

This was published 3 years ago

‘I was so traumatised by my previous relationships’: Megan Washington

By Jane Rocca

Megan Washington / Occupation Musician / Age 35 / Status Married / Best known for Her album I Believe You Liar

Dad [Rick] moved to Papua New Guinea from Queensland to pursue an apprenticeship before the country gained independence in the mid-’70s; he’s really practical and loves building. He ended up working as a DJ at the yacht club disco every Saturday night and did that for 20 years. Dad loves to party. He met Mum [Karen] in PNG, and my older sister Sarah and I were born there. We moved to Brisbane in the mid-’90s.

Megan Washington: “For me, falling in love and writing music have always been incredibly intertwined”

Megan Washington: “For me, falling in love and writing music have always been incredibly intertwined”Credit: Cybele Malinowski

My first kiss was with an unknown boy at a high-school dance in 1999 while a Backstreet Boys song was playing. He was wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans; I thought he looked a bit like actor Freddie Prinze jnr, but in reality he was probably more like a 14-year-old boy.

I had a huge crush on a boy who danced at the Fame Theatre Company in Brisbane. My cousin also danced there and I would go to their concerts. She danced with a guy called Shane Jenek who I thought was absolutely beautiful. He grew up to become the drag queen Courtney Act and was
my first real-life crush.

Growing up, I loved singer Zac Hanson, but my celebrity crushes changed over the years to include Rufus Wainwright and RuPaul. I was raised on a diet of MGM movies and Disney cartoons, so
my dream man has always been a pretty camp character, someone who could tap dance like Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire.

I used to go to 10-day Christian youth camps in the school holidays; it’s where I made a lot of male friends. There was a lot of Bible study, but I loved that we would sing together, surf and do drama. I wasn’t religious but I felt comfortable around the guys there because we had some common interests.

I was expelled from a private all-girls school and went to Sheldon College in Brisbane for years 11 and 12. I had a music teacher called Harley who taught me how to read music. Almost everything I know about music theory is because of him.

My drama teacher, Darren Harvey, was super influential in those final school years. It came down to the fact he treated us like actors and not students.

Jazz pianist Paul Grabowsky heard me singing at the Brisbane Jazz Festival and asked me to jam. We began collaborating in 2007 and released an EP called Bennetts Lane. He asked me to write the lyrics while he wrote the music. He treated me as an equal – it was amazing.


That experience was hugely influential in getting me to a place where I felt I was able to write a song for myself. Under Paul’s guidance, I began that process; he pushed the bike until I could ride it myself.


For me, falling in love and writing music have always been incredibly intertwined. As I lurched through my 20s, I was drawn to a series of extremely intelligent, charismatic and talented men – and occasionally women. I did the best I could for myself in that time.

I was so traumatised by my previous relationships that I had to write about them. I don’t write about that sort of trauma now because I am married, in love and happy, but I do still explore tension in my work.

My husband, film director Nick Waterman, and I got married 12 weeks after we met in 2016. Our family and friends found that a bit strange, but we make each other laugh, we make art and music together and we have a baby son, Amos Vivienne, who is three years old. We moved back to Brisbane to be closer to our families.

Our son is named after his grandmothers. Nick’s mother, Vivienne, passed away when he was five and we wanted our child to have her name. Amos is my mother’s surname. I feel lucky to be in this relationship with Nick; I feel so connected to him in a way that I did not anticipate I would until I felt it.

Megan’s album Batflowers is out now.

This article appears in Sunday Life magazine within the Sun-Herald and the Sunday Age on sale January 31. To read more from Sunday Life, visit The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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