

This was published 4 years ago

Penelope Seidler: 'I still have his clothes hanging up'

By Benjamin Law

Each week, Benjamin Law asks public figures to discuss the subjects we're told to keep private by getting them to roll a die. The numbers they land on are the topics they're given. This week, he talks to Penelope Seidler. The architect and accountant, 81, is the director of architecture practice Harry Seidler & Associates. In 2014, she was the subject of Fiona Lowry’s Archibald Prize-winning portrait.

"My husband's mantra – which I follow, too – could be summed up in the expression, 'Make the most of the least.'"

"My husband's mantra – which I follow, too – could be summed up in the expression, 'Make the most of the least.'"Credit: Tim Bauer


Are you a religious person, Penelope? No, I’m not a religious person.

Have you ever been? No, I’ve never been religious. I’m interested in different religions, but it seems to me that everybody who’s religious thinks theirs is the only true one. They can’t all be true. But a lot of them have a lot to commend. The Christian religion teaches more or less nice things. But I’m opposed to fundamentalists in any religious group.

Zealots are never fun, are they? No. Martin Luther defied the Catholic Church, but then there were thousands of people murdered all over Europe because of Protestants versus Catholics. It seems to me such a silly thing to fight about. Now there are zealots with Islamic State. Appalling.


Did you grow up with faith? I went to a Presbyterian school. My mother was Presbyterian, I think my father was Church of England, but they didn’t pass it on to me. My daughter is Christian and that’s fine for her, but I don’t quite get it.

If not from religion, where do you get community? The architecture community; the arts community. I’ve got plenty of community! [Laughs]

What about a sense of meaning. My late husband [architect Harry Seidler] used to say to me, “What have you done for the world today?” It’s that sense of social purpose, that one should make the world a better place. Do constructive things, not worthless things.


Where do you get inspiration from? Great artists. Music. Writing. Creative people give me huge inspiration.

In Christianity there are ten commandments. Do you have any commandments for design?
My husband was a very strong architectural philosopher, and his mantra – which I follow, too – could be summed up in the expression, “Make the most of the least.”

Feels like a principle for life. Yes, I think excess is unfortunate.


You’ve landed on death. Sombre topic, this one. Well, I think a lot about death. I’m 81, so it’s getting near! [Laughs] At my age, my husband had his death stroke. [Harry Seidler had a severe stroke in 2005 and died the following year.] That’s 15 years ago. I’m trying to clear up things in my life, so that when I die there won’t be a mess.

How else have you been reflecting on the fact you’re the same age as Harry when he had his stroke? I’m used to it now. But I miss him every day. I live in the house we both designed in 1967; it’s where I’m sitting now. You know, I still have his clothes hanging up. And shoes. All his books. Books by the bed. He could walk in now and take over where he left off. Nothing’s really changed.

Tell me something about Harry that might surprise people. Something few people would know. Oh! [Laughs] What can I tell you? Oh, he was very sweet. He was really motivated by architecture. He liked the music of Johann Sebastian Bach. He liked travelling. He liked photography. And he liked me.

What kind of person would you want to receive a fellowship or scholarship named in your honour? Somebody who wanted to set the world on fire. That’s what Harry did. He never stopped working. So you’ve got to be clever. You’ve got to be determined and have a positive attitude. Most of all, you’ve got to be creative.

How do you feel about the idea that your designs will outlive you? Oh, I think that’s good! Think of lawyers – workers who do something ephemeral. Architects’ work? Look around you. There it is. No, no – that’s the good part! I mean, what do people remember about lawyers?

If you could design your final resting place, what would it be? I’ll be cremated. Near the house where I’m sitting now, there’s a waterfall and a creek. Half of my husband’s ashes were put in the Danube – this is what he specified – and the other half will go in the creek with mine when I die. It’s in my will.



What was it like, seeing Fiona Lowry’s Archibald Prize-winning portrait of you for the first time? Fabulous, because she got me in a pensive mood. It wasn’t just smiling. It was thoughtful. Sometimes I’m looking in the mirror and I see that face. I bought the painting.

What have you enjoyed about your 80s? Oh, that I’m still alive. [Laughs] I don’t know. It’s all right. You don’t worry so much when you get older.

Is there anything about being in your 80s – or ageing generally – that you resent? No, you can’t do much about it. But I keep my body good. I swim and I’ve got a wonderful trainer.

Wait, you have a personal trainer? Who makes me do terrible things! But it’s for the good. I go on the rowing machine and on a bike – quick things that get your heart rate up.

When was the last time your body failed you? Around three or four years ago. I was keen on bike riding, but I had an accident in Italy. Rather dramatic. Two hospitals and two ambulances. In the end, it was fine, but it suddenly makes you feel vulnerable. I had an electric bike and I put my foot on the pedal and it just sort of took off and I went over the top. Knocked down. I was with my sister, and it ruined our holiday. But I’m still alive. It’s all right.

When was the last time your body came through for you? Every day! I’m very pleased. I’m in good shape.

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