

This was published 5 years ago

'Ad-hoc decisions', overloaded principals: where NSW education reforms went wrong

By Jordan Baker

Eight years ago, the NSW government made what it called "the most far-reaching changes to school education in the state in more than a century". Under the reforms, the bulk of NSW's multibillion-dollar schools budget was taken away from the Department of Education and given to principals.

Local principals knew their students' needs better than head office, so they should be making the decisions about how school money is spent, the government decided. But less than a decade later, many in the sector - including new minister Sarah Mitchell - believe the Local Schools Local Decisions reforms gave schools too much freedom, and left the department fighting to claw back influence over what happens in public school classrooms.

The NSW government called Local School Local Decisions "the most far-reaching changes to school education in the state in more than a century".

The NSW government called Local School Local Decisions "the most far-reaching changes to school education in the state in more than a century".Credit: Janie Barrett

Most schools make good choices. But at some, "there's ad-hoc decisions," says one insider. "The ether is full of stories about decisions made to run programs that have nothing to do with the school's needs, but rather about whatever takes the principal's fancy. The 'let 1000 flowers bloom' approach has its limitations." Others say the policy has created a system of silos and crippled the department's ability to affect change across 2200 NSW public schools. A large chunk of Gonski money is being handed to schools, with little record of how it is being spent, let alone any idea of whether it's being spent well.

The latest international student test results, released late last year, brought the problem to a head. NSW's decline has been among the steepest in the world Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) since tests began in the early 2000s, and the government is under pressure to act. Premier Gladys Berejiklian last week stepped in to declare that the status quo is "no longer tenable" in the state's education system.

The merits of school autonomy have been debated for decades. One of its chief proponents,  professor Brian Caldwell, argues it improves student outcomes, but only when school leaders make good decisions. "The questions I would be raising ... would be, 'are you satisfied that the principals and teachers know how to use their funds well, or are they just spending money without a good educational plan?'" he says.

In NSW, senior policy-makers have been mulling over that question and are unhappy with the answer: they simply don't know.

NSW was late to school autonomy. The United States, Britain and Victoria have been moving down that path for much longer, believing principals are best placed to respond to their students' needs. But, as is often the case in education, there are wildly divergent views. Proponents say tight central control of school systems can undermine teachers and lead to timidity; critics say too much autonomy leaves schools isolated, and at risk of going rogue with bad ideas.

The Coalition promised schools more freedom as part of its 2011 election platform. A year after it won government from Labor, it introduced Local Schools Local Decisions, axing a thick layer of support staff within the department - the specialists that would travel from school to school, offering curriculum, or reading, or assessment support - and redirecting that money to schools to fund the services they needed.


"The department used to be much more centralised and directive, and offered a lot of expertise in terms of curriculum implementation and teacher learning support," says one education executive familiar with the reform. "It was decided to put decision making into the local context, where it was genuinely believed principals would have better insight."

Principals were empowered to choose the direction of their school, which many saw as only fair since their results were being scrutinised on the My School website. Now, instead of being sent a French teacher when parents preferred Chinese, the school could hire the teacher it wanted. If students had special needs, the principal could pay experts to train their staff in teaching kids with disabilities. About 50 per cent of staffing decisions were left to the school, giving the principal more power over the workforce.

Former education minister Adrian Piccoli, now head of the Gonski Institute for Education.

Former education minister Adrian Piccoli, now head of the Gonski Institute for Education.Credit: Nick Moir

"Principals were saying, 'we've got NAPLAN ... if we are going to be accountable for results, we need to have greater discretion on how we are going to apply the input into our school'," says Adrian Piccoli, who was the education minister responsible for the reforms. "You can't say, 'you've got to do this the same in every school, then expect them to deliver results in very different schools'."

This financial freedom did not amount to much at first; most of the school budget was soaked up by staff costs, with a little left over for teacher training programs. But when NSW signed up to the Gillard government's Gonski school funding scheme in 2014, extra money for disadvantaged students (known as Resource Allocation Model, or RAM, funding) began flowing for schools to spend as they wished.

While about 60 per cent of schools received less than $250,000 per year, just over a third were given up to $1 million, and five per cent of schools received more than $1 million. About 66 schools were given more than $1.25 million, according to an analysis of the 2016 funding. With this money, schools were able to buy whatever learning programs they chose, and not necessarily ones endorsed by the department; fund teacher training by whatever provider they fancied - and there are many businesses, of varying quality, fighting for a slice of that market; and choose whether they would spend the left over on extra teachers, fancy white boards, or a set of latest-generation iPads.

But there was no way for the department to monitor exactly where that money went, whether the programs or training bought were of good quality, or whether it led to any student benefit. The department had effectively lost control of millions of dollars. "Limitations in financial and systems data meant that we were unable to determine exactly what each school's RAM equity loading allocation was spent on," a 2018 evaluation by the department's Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation found.

The lack of accountability has been worrying senior executives.

Principals are required to upload their school plans and discuss them with their director but beyond that, they face few questions about how their decisions will lead to better outcomes. "They didn't design [Local Schools Local Decisions] for accountability and they should have," says one senior public servant. "There was nothing to describe what [a good school] looks like, nothing to describe what needs to be done. It was not thought through. It was thought that ... that money was coming to them from Gonski and they would know where to direct it. They didn't know, they were used to having a bit of guidance."

Without knowing what schools are spending their money on, there is no way of working out whether they are they are spending it well. "We're not only giving decision-making power to schools, but we've also lost track of the data to tell us how it's spent, how decisions are made, and how it's evaluated," says Ben Jensen, chief executive of education consultancy Learning First. "We've handed over decision-making responsibilities, but we haven't said, 'this is how you need to make decisions'."

Responding to questions from the Herald, Mitchell acknowledged the problem and said she would wind back the policy, focusing on ensuring investment decisions are focused on teaching and learning. "I am unhappy with the policy and it is clear that changes are necessary," she said.

Education Minister Sarah Mitchell has acknowledge problems with Local Schools Local Decisions.

Education Minister Sarah Mitchell has acknowledge problems with Local Schools Local Decisions.Credit: Janie Barrett

The department has introduced a few guidelines since Local Schools Local Decisions was introduced. The Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation, an evidence institute, develops advice on best practice,  although schools do not have to follow it, and often don't. A report recommending synthetic phonics as a key ingredient in the teaching of reading was not only widely ignored by many schools, it was also explicitly rejected by the Primary Principals' Association and the NSW Teachers Federation.

In 2014, the School Excellence Framework laid out out the characteristics of a good school to address uncertainty among principals. Schools must assess themselves against the framework every year, and have those assessments reviewed by a panel of peers every five years.  One Nation MP Mark Latham, chair of NSW Parliament's education committee, doubts its effectiveness. "Schools are wilfully ignoring it in significant numbers," he says.

New targets in areas such as literacy, numeracy and wellbeing (which some believe are heavy-handed) will let the department monitor schools' results in these areas against benchmarks, triggering intervention if the targets are not met. That intervention will be tailored to suit the school's circumstances; some low-performing schools might need lesson plans, while others might need extra staff training. Latham is critical of that, too. "It's in its infancy, and ... the department can only come in by agreement," he says.

One Nation MP Mark Latham, chair of NSW Parliament's education committee.

One Nation MP Mark Latham, chair of NSW Parliament's education committee.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

But the front line of school accountability remains the Directors of Educational Leadership, former principals responsible for overseeing 20 schools each. They're the ones who are supposed to have tough conversations with principals about their decisions, but some wonder whether they are effective enough. "Do they have enough insight to offer that really useful support?" wonders one official. "The other problem is the work they do to support improvement has to come second to the fires they're putting out - their jobs are very operational, and are about keeping schools open and kids safe."

Critics of Local Schools Local Decisions come from across the political spectrum. Latham argues it "has created an ethos and mentality in the system [among some schools] that they're more like satellite schools," he says. "It's given schools the ability to fail and keep on failing without any central correction."  His fellow committee member, Greens MP David Shoebridge, opposes it too, but on the grounds that it is creating too much work for principals, who are being forced to spend less time on teaching and learning because of mounting paperwork.

The NSW Teachers Federation is another opponent, arguing Local Schools Local Decisions has robbed the department of its ability to implement system-wide change. "We've lost that expertise - the curriculum experts, the drug and alcohol advisers - that was able to drive change in schools, to satisfy identified priorities," says president Angelo Gavrielatos. "In the absence of the capacity to do so, there are no levers to influence the direction of school policy."

One official involved in implementing Local Schools, Local Decisions argues the policy is being blamed for a deeper problem; that some principals are better than others, and many are struggling under their vast suite of new responsibilities, which includes fire safety plans, chasing contractors and managing budgets. "I suspect the real issue is the variability in the quality of principals," he says. "If they don't think they have enough quality leaders to put in schools, perhaps they should be putting more energy into that."


Latham points out that performance management of principals is rare; only seven have been put through a formal improvement process in the past five years. "The two issues [Local Schools Local Decisions] and principal quality march together. A low-quality principal with freedom ... can quickly wreck a school."

But acting president of the Secondary Principals' Council Craig Petersen says principals are unhappy with Local Schools Local Decisions, too. There has been little support to help them through some of the biggest changes, such as managing budgets, and the time once available for focusing on education is now spent on compliance paperwork. Discretionary staffing means attracting teachers to disadvantaged schools has become harder, further soaking up time.

The schools receiving RAM funding also argue it is still not enough to meet the complex needs of students, especially as public schools still have not been given their full funding allocation under the school resourcing standard. Many are using that money to bring in allied health workers such as speech pathologists and psychologists, because the services some students desperately need are not being provided anywhere else. Their stress has skyrocketed. "Does [the department] know what schools are spending their money on?" says Petersen. "Do they know the finer detail? Probably they don't, that's why you have principals in schools."

Piccoli says there is no silver bullet in education, but Local Schools Local Decisions had led to overall improvement. "You can't blame [it for] every inadequacy," he says. "It gives public schools less discretion over their budget than independent schools, and probably about the same - maybe a bit less - than Catholic schools. The great criticism of public education was it was this command and control, the bureaucracy tells schools what to do, and that was a problem."


Now that Mitchell has announced Local Schools Local Decisions will be rolled back, her challenge is finding the right balance between autonomy and intervention. Dahle Suggett, a former deputy secretary of the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet, researched the issue for the Australia and New Zealand School of Government, and found that the solution is neither autonomy nor centralisation, but a new model in which education departments can help schools with their decision making.

"It shouldn't be this great festival of choice, that's not good educational programming," she says. "It's about how do you get the best educational programs in the right place for the right student? Anything that is flippant, or plucked out of the air due to its novelty is not that. Schools need to be able to choose, but they need to be supported to do that responsibly."

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