

This was published 3 years ago


This isn’t just about a tree, it's about Indigenous recognition

By Lidia Thorpe

While the rest of the state was celebrating and praising Daniel Andrews for the easing of lockdown restrictions, Djab Wurrung first nations people had their sacred heritage ripped away when the chainsaws fired up alongside the proposed Western Highway duplication.

Police officers and roads workers move into the Djab Wurrung site on the Western Highway on Tuesday morning.

Police officers and roads workers move into the Djab Wurrung site on the Western Highway on Tuesday morning.

The state Labor government took advantage of the last days of COVID-19 restrictions still being in place to desecrate this sacred DjabWurrung site, removing our spiritual ancestor tree.

I am heartbroken, I am absolutely devastated, and I can feel the pain of my ancestors. I am so disappointed that a government who promised a treaty with my people has undermined us and done something as malicious and calculated as this to our community. It’s very difficult to presume anything other than this strategy being well thought out and opportunistic.

This is not the treaty that I and my people are pursuing. Tokenistic gestures from state and territory governments in the name of treaty clearly demonstrate that these governments have no idea what treaty really is. You cannot desecrate, sell off, destroy, open up, frack, and log country and then want to sit with this nation’s first people and talk about treaty. There is absolutely no good faith from the outset, at least show us some respect and goodwill.

On Tuesday night my heart broke for a second time as I watched 26-year-old Sissy Austin, a staunch and proud Gunditjmara Keerraay Woorroong DjabWurrung woman, resign from her position as member for south-west on the Victorian Treaty Commission’s First People’s Assembly.


When she was first elected to the assembly, she gave a powerful speech, in which she said the decision the Andrews government makes in regards to the Western Highway duplication project will make or break the Victorian Aboriginal communities’ trust in terms of treaty. For many of us, it has.

“That trust is broken, and more importantly our hearts are broken. We are traumatised by losing an element of country that we will never see again,” Sissy said via a Facebook live video, with tears streaming down her face.

"I will not be part of something that doesn't reflect the heart, the soul and the spirit of my community."


What Sissy did in standing up for her values as a strong black woman is what integrity looks like, and that’s something that Daniel Andrews and his government are clearly lacking when it comes to Aboriginal affairs in this state.

On Wednesday, my Victorian Greens colleagues took a motion to and raised questions in Victorian Parliament to the Premier on behalf of DjabWurrung, demanding the government recognise that the tree they destroyed was a sacred ancestor tree, and that the continued destruction of DjabWurrung country for a highway was an act of cultural genocide.

But the only acknowledgement to be made by other members of Parliament was one of jeering, showing just how little they care.

This isn’t just about a tree. I’ve received calls from members of my community who are mourning and deeply affected by this. Aboriginal people have been custodians of this land for tens of thousands of years. The health of our country and our connection to it is directly proportional to our health and wellbeing, and this government has shown a complete disregard for us.

The Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Act gives the government permission to commit cultural genocide and it needs to be abolished. The act doesn’t protect our people, our lands or our culture. It has been problematic from the outset. It is an instrument that provides manufactured consent to destroy the lands of this country's first people.

Both the state and federal governments have worked together to commit this act of cultural genocide and colonial violence. It’s worth noting that the federal government played a part in this, too. Federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley refused to step in when plans were being assessed for cultural heritage protection. She was happy to put heritage protection over a satellite dish, but not these culturally significant trees. It is DjabWurrung blood on their hands.

Aboriginal people have lost faith in the Andrews Labor government, and in the Victorian treaty process.

We have a lot of work to do if we are to unite as a community in Victoria, and as a nation. I am desperately sad that we took a big step backward this week. First nations people are hurting.

The work involves facing hard truths, and people, the Premier included, need to face up to the truth about the ongoing dispossession of our culture, community, and country.

Lidia Thorpe is a Victorian Greens senator.

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