.
“We can get a bill through the Parliament if it’s a sensible bill which focuses on the performance of superannuation funds,” he said, adding “objectionable” provisions needed to be removed. The federal government previously made changes after getting feedback, including adding administration fees into the performance benchmark tests.
Superannuation Minister Jane Hume said on Sky on Wednesday she would continue to speak with crossbench MPs to “clarify” their concerns.
“I have no doubt that we will pass these reforms because it’s so important to do so,” Senator Hume said. “Superannuation is a highly contested area ... I don’t think we’ve passed a single superannuation bill in the last couple of years that hasn’t been contested,” she said.
She defended the controversial veto powers as “similar” to powers that exist in other legislation, which would provide the government with the ability to step in when grey areas on responsible spending were identified by the regulator.
The House of Representatives is sitting for four more days before returning in mid-June for seven days sitting alongside the Senate.