

This was published 4 years ago

BHP partially halts mine expansion plan to consult with Aboriginal group after backlash over heritage sites

By Hamish Hastie

Mining giant BHP will halt plans to expand parts of its South Flank mine in WA's Pilbara and engage with the Aboriginal owners after it received approval to destroy 40 heritage sites days after rival Rio Tino blew up a 46,000-year-old cave site.

The iron ore miner gained ministerial consent on May 29 to destroy the Aboriginal heritage sites, just five days after rival Rio Tinto caused widespread anger when it destroyed the Juukan Gorge site at its Brockman 4 mine in WA.

Hundreds rally outside Rio Tinto's Perth headquarters following the destruction of a significant Aboriginal heritage site.

Hundreds rally outside Rio Tinto's Perth headquarters following the destruction of a significant Aboriginal heritage site. Credit: Marta Pascual Juanola

The Banjima people are the traditional owners of the land where South Flank is located.

Archaeological survey documents showed some of the sites could have been occupied up to 15,000 years ago, and correspondence between an archaeological adviser to the Banjima people and the WA government showed they believed there were actually 86 sites of heritage value and were deeply opposed to the destruction, The Guardian reported on Thursday.

BHP had issued a statement on Wednesday saying it worked well with the Banjima people but did not comment on whether it would reconsider the approval. But on Thursday afternoon, it revised its stance and said the miner would not disturb the area covered by the Section 18 approval without further study of the sites and consultation.

"This will include further scientific study and discussion on mitigation and preservation," a BHP spokeswoman said. "That consultation will be based on our commitment to understanding the cultural significance of the region and on the deep respect we have for the Banjima people and their heritage."


The spokeswoman said Section 18 consents were one part of the company's heritage management approach and she highlighted the land-use agreement process, which allowed traditional owners to identify, map and agree on areas that required the greatest protection.

"We seek to avoid, minimise and manage heritage impacts co-operatively with traditional owners," she said. BHP committed to the $4.5 billion South Flank iron ore mine in 2018, predicting it would create 2500 construction jobs and 600 ongoing operational roles.


Banjima corporation chair Maitland Parker said they had only just received notice of the Section 18 decision and would need time to consider it in detail before commenting but as a matter of lore and culture, it did not support the destruction of sites of cultural significance.

Mr Maitland said the Banjima people stood with the Puutu Kunti Kurrama and Pinikura people in abhorrence at the destruction of the Juukan rock shelters as well as other groups suffering the threat of, or having recently experienced, similar site destruction.

WA Aboriginal Affairs Minister Ben Wyatt, who faced calls to resign for approving the Rio Tinto blast at protests in Perth earlier this week, approved BHP's application under the WA Aboriginal Heritage Act. He said through the process the Banjima people did identify a new significant site that was not included in a list of 72 exclusion zones identified in the land-use agreement signed in 2015.

Mr Wyatt said he did not receive an objection to the Section 18 application, although he did encourage BHP to work with the Banjima people to avoid disturbing the newly identified site regardless of the approval.

Mr Wyatt defended his decision to approve BHP's application and said he wanted less government involvement in negotiations between companies and native title holders.


“As Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, I want to see impacts to Aboriginal sites limited to the practical extent possible. I am also a great believer in self-determination for Aboriginal people and support native title groups using their hard-won rights to make commercial agreements with land users,” he said.

“The ability to negotiate such agreements is one of the real tangible benefits which come from the often long and torturous process to have native title rights recognised.

“Companies such as BHP make significant investment decisions on the basis of these agreements with native title groups which in turn generate substantial benefits.”

The WA government is in the process of reforming Aboriginal heritage legislation, which would end the Section 18 process and reinforce the need for land users to negotiate directly with traditional owners. “Native title holders are the bodies best-placed to made decisions about their own heritage places,” Mr Wyatt said.

“Australia has a sad history of governments deciding what is in the best interests of Aboriginal people.”

WA Greens MP for the mining and pastoral region Robin Chapple is a vocal critic of the land use agreements, which he said left traditional owners with a decision to receive payment for the destruction of heritage sites or fight it and risk the government intervening and have it happen anyway without compensation.

“You're caught between the devil and the deep blue sea,” he said.

On Tuesday hundreds of protesters rallied outside Rio Tinto's Perth headquarters calling for the resignation of Rio Tinto chief executive Chris Salisbury, and state and federal Aboriginal affairs ministers Ben Wyatt and Ken Wyatt following the Juukan Gorge blast.

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