

This was published 4 years ago

'Carolyn would still be here': Advice after earlier death wasn't followed

By Jocelyn Garcia

Changes that could have been made after an inquest into the death of a cyclist in Brisbane five years ago might have saved nurse Carolyn Lister's life, a cycling advocate believes.

Instead, history repeated itself.

Carolyn Lister was killed on Tuesday.

Carolyn Lister was killed on Tuesday.Credit: Twitter

Ms Lister died when she was hit by a truck while cycling on Bowen Bridge Road near the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital on Tuesday.

Following the death of Danish tourist Rebekka Meyer after she was struck by a truck at a notorious Brisbane intersection in 2014, coroner Christine Clements delivered inquest findings on December 9, 2015.

Her recommendations included amending the Transport Operations Regulation 2009 so motor vehicles must stop behind a bike with optimum visibility and that conventional-shaped heavy vehicles be fitted with blind-spot technology.

Both recommendations were not implemented by Transport and Main Roads.


Space for Cycling Brisbane spokesman Chris Cox said both accidents could have happened to any experienced cyclist.

"If the recommendations five years ago had been done then there is a good chance Carolyn would still be here today," he said.


"Knowing [Ms Lister] was literally across the way to work, right at the end of her journey, it cuts deep.

"The fact that this one feels like it could have been prevented is where our frustration comes from.

"There is no blame on the driver.

"It's the lack of action from those coroner’s recommendations."

Brisbane cyclists have long called for changes, including improving intersection designs to separate cyclists and vehicles.

Brisbane cyclists have long called for changes, including improving intersection designs to separate cyclists and vehicles.Credit: Robert Shakespeare

Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey said the Active Transport Advisory Committee was established with Brisbane City Council to hold its first meeting next week, with a focus on increasing bike-riding safety.

"The idea of mandating sensors on trucks so they can detect if a cyclist or pedestrian is in their blind spot is a good one, but to be effective it needs to be applied nationally, as heavy vehicles are now regulated nationally," he said.

"It’s certainly something I will seek to put on the agenda for discussion with other state transport ministers at the next meeting of the Transport Infrastructure Council.

The Transport Minister said that because Brisbane City Council was responsible for managing most of Brisbane’s local inner-city road network, "it would need to consider options for what is appropriate on those roads".

He said building bike paths to separate riders from motor vehicles was the best way to increase safety.

"Last week we opened the latest $45 million stage of the Veloway 1, which is a 17-kilometre separated bikeway freeway between Eight Mile Plains and the CBD.

"We’ve also recently finished two sections of the North Brisbane Bikeway for safe access to the CBD and we’ll start building the next 4.5-kilometre section later this year."

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