

This was published 3 years ago

Racing confronts its grim reality

By Chip Le Grand

Mike Eathorne insists he is not the problem. The managing director of the Queensland abattoir at the centre of last year’s horse slaughter scandal sees his business as a necessary solution to a problem the $9 billion racing industry created, long ignored and now wants to be seen to be fixing.

He’s lost count of the death threats to himself, his family and staff and he’s never bothered to count the ex-racehorses processed at his Meramist meatworks in Caboolture, north of Brisbane.

No quick fix: Meramist managing director Mike Eathorne and general manager Adam Hill were at the centre of last year's horse slaughter scandal.

No quick fix: Meramist managing director Mike Eathorne and general manager Adam Hill were at the centre of last year's horse slaughter scandal.Credit: Paul Harris

“To us a horse is a horse, whether it is a thoroughbred, a standardbred or a draught horse,’’ he explains. What matters to Eathorne is that they arrive in good condition, are treated without cruelty and humanely killed and butchered into export-quality meat.

About 160 people are employed by Meramist. One was found to have mistreated horses. He no longer works at the abattoir.

“There is no quick fix to this situation. I’ve seen what happened in the US when they stopped the slaughter of horses for human consumption. All of a sudden they had a massive, national animal welfare problem because people were just letting horses go. We are one of the solutions for that animal when the owner no longer has other options.’’

A year after the ABC's 7.30 and animal rights activists collaborated to take viewers inside Meramist and document the grim reality that awaits some of the nation’s prized racehorses, a racing industry shamed and repulsed by what we all saw is trying to provide other options.


Racing Australia chief executive Myles Foreman says racing’s peak body and its state authorities are together investing about $45 million a year into improving the welfare of horses and their lot after racing. State authorities have rolled out a multitude of programs to retrain and rehome retired racehorses.

Racing NSW boss Peter V’landys boldly declared before the slaughter scandal that every ex-racehorse would be given somewhere to live out its life and secured 2600 acres near the Blue Mountains to serve as an equine retirement home. The Victorian approach has been less headline-grabbing, using industry money to support the work already being done by established retrainers.


There are signs it is making a difference. Nikki Cook manages Shory Park, a racehorse retraining and rehoming centre on the outskirts of Geelong. She normally retrains about 100 horses a year. This year, she has found homes for about 300. Two weeks ago she ran out of thoroughbreds altogether. “I’m normally saying ‘I’m sorry, I’m full,’’’ she tells The Age and Sydney Morning Herald. “I think that in a good way, the market has been flooded. Everyone is having a go, top-line competition riders are becoming retrainers and other states are looking to follow Victoria’s model.’’

It is unclear whether this a response to the horse slaughter scandal or Victoria’s protracted COVID-19 lockdown. Just as families stuck at home have bought puppies in extraordinary numbers, horse people have had more time to devote to their animals.

Whatever the reason, it has meant that a horse like Grand Dreamer, a Ballarat Cup winner who fractured a bone in his leg during an innocuous training run, is now facing a promising career in dressage. “Lots of people would have put him down but he has been with us for a year and is just about ready to be rehomed,’’ Cook says. “He is the most divine riding horse ever.’’

Nikki Cook, pictured with Grand Dreamer, has found new homes for about 300 ex-racehorses this year.

Nikki Cook, pictured with Grand Dreamer, has found new homes for about 300 ex-racehorses this year. Credit: Eddie Jim

Racing Victoria also acknowledges that, when a retired racehorse can’t be cared for or rehomed, they are owed a better death than being trucked to Meramist or dropped off at the Maffra & District Knackery in Gippsland, where horses are processed into dog meat.

Once the Flemington carnival is run Racing Victoria will launch its euthanasia assistance scheme, designed to encourage thoroughbred owners to put horses down at their own properties. RV general manager of equine welfare Jennifer Hughes says the scheme will provide $500 towards the cost of a vet visit and $500 towards the cost of carcass removal. If the scheme works as intended, it will remove the financial incentive for live horses to end up at the gates of a knackery.

Hughes said Racing Victoria decided to offer a carrot instead of matching the Racing NSW stick - where racing participants are prohibited from sending horses to an abattoir or knackery - for fear of driving the practice underground. “The experience across the world says it can lead to worse welfare outcomes,’’ she says.


Racing Australia and its state authorities were all moving, to varying degrees, to improve the treatment of retired racehorses before the 7.30 story broke. Yet when retired District Court judge Terry Martin, SC, and veterinary surgeon Dr Peter Reid examined the issue for the Queensland government earlier this year, their principal finding was damning: racehorses were being treated as disposable commodities. “The racing industry in Australia, in general, has fundamentally failed to intervene at industry level to effectively protect retired racing horses,’’ they concluded.

A Senate inquiry convened shortly after the 7.30 report advocated the establishment of a national horse traceability register. Such a scheme has long been proposed as a biosecurity safeguard to manage equine viruses. If applied to thoroughbreds it would potentially help track the number, location and welfare of retired racehorses. Although the concept has broad support it has been painfully slow out of the gate. A working group formed in February to develop a register had its first meeting on Friday.

Reid says when he conducted the Queensland government inquiry he was struck by the inconsistencies in standards and guidelines for the treatment of horses from one state jurisdiction to the next. Where horses can be trucked up to 36 hours in Western Australia without being unloaded to rest and feed, the limit is 24 hours in Queensland. He says it should be eight hours. He also noted that while nearly every participant in the racing industry is highly regulated, breeders are not.

“Licences are issued for trainers and jockeys and stable hands and veterinarians. We made the point that breeders portray themselves as being the crux of the whole industry and they are the only group that is unlicensed.’’ Hughes says the next big steps lie not with racing authorities but the breeding industry which supplies it.

What these steps are will become clearer in December, when a 10-month inquiry commissioned by Thoroughbred Breeders Australia makes its findings public. In its submission to the inquiry, Victoria Racing recommended that all breeders be licensed. Thoroughbred Breeders Australia (TBA) argues the most effective form of breeding regulation is through the Australian Stud Book, where breeders are already registered, rather than an additional licensing regime.

TBA chief executive Tom Reilly says breeders support the introduction, through the Australian Stud Book, of rules specific to horse welfare and are not necessarily opposed to fewer horses being bred. He says there is a genuine desire across the racing and breeding industry to do better for their horses but this requires national leadership. “I don’t think they are paying lip service to it,’’ he says of the industry. “Most people realise this is important. They don’t necessarily have the solutions but they are genuine in the belief we need to be doing something.’’

Former Victorian premier Denis Napthine, a country vet before his political career, is chairing the Thoroughbred Aftercare Welfare Working Group commissioned by the TBA and supported by leading trainers, owners and bookmakers. His fellow panellists include equine vet Dr Ken Jacobs, RSPCA chief scientist Dr Bidda Jones and Jack Lake, an adviser to successive Labor federal governments on agricultural policy. They have so far received nearly 180 submissions. Napthine says that in the year since the 7.30 program went to air, the most significant change has been attitudinal.

“If you go back 10 to 20 years, the view was that we breed and race the horses but when we sell them to someone else it is like selling a car,'' he says. "I think that view has significantly changed to a greater awareness and understanding of whole-of-life responsibility for the aftercare of horses.

“Another thing that has come through our consultations and submissions is an increasing awareness that every component, from early foal management to yearling preparation to foundation training to racing training and how the horses are managed, has a significant impact on the ability of those horses to be rehomed and retrained successfully.’’

Some reforms being considered by the Napthine inquiry would reshape the breeding and racing industries. The one limitation is that it does not carry the authority of Racing Australia. There is frustration within racing circles that it took industry stakeholders to establish and fund the Napthine inquiry rather than the national peak body responsible for leading the sport. The view from RA, however, is that the industry was on the right track before the Meramist storm erupted.

“There is no question that anybody that saw some of that imagery would have been shocked by it,’’ says Foreman, who took over as RA executive a month after the 7.30 story went to air. “Fundamentally, what we found was that there were a number of things already in train and it was a matter of continuing to pursue that investment and commitment.’’

Not everyone is convinced. The Age and Sydney Morning Herald this week revealed retired racehorses and brood mares are still being slaughtered at NSW knackeries. In Victoria, they are worried about missing horses.


Meramist has severed ties with “kill buyer’’ Peter Loffel, a Mooroopna-based livestock trader who for many years bought unwanted horses and transported them to Caboolture. This means no horses from Victoria are being supplied to the abattoir. Mike Eathorne says where the abattoir normally processes 10,000 horses a year, this year’s numbers are about 20 per cent down.

At the same time, the auctioneer who runs the Echuca horse sales, Andrew Wilson, has noticed a significant reduction in the number of thoroughbreds and especially standardbred horses up for sale. He is concerned that thoroughbred owners spooked by the public fallout from the horse slaughter scandal are quietly sending their horses straight to Maffra.

"We are not getting them fresh off the track like we used to,'' he says. "We don’t know where they are going.’’

The storybook answer is that, instead of being slaughtered, all retired racehorses are finding new homes and lush green pastures. Elio Celotto from the Coalition for the Protection of Racehorses, the activist group which secured the video footage which formed the basis of the 7.30 expose, says only the most naive would believe this.

“There are a lot of well-intentioned people who are wanting to do something but it is going to take a lot of will and even more money to make it happen,’’ he says. “As things are at the moment there are still horses being sent to slaughter. It is still occurring, it is just being hidden.''

Living the dream: retired racehorse Grand Dreamer with Nikki Cook.

Living the dream: retired racehorse Grand Dreamer with Nikki Cook.Credit: Eddie Jim

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