

This was published 4 years ago


There's a way to fix the biggest structural problem in Australian education

By Adrian Piccoli

The biggest structural problem in Australian education is that a broken school choice model is driving an ever-growing segregation of students between schools.

Australia ranks as the fourth most segregated education system in the OECD. In Australia, more than half of our disadvantaged students are concentrated into disadvantaged schools while less than 5 per cent of disadvantaged students attend advantaged schools.

School choice has not delivered the education outcomes Australia needs.

School choice has not delivered the education outcomes Australia needs. Credit: Brook Mitchell

The current structure of Australian education with one free, publicly funded sector and another sector that receives public funding but charges fees to parents sets us apart from most other countries around the world. We are structurally unique, and not in a good way.

Students from higher income families and socially advantaged backgrounds tend to be more concentrated in non-government and selective public schools while students from disadvantaged backgrounds are more concentrated in other schools.

In Australia, public schools enrol 66 per cent of all students but 79 per cent of students from the bottom socio- educational advantage quartile. Higher performing countries like Canada, Finland and Japan don’t have this kind of segregation.

It’s not just school fees at non-government schools that drive this segregation problem. Public school systems also segregate students based on academic achievement and other "desirable" attributes through selective schools. The MySchool website further fosters unhealthy competition between schools for the most desirable students.

If Australia wishes to have a world-class school system, the current structure of schooling and the inequity it creates is not going to take us there.

One idea to improve Australia’s equity problem is for governments to fully publicly fund all schools including those that are operated by the non-government sector.


Yes, yes, publicly funding all schools is a very big structural change with multiple complexities to resolve. Given that complexity, Australia could start by fully funding all primary schools using the same needs-based funding formula for all schools irrespective of who operates the school.


Full public funding wouldn’t come without conditions – non-government operated primary schools would not be allowed to charge fees and must enrol, suspend and expel students on the same basis as public schools.

This idea is neither new nor radical. Canada has operated this way for decades and finds itself with an education system far more equitable and much higher performing than Australia's.

It is a radical idea for Australia and never really taken seriously before because of the cost. But given public funding of non-government schools has reached such a high point, the government might as well bite the bullet and fully fund them as public schools.

Eliminating primary school fees means the cost is no longer a factor when parents look to choose a school. State and territory governments would continue to operate public schools and the existing, mostly faith-based organisations, would continue to operate their schools. Faith-based schools could still teach religion as they do now.

If some schools still want to charge fees, then that’s OK but they won’t be entitled to any government funding, in which case they can enrol whoever they like.

Australia would then have much more equitable education system where all schools and all students are funded on the same basis and have the same enrolment rules.

The additional cost of full recurrent public funding of all non-government primary schools is estimated to be about $500 million a year across Australia. Given Australian governments spend almost $60 billion a year on school education this equates to a relatively small investment into what would be one of the most significant funding and structural reforms of Australian education.

The public education lobby would initially find such a suggestion of fully funding non-government schools to be outrageous until it remembers this is what it has been arguing for, for decades. In a sense, all primary schools will become public schools and won’t need to charge fees. With cost no longer a barrier, the discriminatory impact of fees that public education advocates have always railed against will no longer exist.

It would make sense to match this reform to a reform of public selective schools particularly in NSW where they proliferate. If our aim is to make education more equitable in this country, then we cannot continue to further crowd advantaged students into some schools while we leave other schools to do a disproportionate amount of the heavy lifting.


I get that this is a big leap and there would be hundreds of complexities to resolve. I have been a minister and I know that structural reform is hard. While there is constant public and political demand to "fix" Australian education the necessary structural changes are always off the table because the existing structures are so entrenched. The problem with that rhetoric is there is no real fix without major structural reform. It’s like telling someone to renovate a house but only allowing them to change the carpet.

The clear lessons from other school systems around the world is that equity matters if we want to achieve excellence. Without difficult structural changes in Australia, continuing to invest ever more money into an already inequitable education system will have limited impact.

That’s why this could be just the change we are looking for.

Adrian Piccoli is director of the Gonski Institute for Education and a former NSW education minister.

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