

This was published 4 years ago

Labor reviving 'Mediscare' tactics with Australia Post campaign, government says

By Fergus Hunter and Nick Bonyhady

The Morrison government has accused Labor of reviving its "Mediscare" campaign tactics in a high-stakes row over Australia Post, with the Senate crossbench set to decide the fate of changes to letter deliveries that a union claims will threaten one in four postie jobs.

Labor says the government "deliberately deceived" the public when it announced regulatory changes in April that would reduce the frequency of letter deliveries to every second day in metropolitan areas and extend the required delivery time for intrastate letters from three to five days.

Australia Post is facing pressure over changes to letter deliveries.

Australia Post is facing pressure over changes to letter deliveries. Credit: Justin McManus

A Labor disallowance motion that could sink the changes, set to be debated in the Senate this week, faces an uphill battle with One Nation signalling it may withhold crucial support. Amid a flurry of last-minute lobbying, the union representing postal workers accused Australia Post of using COVID-19 to reheat plans to cut jobs.

Justifying the changes that would allow posties to be redeployed to the booming parcel delivery business in response to the COVID-19 crisis, Australia Post said in April letter volumes had collapsed 50 per cent on some days and unaddressed mail, used by businesses as promotional material, had fallen 70 per cent.

On Monday, the postal service released data showing addressed letters in March were down 7 per cent on the same month last year, 15 per cent on April 2019 and 32 per cent on May 2019. Unaddressed letters were down 22 per cent, 54 per cent and 47 per cent in the same periods.


Labor communications spokeswoman Michelle Rowland said the new figures showed the first numbers disseminated were misleading and actual declines appeared to be "beating or in line with the internally budgeted pre-COVID forecasts".

She labelled the initial figures a "hoax" and said they were used to justify changes that put posties' jobs in limbo.

"The Morrison government has tried to use a health pandemic to bypass consultation and ram through an agenda that cuts services and cut jobs," Ms Rowland said.


As the Senate considers the fate of the regulatory changes, Australia Post chief executive Christine Holgate took the unusual step of writing to senators, criticising "false claims", insisting the regulatory relief was temporary and would not result in forced redundancies or wage cuts.

In a statement on monday, Mr Fletcher said: "Labor's baseless scare campaign about Australia Post is Mediscare all over again."

He said letter volumes were way down and parcel volumes way up, with COVID-19 accelerating those trends and necessitating changes allowing the postal service to repurpose 2000 posties.

"That means more job security for posties – as they are redeployed to the growth part of the business – and better services for Australians, who are buying lots more online, which in turn means many more parcels to be delivered," he said.

Shane Murphy, national president of the Communication Workers Union, accused Australia Post of peddling "false figures" using the coronavirus to cut 2000 posties' jobs out of a workforce of 8000.

A confidential 2018 internal Australia Post report obtained by the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age included a plan to slow down mail deliveries to make savings estimated at more than $200 million a year, but did not recommend the plan because of a potential "clear reduction in customer service" and "reputational risk".

Other options, including "remove delivery frequency" from the standards the postal service is required to achieve, were recommended, but it is not clear whether they were adopted and Australia Post has previously described the report as "comprehensively outdated".

One Nation, whose votes are critical to blocking the government's change, met with a delegation from Australia Post on Monday and will hold at least one more meeting with the union before coming to a final decision.

A senior source close to the party, who was not authorised to speak, said it was leaning toward supporting the government because it was not convinced there would be redundancies on the scale the union claimed.

Centre Alliance Senator Rex Patrick said he was still awaiting briefings before making up his mind.

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