

This was published 4 years ago

The perfect storm: how COVID-19 unleashed chaos inside Newmarch House

By Deborah Snow

If Grant Millard could have his time over again, he's clear on one thing. He would not have kept Newmarch House's elderly COVID-19 patients at the Anglicare-run facility for treatment but would have sent them all to hospital.

"Absolutely, no question, I would say that now," he told the Herald in his first in-depth explanation of the calamity, which began unfolding inside the residential aged care home from April 11 after a staff member was first diagnosed with the killer virus.

Anglicare chief Grant Millard says it proved impossible to get the number of registered nurses they needed on site, at least for the first 10 days of the outbreak.

Anglicare chief Grant Millard says it proved impossible to get the number of registered nurses they needed on site, at least for the first 10 days of the outbreak.Credit: Janie Barrett

"You can't expect hospital-like service from a residential aged care provider."

The outbreak at Newmarch, the nation's second worst after the Ruby Princess fiasco, infected a total of 71 residents and staff and has taken 16 lives.

Millard, the CEO of Anglican Community Services, has now lifted the lid on the confusion that prevailed inside the outer western Sydney facility as it scrambled desperately to overcome severe shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) and find enough expert nursing staff to care for its frail aged coronavirus victims.

And he's painted a picture of uncertainty over which government authority was in overall charge as the sheer scale of the outbreak became apparent.

"Right at the outset there was frustration about who we needed to take directions from," he tells the Herald.

"Was it the Commonwealth government, because we are a Commonwealth-regulated aged care provider; or was it NSW Health because of public health orders? It was an odd dance between state and federal health, and [there were] differences of opinion. Anglicare was very much in the middle seeking direction about who do we take instruction from."

It's a claim denied by federal aged care minister Senator Richard Colbeck, who told the Herald there was no confusion over roles and that "the [relevant] state or territory health department has responsibility for the overarching public health response, even within an aged care facility."


Colbeck says a senior group, meeting twice-weekly, was set up to help manage the Newmarch outbreak, including federal and state representatives, a staffer from the aged care regulator, a senior doctor, a commonwealth medical officer and an infectious diseases expert as well as Millard himself.

But the Anglicare chief insists lack of clarity remained about which protocols to apply and who was responsible for them.

Family members of residents gather outside Anglicare's Newmarch House in Caddens on May 5.

Family members of residents gather outside Anglicare's Newmarch House in Caddens on May 5. Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

As an example, Millard cites the decision by the state health department to preference caring for the stricken residents in situ, rather than by way of transfer to hospital.

"The biggest issue, that multiple people have commented on, was the question of why weren't these people taken to a hospital? Big question. Very early on it was very clear to us that the state health approach was to have a containment of the outbreak. I won't say at all costs, but their priority was to achieve containment, and [their] solution to containment was to keep these people in the home.''

That meant, he says, not "facilitating" the movement of residents out to the relevant hospital, which was Nepean. Instead, the approach of NSW officials was to treat residents in place under the state's "hospital-in-the-home" program.


That didn't mean denying a resident's wish to be transferred to hospital if they really wanted more aggressive treatment such as ventilation, he concedes. (Seven did move out for treatment). But it is telling that, in the end, only two of the 16 COVID-19 deaths occurred outside the home.

In response to questions from the Herald, a NSW Health spokesperson defended the treatment protocols, pointing to nationally agreed guidelines on managing COVID-19 in aged care facilities which state there'll be "transfer [of] residents to hospital only if their condition warrants".

The spokesperson also accused Newmarch of "struggl[ing] to comply with their responsibilities under the national guidelines" and said NSW Health then "assisted in providing infectious disease specialists, palliative and geriatric specialists".

But Newmarch was not a hospital, and it was unrealistic to expect it to function like one, Millard argues. ‘Hospital-in-the-home' care might have sounded "sensible" in theory but had drawbacks when applied in an aged care facility (as opposed to being delivered inside an individual's home).

For a start infection control was a far greater challenge. Newmarch, as a residential facility, had been fitted out for familiarity and comfort, with carpets, soft furnishings and each resident's treasured possessions on site. There were not the wide corridors, holding bays and easily swabbed down spaces that a hospital provides.

A second significant hurdle was drastic shortages of PPE [gowns, shoe covers, masks, gloves] in the first week or more of the outbreak, coupled with gaping staff shortfalls.

Newmarch had built up some PPE stocks prior to the outbreak. It believed it had assurances from a range of suppliers that more would be forthcoming if needed. "Our preparedness was solid," Millard insists.

But when the crunch came the promises evaporated. "People would tell you, ‘yes, no problem' but when you actually started knocking on the door, pushing and shoving on the door, there ain't nothing inside," he says.

"The assumption was that when we had an outbreak, access to the national stockpile would be easy, it would just flow. It didn't flow as quickly as it needed to."

Workers leave Anglicare's Newmarch House on May 5. Millard says his staff had cared for residents with ''tremendous compassion”.

Workers leave Anglicare's Newmarch House on May 5. Millard says his staff had cared for residents with ''tremendous compassion”. Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

While there was enough protective gear to care for those who were COVID-19 positive, it wasn't sufficient to cover staff attending other seemingly non-positive residents, he says. "And that's a key learning for everybody about an outbreak. You must assume that every resident in that home is positive." He insists however that "good medical care was being delivered".

Now fully equipped, Newmarch is churning through a staggering number of protective items each day: 2000 gowns; 12,000 gloves; 50 sets of goggles; 400 shoe covers; and 30 face shields at a total cost of $21,000 daily. The vast majority of items get used once and are then thrown out. Even an interaction as simple as setting up a resident with an iPad to call home requires kitting up.

"It was the perfect storm," Millard says. "I don't think everyone understood at that stage that you have to apply a clear strategy of [assuming] everyone is positive until proven otherwise … Every interaction has to be with full PPE, and the maths just follows."

On the staffing front, Millard says it proved impossible to get the number of registered nurses they needed on site, at least for the first week to 10 days. While Anglicare had invested in a reserve staff force, this proved insufficient to compensate for the sheer numbers of workers that had to be sent home to self-isolate as the outbreak escalated.

He describes Tuesday, April 20, as the "blackest" day for understaffing.

"On that day, across the 24 hours, we had only nine registered nurses when we were looking to deploy 28, which is what we have now," he says. "There were eight or nine agencies we were working through; they just couldn't supply that many people."

Newmarch was so desperate for staff on April 20 that the residential manager and the clinical care expert put in place by NSW Health, Professor James Branley, had to pitch in with tasks as fundamental as managing residents' bathroom needs.

Millard acknowledges the Newmarch team was stretched too thin at that time to attend to communicating effectively with families, who grew increasingly anxious with some setting up a protest site outside. That prompted a personal intervention from NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard, who spoke to Millard about it.

"Was it good? No, it was not acceptable," he concedes. "But the context that we were in, our priority was seeking to provide care to the residents; all our efforts went into that."

Colbeck rejects any suggestion that the Commonwealth fell short. He says the federal offer of workforce support was initially refused because Anglicare itself said it had adequate contingency plans in place. "When these plans were unsuccessful, the Commonwealth began supplying and continues to supply a majority of the Newmarch workforce," Colbeck told the Herald.

He also says Newmarch has been the only facility where the aged care regulator has had to issue a formal notice of compliance in relation to COVID-19 – as it did last week when it insisted Anglicare appoint independent adviser Andrew Kinkade or risk losing its licence. Colbeck says he wants the current federal royal commission into aged care to examine the Newmarch outbreak so "we understand properly what has occurred here."

Millard says he accepts that intervention by the regulator. "If I was in her (Janet Anderson, the aged care quality and safety commissioner) shoes I would do the same thing". But he says the situation now is "vastly different to what it was three, even two weeks ago."

NSW Health says "the apparent incapacity of the Anglicare management to comply with its obligations" had prompted Hazzard to ask the Commonwealth to develop a protocol dealing with situations where "an aged care facility cannot fulfil its obligations under the national guidelines".

The starkly different perspectives of the parties remain, and will only be resolved with an inquiry.

Millard says he's not seeking to blame-shift. But he believes a "grave injustice" has been done to his staff. One family described to him how carers had sat with their mother singing to her as she died. "These people [the residents] have been well loved and cared for with tremendous compassion," he insists. "To the extent that people are saying that this is uncaring, and there is negligence, it is so wrong."

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