

This was published 3 years ago

‘Is someone breaking fingers in here?’: The food problem in aged care

By Clay Lucas

When Nicholas Hall started as a chef at The Bays aged care home in Hastings in 2018, he recalls noticing something strange: almost all the elderly residents there seemed to be on a diet where their food was cut up.

“I had a lot of residents coming to me and saying that they did not want their food cut up,” Hall told the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. “They were perfectly able to cut up their own food.”

Nicholas Hall has worked in 20 aged care homes.

Nicholas Hall has worked in 20 aged care homes.Credit: Joe Armao

Hall had worked in plenty of aged care homes – 20 in all, including at major chains TLC, Arcare and BlueCross, as well as smaller homes like The Bays – and he’d never seen quite so many people on this regimen.

“I thought: ‘What’s going on here? Is someone going around breaking fingers at night?’ Normally, out of 100 people, you might have 10 residents on a cut-up diet.”

Later, he was told by another staff member the reason: “If you put that down on the paperwork, they get more government funding because the customer or the resident needs more service.”

The Bays did not respond to questions sent on Thursday about Hall’s allegation. But a range of chefs, kitchen managers and former government safety officers in aged care told The Age that behaviour of this kind was common practice in homes, designed to maximise federal funding.

That funding got a massive boost when the Coalition government handed down its eighth budget on Tuesday. It gave aged care operators a $10 supplement to what’s called the “basic daily fee” – $52.71 paid to homes per resident per day.

An image of food served in an Australian aged care home, sent to lobby group Aged Care Reform Now.

An image of food served in an Australian aged care home, sent to lobby group Aged Care Reform Now.Credit: Aged Care Reform Now

This will cost taxpayers $3.2 billion – part of a massive $17.7 billion extra in funding over four years that is, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg acknowledged, recognition of the shocking neglect and abuse revealed in the royal commission.


The $10 daily increase was recommended by commissioners as the minimum necessary to keep the sector afloat. Food, the royal commission highlighted, was among the top three complaints from residents.

Since COVID-19 struck aged care homes last year, killing 685 residents, operators have demanded the federal government boost funding. Along with the costs to homes of keeping the virus out, many elderly people who might have gone into care are instead staying in their own homes as long as they can.

But there is a problem with a federal government once again handing operators more money without being prescriptive on how they spend it.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg delivering this year’s budget, which granted aged care homes an extra $10 a day per resident from July 2021.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg delivering this year’s budget, which granted aged care homes an extra $10 a day per resident from July 2021.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

“If you can give somebody, say, a $6 meal of chicken nuggets and frozen carrots, then what incentive is there to give them a $12 meal of roast chicken and fresh vegetables?” was how the ABC’s Leigh Sales put it to Frydenberg on budget day.

“Well in terms of what we’re trying to do with the residential sector, we’re seeking to make it more sustainable in the long term,” was the Treasurer’s answer. “We’re increasing the base funding for an extra $10 per resident per day – that’s going to be welcomed by the sector.”

It certainly was in most parts of the industry: the Australian Aged Care Collaboration, which represents more than 1000 providers, congratulated the government.

Spokeswoman Patricia Sparrow said that after 20 government reviews in 20 years, the budget increase and the government’s response to the royal commission would finally address many of the challenges facing aged care. “[It] gives real hope to more than 1.3 million Australians currently accessing aged care services, to the 360,000 care staff ... and to the tens of thousands of Australian workers our sector will need to employ over the coming years to meet the demands of our ageing population,” she said.

“Australia now spends half of what comparable countries do on aged care, and while this investment won’t close that funding gap entirely, it will provide structural relief.”

However, many aged care activists think the sector will welcome the money simply so they can send it straight to their bottom line.

“There are good aged care providers who might spend more money on food from it, and there are unscrupulous operators who will spend it on top-shelf Moet,” says campaigner Dr Sarah Russell, who runs the Aged Care Reform Now group.

“You have to tie how providers spend the money. If you have no control, in so many cases the money won’t go to the people it is intended to go to. This is just pouring more money into a dysfunctional system.”

Tim Deverell worked in aged care as a chef for 11 years, and gave evidence to the Royal Commission into Aged Care.

Tim Deverell worked in aged care as a chef for 11 years, and gave evidence to the Royal Commission into Aged Care.Credit: Steven Siewert

Russell says the two things at the top of residents’ minds are staff who have time to spend with them and food they like. In some aged care homes, they get neither.

She isn’t optimistic Tuesday’s budget will change that.

“The budget was presented as aged care being the winners. It was actually the operators winning, not the residents.”

Russell keeps pictures of the meals people send in on her group’s social media page. Most are drab, some much worse.

Among the royal commission’s recommendations was that by July, the sector’s regulator must ensure homes include a guarantee that residents get appropriate nutritional provision. The guarantee was to ensure meals were “desirable to eat” and showed how much the homes spent on residents’ basic needs, “especially their nutritional needs, [including] spending on raw food, pre-processed food, bought-in food, kitchen staff and the average number of residents”.


The Coalition stopped short of that in its royal commission response, saying only that the $10-a-day supplement would be paid to homes once they’d given an undertaking to report their food expenditure quarterly.

Chef Nicholas Hall believes that, regardless of what the royal commission recommended or the government expects, $10 a day for each resident will not get them better food.

At his last job, Hall would serve up to 100 residents each shift with two kitchen assistants.

“There is just this constant ‘Bang, bang, bang, what’s next, what’s next?’ vibe,” he says. “It’s a race to the bottom, applying free-market rules to run a place where there needs to be quotas and ratios to keep people safe.”

The problems aren’t just the cost of raw food to cook for residents; there’s the number of chefs and cooking assistants that prepare the meals as well.

Sydney chef Tim Deverell has worked for 11 years in aged care and says too many kitchens have woefully inadequate staffing levels.

One home he worked in had one chef prepare all meals for 150 residents - a total of 450 breakfasts, lunches and dinners plus 300 morning and afternoon teas. “To give you a comparison, a good hotel has one chef producing 40 meals,” he says.

The royal commission’s final report recognised the issue of low salaries in aged care and the problem of attracting staff when there was such a pay gap if workers went to the better-paid acute health sector. “Successive governments have made several failed attempts to address that gap by providing additional funds to providers in the hope that they would be passed on to aged care workers by way of increased wages. They were not,” it states.

Photos of meals served at aged care homes, sent to lobby group Aged Care Reform Now.Credit: Aged Care Reform Now

Which begs the question of why Frydenberg and Prime Minister Scott Morrison think throwing $10 a day per resident at operators will bring a different result.

One of the nation’s top experts in aged care, Monash University professor and GP Joseph Ibrahim, says it’s unlikely to.

He says the timing of the government’s Royal Commission response tells Australians everything they need to know about how genuine Morrison is about fixing aged care.

“It’s incredibly sneaky to release their response on the same day as the budget,” Ibrahim says.

“They haven’t gone to the fundamental reform,” he says, which is what is sorely needed. “All of the things that made the COVID situation bad between homes and hospitals haven’t been fixed, for instance.”

Fairley Wijesinghe has worked for five different aged care operators and is now mostly out of the industry working for a public health care group.

He said the issues raised by Hall and Deverell mirrored many of his concerns when he worked in aged care kitchens. He believes, like the two chefs, that the federal government needs to implement a minimum daily amount to be spent on each resident’s dietary needs. “In so many homes, you just don’t get the minimum.”

Most homes needed more carers, too. “You will have one person trying to feed five people and it means the final person gets a cold meal.”

Wijesinghe says the extra $10 per day announced this week needed to go in part towards improving food and nutrition. “That money needs to be spent on specific areas, like meals. I doubt it will be.”

He said his experience of kitchens was that low spending was common. Checking his records, he found that while some “boutique” homes might spend more, the kitchens he worked in spent between $6.80 and $7.65 per day per resident on food. “Even at the best place I worked, it was $9.20.”

He believes care in homes directly funded by the public service and linked to hospitals is better in many ways: “Residents get better treatment. The public homes have a budget and they spend it; they’re not profit-driven.

“The bigger the homes or chains, you might get a better view in a private home but that’s where it ends.”

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