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This was published 4 years ago
Read about a new COVID-19 treatment study? It probably won't work
By Liam Mannix
Most new drugs that show promise as potential COVID-19 cures will not end up working, scientists caution, and many are toxic.
Last week, publicity around a tiny French study of hydroxychloroquine led to Australian and worldwide shortages of the drug and at least one death. Another study has since contradicted its findings.
A scanning electron microscope image shows a sample of COVID-19 isolated from a patient.Credit: NIAID-RML
A new Australian study released on Friday showing the anti-parasite treatment ivermectin eliminated the virus in a test tube led to a surge in demand at some pharmacies for the prescription-only drug, The Age can reveal. Some are now reporting shortages.
“Hydroxychloroquine last week, ivermectin this week, and it will be something else next week,” said Dr Gaetan Burgio, head of an infectious diseases lab at the Australian National University.
All the studies done on potential COVID-19 treatments so far are far too small to indicate whether a drug might work, experts told The Age.
The French study on anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, which is also used to treat arthritis, had just 26 people as test subjects. The ivermectin study was done in test tubes, using a dose far higher than normally given to humans.
Even when they succeed in a dish, the vast majority of drugs don’t work when then tested on lab mice, let alone humans, Dr Burgio said. Successful drugs typically take five to 10 years to go from dish to clinic, he said.
“You have no idea how many times I have cured malaria in a dish. When we go into a mouse – not even a human – pretty much 99 per cent fail,” he said.
But many people are not waiting for full data to come in.
Australian dentists had to be banned from prescribing hydroxychloroquine after writing out bulk doses for themselves and their families, leading to shortages for patients who really need it.
Hydroxychloroquine is available only with a prescription. A different form of the compound is sold as fish-tank cleaner. After US President Donald Trump told people to start taking the drug, one man in Arizona bought the cleaning version, took it, and died.
“The public is vulnerable in their thirst for info about COVID-19, especially anything that provides hope,” said Henry Woo, a professor of surgery at the University of Sydney.
"These stories can provide false hope.
“There are a lot of things that can destroy the virus in a Petri dish – like kerosene.”
Associate Professor Chris Freeman, the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia's national president, called for news outlets to include prominent warnings in stories about COVID-19 clinical trials. A government ad campaign warning against taking unproven drugs would also be useful, he said.
Monash University researchers published on Friday the study showing the anti-parasite drug ivermectin could eliminate SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
The university’s press release noted the experiment was done in a test tube using extremely high doses of ivermectin and warned people not to take it.
Local media outlets carried headlines suggesting the drug was a “breakthrough” that “may hold answer to coronavirus cure”, or even “could be the cure for COVID-19”.
"Ivermectin has shown to be effective in the lab environment. However, we have been very clear that it cannot be used in humans for COVID-19 until further testing and clinical trials have been completed," a university spokeswoman said.
“There is a fine line between hope and hype, and some reporting on potential COVID-19 treatments has crossed this line,” said Lyndal Byford, director of news at the Australian Science Media Centre.
“These sorts of claims have the potential to undermine public trust in science and medicine, at a time when we need it the most.”
Developing a new drug is a multi-stage process, with the chances of success slim at every stage.
Drugs are first tested in a test tube. Results at this stage nearly always do not translate to humans.
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Then, the drug will be tested on animals to see if it is safe and effective. Many drugs fail at this stage.
If a drug works on animals, it can be given to humans. But only about one in 10 drugs that begin human clinical trials ever end up being approved for human use.
Liam Mannix is a board member of the Australian Science Media Centre, and Nine Newspapers is a financial supporter of the centre.