

This was published 3 years ago

'Suddenly it fell apart on me': adman Harold Mitchell on his decade horribilis

He overcame a terrible childhood to build the country’s biggest media-buying agency, join arts and sports boards and hobnob with the wealthy and the powerful. Then Harold Mitchell's family fractured and ASIC took him to court.

By Anne Hyland

Harold Mitchell: "I’m ever an optimist. I always say to people, ‘Tell me about tomorrow, don’t worry about yesterday!’ ” But the past decade has tested that resolve.

Harold Mitchell: "I’m ever an optimist. I always say to people, ‘Tell me about tomorrow, don’t worry about yesterday!’ ” But the past decade has tested that resolve.Credit: Kristoffer Paulsen

Harold Mitchell sits on a park bench near the Victorian parliament buildings in central Melbourne, and sobs. This self-made man, who built a huge personal fortune in advertising and media and battled moguls from Kerry Packer to Martin Sorrell, never cries. Well, almost never. Mitchell is trying to hide the tears and compose himself. Lilly, his West Highland white terrier Pomeranian cross, comforts him.

Lilly and Lucy, a white Maltese Chihuahua, were given to Mitchell by his close friend, Nadia Taylor. “He told me, ‘I went into the park today with Lilly and I cried and I couldn’t stop,’ ” says Taylor. “When you cry in front of Lilly, she gets so upset she jumps onto your chest and starts licking your face.” Taylor says if Lilly could talk, she would have said, “I’m here, stop, it’s okay.” But it wasn’t okay and things were going to get much worse for Mitchell. His septuagenarian years would be hell.

About a year earlier, in 2012, Harold Mitchell had turned 70, and was hosting a lavish birthday bash at Melbourne’s Crown casino. The prominent and the powerful were there, among them billionaires James Packer, Lachlan Murdoch and Frank Lowy, and four former Victorian premiers, Jeff Kennett, Steve Bracks, John Brumby and Joan Kirner. Those who hadn’t seen Mitchell in a while were shocked at how fit and well he looked. Famously obese, he’d lost a whopping 70 kilograms in his 60s. The party’s theme was the movie Casablanca, and Mitchell looked sharp, dressed in a white dinner jacket and black bow tie, channelling Humphrey Bogart. On his arm was his beautiful wife, Bevelly.

Harold Mitchell with Frank Lowy and Charles Goode at his 70th birthday party.

Harold Mitchell with Frank Lowy and Charles Goode at his 70th birthday party. Credit: Courtesy of Harold Mitchell

Mitchell had plenty to celebrate. A few years earlier, his family had received $150 million in cash and shares after selling their stake in the media-buying business Mitchell had spent four decades building up, to global advertising rival Aegis. He’d been awarded the country’s highest civilian honour, a Companion of the Order of Australia, for his leadership and philanthropic endeavours spanning the arts, health and education, along with his support of East Timor, and Indigenous communities. And he was about to join the board of the prestigious New York Philharmonic orchestra.

The next decade should have seen him pull back from his workaholic ways to enjoy family and focus on how to further give away his fortune. He could hardly have imagined then that the life he’d worked so hard to create would soon fall apart and see him battling to save the two things he values most: his family and his reputation. He would salvage most of one. The other, lawyers can’t fix.

Mitchell has a view from his city apartment across to Fitzroy Gardens and Melbourne’s two seats of power: Parliament House and the neo-Gothic spires of St Patrick’s Catholic cathedral. “I don’t know who’s winning out of that,” he observes. “They’re both doing badly in Melbourne.” His home used to be five apartments until he consolidated them into one. He owns a further four in the mid-rise 1960s building. Around the apartment are framed photos of his grandchildren, and hanging on the walls are paintings, some by colonial artists James Curtis and Charles Conder.


Mitchell sits in a low-lit room surrounded by books, with a decor of varying shades of calming green – the carpet is emerald and nearby are some sage-painted cupboards. The interior design is by Creina Cadden. “We call her Creina Green,” he chortles. Bookshelves have become an important backdrop for anyone being interviewed on Zoom, and Mitchell’s shelves, which hold biographies of Margaret Thatcher, Winston Churchill and JFK, works by Don Watson and Les Murray, and art books from Helmut Newton and Picasso to Margaret Olley, are in view of the camera. He confesses to having a few “rubbish” books among them, too, singling out works by Dick Cheney and Bob Carr. “Bob Carr, he was justifying his existence, wasn’t he?”

Always the showman, ever the name-dropper, Mitchell moves along the shelves, picking up tomes by former CIA director George Tenet and economist Jeffrey Sachs, casually mentioning that he catches up with both men when he visits New York. Mitchell used to travel to the US twice a year on his 13-seat, one-bedroom private jet before the coronavirus pandemic. He was there in January for the Philharmonic’s Lunar New Year gala, as was actor Alec Baldwin. They’re on the orchestra’s board together.

For much of this year Mitchell has been unable to travel anywhere; like most Melburnians he’s been holed up at home, enduring two government-enforced lockdowns. He reads in his spare time and catches up with Taylor, 53, who runs her own investment company and has previously worked in logistics and regulation. They don’t live together. Mitchell has Lilly and Lucy for company; they like to sit with him when he puts his feet up.

He’s also worked to keep himself busy. At 78, he sits on several boards, including James Packer’s scandal-ridden Crown Resorts and as chair of the Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health. He’s been attending various webinars and board meetings online, during which Lucy occasionally makes a cameo. “Every day I say, ‘Lucy, will you look at the camera!’ ” Mitchell chuckles. Lucy’s the quieter one; Lilly barks in a high pitch when Mitchell talks.

With pets Lilly and Lucy at his Melbourne home, an amalgamation of five apartments.

With pets Lilly and Lucy at his Melbourne home, an amalgamation of five apartments.Credit: Kristoffer Paulsen

Throughout the second lockdown he worried about the mental health of fellow Victorians, receiving calls from men of his vintage who were “going up the wall”. But Mitchell’s been okay, sort of. By nature he’s a resolutely upbeat person, as he’ll tell you. “I’m ever an optimist. I always say to people, ‘Tell me about tomorrow, don’t worry about yesterday!’ ”

But the past decade has tested that resolve. There was the divorce from Bevelly, his wife of 50 years, announced in 2013, which led to a wider family rift. Mitchell has two children, Stuart and Amanda, and five grandchildren. Since the divorce, Mitchell doesn’t see Bevelly, Amanda, or four of his grandchildren. “When suddenly it fell apart on me, I found it tough. I can remember looking at the park and – I’m okay – I remember sitting on a bench crying. Yeah.”


After the marriage breakdown, Mitchell began rebuilding his life. Meeting Nadia Taylor at a body corporate function helped. Then in 2016, Australia’s top corporate cop, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), dropped a bombshell that blew things apart once more, launching an investigation into Mitchell in his unpaid role as vice-president of Tennis Australia. In question was whether Mitchell had used his position to help the Seven Network win the lucrative TV broadcast rights for tennis tournaments, including the Australian Open, to the detriment of Tennis Australia.

When ASIC filed its high-profile case against Mitchell in 2018 it scandalised Melbourne, also shocking the country’s business, political and sporting elite. Mitchell too was stunned. He’d built the country’s biggest independent media buying business and sat across a dizzying number of arts, sporting and government boards. He’d been one of Melbourne’s most influential powerbrokers. Now a case brought by “some little nerdy people from ASIC who think they’re running the world” was threatening to destroy his reputation.

Scared and angry, Mitchell was adamant he’d done nothing wrong, telling his legal team to mount an offence not a defence, which would eventually cost him about $3 million. “ ‘Frightened’ is not too heavy a word about the consequences of something like that,” he says of the case. “The embarrassment – that plays on your mind.” But Taylor says that while “the court case really unnerved him, I believe what I witnessed with him going through his divorce was so much worse for him. It must have been that feeling for him, ‘Oh my god, this is like my mother running away all over again.’ It’s that feeling, ‘My god, my foundation, my family is falling apart on me.’ ”

It must have been that feeling for him, ‘Oh my god, this is like my mother running away all over again.’

"Tell me, Mr Mitchell, alcohol?” That’s Harold Mitchell role-playing the questions ASIC’s barrister might have asked him, had he taken the stand during the Federal Court case at the end of last year. “You could imagine it, couldn’t you?” he says, arching his quizzical eyebrows, which are tinged with brown and thinning like the rest of his hair. His pallor is that of a workaholic who’s spent a lifetime under fluorescent lights. At the court hearing, ASIC’s lawyers had a copy of his 2009 memoir, Living Large, which rattled Mitchell. The book tells his rags-to-riches story: how he escaped a broken home, itinerant childhood and alcoholism and built his business. ASIC’s lawyers had marked the memoir with yellow sticky notes. Mitchell likes to use sticky notes to mark the books in his apartment, too. In the end, he chose to not take the stand: ASIC had brought the charges and it was its case to make.


(Not taking the stand was a blessing, if Mitchell’s appearance via video link this past October, in a separate case, was any measure. As a director of Crown Resorts, he was asked to appear before the Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority inquiry, which is examining if Crown should continue to hold a gaming licence in NSW. Mitchell was criticised for making jokes and being
flippant in his answers at the inquiry, and for his alleged lack of scrutiny in his duties as a Crown director. Lilly appeared on camera with him that time around.)


Mitchell had been a director at Tennis Australia for eight years when ASIC first questioned him. He’d been invited onto the board because of his media and advertising experience and to help value the broadcast rights. One of Tennis Australia’s biggest sources of revenue are the fees it earns from the licensing of television broadcast rights to its tournaments, both here and overseas. The most important tournament is the Australian Open, which has the highest spectator attendance of the four tennis grand slams, and draws millions in advertising and sponsorship dollars. ASIC accused Mitchell of using his Tennis Australia role to help the Kerry Stokes-controlled Seven Network win the domestic broadcast rights, and cheaply, to the sporting organisation’s detriment. The regulator was also pursuing a related case against Tennis Australia’s president Stephen Healy.

Mitchell had advised national sporting bodies on the value of broadcast rights before, including the AFL in 2000. “We used him to help us value those rights and to talk about who might be the potential bidders. He was terrific and very smart. He was very close to all the media companies,” says businessman Graeme Samuel, at the time an AFL commissioner who was co-leading the rights negotiations. Samuel is a former chair of the competition regulator, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, and a friend of Mitchell’s.

Seven has long broadcast some of Australia’s biggest sporting events, from the AFL and the tennis to the Olympics. In 2012, talks began between Tennis Australia and Seven to renew the tennis rights for another five years, starting in 2014. Seven had an exclusive negotiating period, and if there wasn’t a deal the rights would go out to tender. There were concerns rival networks Ten and Nine might not bid: Ten was struggling financially and Nine was in negotiations to secure the cricket rights, making it unlikely it could also afford the tennis.

However, it was important for Tennis Australia to create the impression of competitive tension, the perception that Seven’s rivals were nipping at its heels, in order to get the price up. “We had to get Channel Seven to bid against themselves [for the broadcast rights] and they doubled it. Kerry [Stokes] said to me later, ‘Why did I do that?’ ” says Mitchell. “Nine had the cricket, they couldn’t take [the rights]. I said to the board of Tennis Australia, look, I’ve been doing this forever with these people … [Ten] they go broke all the time.”

In May 2013, Tennis Australia’s board unanimously agreed to grant the domestic broadcast rights to Seven in a deal worth $195 million. It was almost double its previous five-year agreement, and included concessions from Seven on digital and streaming coverage, the use of archival footage and the host broadcast role. On the face of it, the sporting body had clinched a good deal in a high-level complex negotiation. Still, there was concern among some Tennis Australia directors that Mitchell had been too close to the Seven-Stokes camp. There were also concerns information had been withheld from the board about interest from Nine, Ten and global sports agency IMG. These concerns would become the foundation of ASIC’s case against Mitchell and Healy, with both men facing the risk of fines and potential disqualification as directors – ruining their careers – if it was proven they had breached their duties under the Corporations Act.

The reputational fallout for Mitchell followed after ASIC filed its case in 2018. He resigned as chair of Free TV Australia, the industry body representing the
country’s commercial television broadcasters, and also retired as chair of Art Exhibitions Australia, which brings blockbuster international shows to the country’s big public galleries. Some rich and powerful acquaintances snubbed him at functions and events, too, including at Melbourne restaurateur Sisto Malaspina’s 2018 state funeral. “There were some people – prominent and significant – who didn’t acknowledge Harold,” recalls Taylor of the funeral.

Delivering a eulogy at the state funeral for Melbourne restaurateur Sisto Malaspina.

Delivering a eulogy at the state funeral for Melbourne restaurateur Sisto Malaspina. Credit: Getty Images


“People thought, ‘Ooh, he must be guilty if ASIC’s chasing him.’ ” Mitchell delivered one of the eulogies and, with trademark showman’s flair, swapped his black jacket for a yellow one and donned a blue cravat halfway through to honour the flamboyant Malaspina. There were other occasions too, says Taylor, who has accompanied Mitchell to many gatherings, from New York Philharmonic galas to the Australian Open, a New Year’s Eve party at Crown casino and a Mediterranean cruise. She remembers a wedding they attended in Queensland where someone asked Mitchell bluntly, “Why did you do it?”

Mitchell hadn’t become successful without making enemies along the way and there were bound to be some unsympathetic to his predicament. Broadcaster and former advertising executive Phillip Adams believes the ASIC case was character-building for Mitchell: “I’m always amused whenever I see him discomfited, because as the body grew in scale, so did the ego, and a little deflation doesn’t hurt him.”

After the case began in Melbourne’s Federal Court towards the end of 2019, the headlines would be humiliating: “Mitchell and Seven sealed Aus Open deal behind closed doors, says ASIC”; “Tennis Australia director Harold Mitchell helped Seven win Australian Open rights: court hears”; “Tennis boss Harold Mitchell ‘helped Seven win TV rights’ ”; “Harold Mitchell tipped off Seven of rival Australian Open bid: ASIC”; “ ‘Giant cover-up’ over tennis TV rights”.

The strain, Mitchell says, was “massive”. Before the case got to court, friends and acquaintances had checked in on his wellbeing. He says he received a “caring” call from a federal cabinet minister. Taylor attended court with Mitchell every day. His family were not present, though his son Stuart phoned. The court case affected Mitchell mentally and physically. “I battled my weight the whole time.”

Mitchell, who quit drinking and smoking in his 20s, had always found it difficult to discipline his bulk. Across the advertising and media industries for decades, he was known as Fat Harold, with discussions about his weight often obscuring his accomplishments. His family had implored him to lose weight over the years after diets and exercise failed. Billionaire Kerry Stokes intervened once, too, warning him that if he didn’t lose weight, he’d die. At his biggest, Mitchell weighed 165 kilograms, an enormous burden for a man of five foot seven. Finally, in 2009, he underwent lap band surgery. The transformation was dramatic, with Mitchell nearly halving his weight.

But his weight exceeded 90 kilograms during the ASIC case. Mitchell says he tried to stay healthy, asking his driver, Stel, to chauffeur him to Crown during the lunch break, where he’d take a table at Rockpool, eating two pieces of whiting with vegetables. There was another reason not to stay around court during the break. The federal court adjoins the family court, which reminded Mitchell, who can’t watch TV programs or films about family break-ups or alcohol abuse, of his own difficult childhood.

In happier days with wife Bevelly, from whom he is divorced, and daughter Amanda.

In happier days with wife Bevelly, from whom he is divorced, and daughter Amanda. Credit: Simon Schluter


Harold Mitchell was born during World War II in regional Victoria to an itinerant sawmiller and an alcoholic mother. Life was hard going, as Mitchell’s family moved around West Gippsland and Mount Buller, following work at various sawmill towns. His mother repeatedly abandoned the family, and Mitchell and his three siblings would sometimes go hunting for rabbits to put a meal on the table. One day, their mother ran away for good. Aged 16, Mitchell quit school, taking on labouring work to help the family, but it wasn’t for him. There were few opportunities in a mill town, so when a notice appeared in The Age about a job for an office boy at Melbourne advertising agency Briggs & James, he tried his luck and got it. The agency was where Phillip Adams and author Peter Carey also worked. “It was like hiring Bambi,” recalls Adams.

Mitchell liked the advertising and media world, learning fast and working his way up the ladder. In his early 20s he met Bevelly; in 1963 they married. By his 30s he’d started his own business, Mitchell & Partners. It was the 1970s and a bold move for a man with a wife and two small children. But Mitchell backed himself with the same chutzpah that had driven him out of regional Victoria and a broken home, and into that Melbourne office job. “He would’ve had some difficult times running his business. He took significant levels of risk,” says Doug Flynn, a former media and advertising executive who has worked for Rupert Murdoch and Kerry Stokes, and also run global advertising group Aegis. “He’s a tough guy.”

Mitchell did have his share of difficult times, some of his own making. He got caught up in the exuberance of the ’80s, ploughing money into bad property investments including the Big Banana, and his business nearly went under. A $1.9 million loan from Kerry Packer, then owner of the Nine Network, helped him get out of trouble. From then on he stuck to selling advertising and media planning, venturing outside the sector only to join arts boards. By the 2000s his business was competing against global advertising giants, placing ads in newspapers and on radio and television networks for clients such as the federal government, Woolworths, ANZ Banking Group and Optus, with turnover of more than $1 billion.

“Harold for sure just about invented the media buying industry [in Australia],” says Annie Parsons, who ran the Australian office of global group Zenith Media until 1999, and was a competitor to Mitchell. “He built it and continued to take advantage of every development; when internet and online became an opportunity, he was at the forefront. All you wanted to do was be as big as him and effectively replicate what he had achieved. And while we had our own strategy, which didn’t even mention Harold Mitchell or Mitchell & Partners, the unsaid strategy was to try and knock that bastard off his perch. He was the benchmark of success.”

Parsons says Mitchell’s success was rooted in an incredible work ethic and strong personal relationships. He was known to be calculating and merciless with his competitors, so much so that, even now, few will speak ill of him on the record. “When he goes negative on someone, he really goes negative,” says Doug Flynn. Mitchell has said he hated his competitors, even though he and Parsons would later end up friends. “If he could have a whack at me in the press about losing a client or not winning a pitch, he would do it,” says Parsons. “It felt ruthless until you learnt business is like that.” Parsons recalls other cheap digs by Mitchell at her expense. She was on stage with him once during a debate, where he referred to her as “little girl”. “He said that with a certain twinkle in his eye, because it was another way to potentially get at me: ‘The gloves are off’. It was ‘whatever it takes to win’.”

Mitchell rarely lost clients, but when he did, he made his displeasure known. After losing a federal government account to Universal McCann, then headed by (now Seven West Media CEO) James Warburton, Mitchell called Warburton an “arsehole” in the press. When Mitchell didn’t win pitches, he also seeded doubt about his competitors among clients.

Mitchell’s success would draw the attention of Martin Sorrell, who created WPP, the world’s biggest advertising and marketing company, which today places nearly $US100 billion in annual advertising in newspapers, magazines, TV, radio and digital companies, including Facebook and Google. Mitchell says he was approached by Sorrell about selling his agency, but the discussions fell flat. After which Sorrell warned Mitchell that his business was “on the cusp” of being left behind, as the ad industry consolidated into a handful of big international firms. “He was a typical businessman, always trying to do the thing to put you off-guard,” says Mitchell. In his reply to Sorrell, Mitchell told him: “My cusp runneth over.”

A conversation with magazine editor and company director Dulcie Boling led Mitchell towards the arts in the mid-’90s. “Once he got involved in the arts, he could start to imagine being a person of influence beyond the advertising industry,” says arts administrator Ian Roberts. Mitchell didn’t just get involved in the arts, he came to dominate them – especially in Melbourne, where he’s had stints as president of the Melbourne International Arts Festival and Museums Board of Victoria, chair of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, and as a director of the Malthouse Theatre. Nationally, he’s been chair of both the National Gallery of Australia and Art Exhibitions Australia and a director of Opera Australia. His media relationships helped these organisations secure more sponsorship dollars; they in turn provided entree to the corridors of politics and power.

“He can be incredibly aggressive. He will just switch off in 30 seconds … and then completely dismiss people.”

Mitchell brought a style to boardrooms that could ruffle feathers. “Harold doesn’t like to sit through long debates, particularly if he’s formed a view in his mind of what’s wrong and what’s right,” says Graeme Samuel, who was on the Opera Australia board with Mitchell. “He’s impatient. He’s intolerant of fools. What he needs is people with strong character to say, ‘Harold, shut up for a minute, mate, and listen.’ ” This manner would later lead to conflict with several of his fellow Tennis Australia directors.

Roberts, who worked with Mitchell in the ’90s at the Melbourne International Arts Festival, and was also a chief executive of the Harold Mitchell Foundation, agrees Mitchell can be terse in meetings. “He can be incredibly aggressive. He will just switch off in 30 seconds; I’ve seen that happen and then him completely dismiss people. He doesn’t suffer fools.” That behaviour is countered by generosity, argues Samuel. “When you have someone with such intelligence and contribution, you’ll forgive and understand some of their foibles of manner and personality because the rest of it well and truly makes up for it in spades.”

Mitchell has given away at least $40 million, mainly to the arts, health and education sectors, personally and through his foundation, which was established in 2000. His giving can be eclectic. On a whim he’s paid the debts of employees and strangers. He spent $25,000 so that Russia’s Mariinsky Theatre orchestra could have its instruments restrung, and put $100,000 on his credit card buying unsold tickets at the Melbourne International Arts Festival in a year when sales were slow. When the board found out, the money was repaid. “Harold loves to cut a corner to get a win for people,” says Roberts.

When Mitchell was chair of the National Gallery of Australia, he tipped in $1 million to make up the shortfall in the purchase price of a controversial Lucian Freud painting, After Cézanne, which the gallery acquired for $7.4 million. Auction houses now estimate the painting to be worth at least $110 million. Among his bigger donations have been $3 million to the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, $5 million to the Florey Institute, $12.5 million to Victoria University and $US10 million to the New York Philharmonic. Mitchell was introduced to the Manhattan orchestra by Matthew VanBesien, whom he had got to know when they were chair and managing director, respectively, of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. VanBesien left the MSO in 2012 to join the New York Philharmonic, where he was president for five years.

Harold Mitchell with friend Nadia Taylor at a New York Philharmonic gala.

Harold Mitchell with friend Nadia Taylor at a New York Philharmonic gala. Credit: Getty Images

Mitchell has also supported East Timor, providing financial assistance to former premier Steve Bracks, who was involved in helping strengthen the small nation’s governance structures. “It wasn’t just Harold funding my efforts in supporting the government of Timor,” says Bracks. “It was him being engaged and involved as well. He came to Timor once or twice with me. I regularly briefed him on what was happening.” Mitchell has also provided assistance to those trying to bring former East Timor president Xanana Gusmão to Australia to testify in the Bernard Collaery case. Collaery is a former ACT attorney-general and lawyer for Witness K, the former ASIS officer who blew the whistle on the Australian government’s bugging of East Timor’s government offices in 2004. “Harold’s always been about public good,” says Bracks. “That’s been his abiding value.”

Mitchell was awarded a Companion of the Order of Australia for his philanthropy in 2010. The same year he would sell the 40 per cent that his family owned of his publicly listed business, which had been renamed Mitchell Communication Group, to global rival Aegis in a cash and share deal, and become chairman of Aegis’s Asia Pacific arm. The global consolidation that Martin Sorrell predicted and helped drive later saw Aegis acquired by Japan’s Dentsu in 2013. In that deal, Mitchell and his family exited, receiving about $203 million for their shares. Mitchell’s divorce from Bevelly was announced the same year.

At the end of July and early August this year, Mitchell’s mobile phone rang incessantly. Then the congratulatory text messages and emails started piling up. Ping! Ping! Ping! An email from Ros Packer. “It was the most beautiful letter from Ros. No spelling errors; she’s a good lady! I’ve always been great mates with her.” Steve Bracks, former News Limited and Foxtel boss Kim Williams and Wesfarmers chair Michael Chaney were also among those Mitchell says got in touch after the judgment in the ASIC case was released.


All charges against Stephen Healy, Tennis Australia’s president from 2010 to 2017, were dismissed and ASIC was ordered to pay his costs, estimated to be about $3 million. For Mitchell, 41 of the 44 charges against him were dismissed, which his legal team saw as a victory. “ASIC failed to come up with any plausible motive as to why, on its case, Mr Mitchell would prefer Seven’s interests over Tennis Australia’s interests,” wrote Justice Beach in his 441-page judgment. Beach criticised the construction of ASIC’s evidence in the case, saying it displayed “confirmatory bias” and that “the various cover-up and conspiracy theories that it floated turned out to lack substance”.

ASIC tried to dress up the judgment as a win, but it wasn’t. It was an embarrassing, costly loss for one of the country’s leading regulators, which was given a schooling from the judge in how commercial deals are done. Still, Mitchell wasn’t exonerated. Beach found that he’d “stepped over the line” on three occasions. It was unacceptable that Mitchell forwarded internal Tennis Australia emails to Seven’s commercial director, Bruce McWilliam, disclosed internal deliberations, and asked McWilliam to not send Tennis Australia’s then chief executive, Steven Wood, information ahead of a meeting. Beach said none of those actions caused damage to Tennis Australia.

“Harold got the appropriate judgment,” says Graeme Samuel. “The judge said he’s not guilty of a whole range of different things that were the subject of the prosecution. But he probably just went a bit too far; that’s the nature of Harold. He’s so impatient to get things done. He’s so determined to get things done. He will sometimes give the impression he’s just gone a bit too far. You roll with it.”

On November 4, Justice Beach ruled that Mitchell pay a total of $90,000 in fines for those three "serious" contraventions. He said that Mitchell's "conduct generally was undisciplined and fell well short of what was expected of a director in his position". It was less than the $150,000 in total fines that ASIC had sought.

Justice Beach wrote that the fines needed to act as a "general deterrence to ensure that other directors in analogous circumstances do not go off piste or off the reservation". He also added, "I doubt that there is much need for specific deterrence given the advanced stage of Mr Mitchell’s otherwise notable career, and the significant cost to his reputation and finances that he has already incurred as a consequence of this proceeding".

Justice Beach ruled it was not appropriate to award either Mitchell or ASIC costs. Mitchell had asked that ASIC pay 90 per cent of his legal costs.

Almost a year after ASIC prosecuted Mitchell, the regulator’s own leadership was thrown into turmoil over an expenses row, which saw deputy chair Daniel Crennan resign last month, while the regulator’s chairman, James Shipton, stood aside amid an investigation. There is little sympathy from Mitchell about the regulator’s misfortune. ASIC, which reports to Treasurer Josh Frydenberg’s department, is likely to face a shake-up. If that happens it will be keenly watched by many in the business community, including Mitchell.

Mitchell will also be keeping an eye on whether the Australian Open goes ahead in Melbourne in January. If it moves to Sydney or Brisbane, Mitchell will watch it on the Nine Network, not Seven. Nine won the tennis broadcast rights from 2019, paying $300 million in a five-year deal, after it ditched screening the cricket.

It would be “silly” to say the ASIC case hadn’t affected things, says Mitchell. “But in the end I am what I am.”

It would be “silly” to say the ASIC case hadn’t affected things, says Mitchell. “But in the end I am what I am.”Credit: Kristoffer Paulsen

For those who start with nothing and build empires and reputations, there’s the constant fear it could all just disappear. The ASIC case and the later inquiry into Crown posed that threat to Mitchell. He survived, though his reputation was tarnished in the court of public opinion. “I’d be silly to say it hasn’t affected things, but in the end I am what I am and people will judge all of that,” says Mitchell. “If you did the right thing, you shouldn’t worry, and I don’t worry.”

There remains a big hole in his life. In his memoir, Mitchell wrote that family was everything; that a happy family can give you more strength than you ever dreamed of. That was true of his life – Bevelly, Stuart and Amanda were the foundations of his success. Lately, he’s added a caveat: “Family is important as much as you can make it work.”

Many successful men separate from their spouses upon reaching retirement age. It’s especially true among the wealthy, alpha males Mitchell mixes with. He just didn’t expect it to happen to him. “Sadly, my wife divorced me after 50 years,” he says. “That one did get to me. My daughter quite rightly sees a lot of her mum, therefore I don’t see her. I’m sure we’re the best of friends. It seems that’s difficult. As a result, I don’t see those four grandkids. I can live with that, I don’t want to make life difficult for them.” He hopes one day to rebuild those relationships. “They’re getting on with their life. They have a good mum and a good grandmother. I’m forever an optimist. I’ve had a pretty good life.”

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