

This was published 4 years ago


Trust is back – and it's governments we're putting our faith in

By Allan Behm

Trust is the bedrock on which the security of citizens and the security of the nation ultimately rests. When individuals have trust in themselves, in each other and in the government, they feel secure. When nations trust their domestic institutions, their neighbours and the global institutions that underpin the international rules-based order, they also feel secure.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison with New Zealand counterpart Jacinda Ardern. Citizens of both countries highly rate their governments' reactions to the pandemic.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison with New Zealand counterpart Jacinda Ardern. Citizens of both countries highly rate their governments' reactions to the pandemic.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

In recent decades, trust has been in decline globally. The OECD reported in 2017 that, on average, less than half of OECD countries’ citizens (42 per cent) have trust in their national government, a decline of three percentage points since 2007. This is consistent with research by the Pew Research Centre on the decline in public trust in the US government over six decades and similar research by the Australian Electoral Survey, which reported declining levels of trust in government over more than two decades.

Yet in ground-breaking research released this week, the Australia Institute records that, at a time when the world is facing a crippling pandemic, trust in government in six OECD countries is at an all-time high. People in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Italy, South Korea and the US are looking to their governments to lead their national responses to the COVID-19 virus and the economic recovery that must follow.

While the coronavirus is affecting different nations around the world in very different ways, the one unifying response is the high level of trust in government. New Zealanders were the most positive about their government’s overall reaction, with 83 per cent support. On this count, Australians were the second most positive, with seven out of 10 saying the government’s response had been good or better.

The strong levels of support for government in Australia and New Zealand say much for the effectiveness of the safety nets established in both antipodean nations. Perhaps those supports can help to explain why Australians recorded such high levels of satisfaction with government while also being the most fearful of future job losses and the equal most likely, along with the US, to report having already lost their employment.


Government was the most likely source of advice to be deemed trustworthy across the nations surveyed, with information coming from family and friends the second most trusted source. Even in the US, where the lowest rate of confidence in official advice was recorded, three in five said they trusted what the government said.

And when it comes to which institution is best trusted to lead the economic recovery from this point, government was the overwhelming favourite in all the nations surveyed.

These results show clearly that governments can win trust in a time of crisis, but history suggests sustaining trust over an extended period of time is a far greater challenge.


There is no easy way to develop lasting confidence in government but, as economist Thomas Piketty has pointed out in Capital and Ideology, reducing economic and social inequality engenders trust and militates against the nationalistic reflexes that derail it.


Citizens in democratic countries enjoy giving their governments a bit of stick in times of relative calm. Healthy public criticism of those in power and robust debate about the decisions they take help to keep our democracies strong and vibrant. But in times of crisis the citizens rally behind their governments as they seek security, in both the personal and national sense of the word, and a guarantee of their family and community wellbeing.

While the Prime Minister may want to promote the virtues of a business-led recovery, the Australia Institute’s research makes it evident that people in the six OECD countries polled want government to be at the centre of economic recovery. This poses a dilemma for the Morrison government, as it looks to neoliberalism for its default approach to economic management.

The health and economic response to the current crisis has been a serious challenge for democratically elected governments the world over and each nation will emerge from this crisis changed in some way. Reassuringly, so far at least, faith in government has not fallen victim to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This augurs well for the personal and economic security of all Australians, so long as government accepts its role to lead the economic recovery, and not to franchise its responsibility to a corporate sector more interested in company profits than in the welfare of the citizens or the security of the nation.

Allan Behm is head of the international and security affairs program at the Australia Institute, an independent think tank.

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