

This was published 4 years ago

FAANG v WAAAX: The outlook for our tech darlings

By Scott Phillips

I’ve been conducting a little experiment. When the opportunity arose, I’ve been asking people about their technology habits.

The question was simple: Do you use at least one of these companies – Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix or Google?

FAANG stocks are together worth about $6 trillion – three times as much as all the shares listed on the Australian Securities Exchange.

FAANG stocks are together worth about $6 trillion – three times as much as all the shares listed on the Australian Securities Exchange.Credit:

In my limited and woefully unscientific test, only one person used less than two of them.

These big five are truly at the vanguard and not just in our lives as consumers. They are the stock market giants of our age.

How giant? Well, the largest of the five, by market capitalisation, is Apple. And, depending on the day, it alone is worth more than the entire value of all the shares listed on the Australian Securities Exchange.


Yes, that's right, if you wanted to buy Apple outright, you would have to hand over every share of every ASX company to meet the $2 trillion-plus price tag.

And the others in the group are massive, too. These FAANG stocks are together worth about $6 trillion.

They came to prominence as a group, in part because of their stunning success, but also because they have, at different times over the past five years, been responsible for close to half of the gains in the US stock market. That makes them "must own" stocks.


Not to be outdone – in either excitement or acronyms – Australian investors now have our own technology darlings to obsess over.

Ours is WAAAX – WiseTech, Appen, Altium, Afterpay and Xero.

As in the US, these companies have been anointed in part because they are technology stocks and in part because their share prices have also been on a huge run.

While the FAANG stocks are up 46 per cent over the past 12 months, our home-grown WAAAX companies have put on an astounding 85 per cent.

I don’t have to tell you that those sorts of gains are both remarkable and extraordinarily rare.


The developed world’s stock markets tend to add about 10 per cent per year, on average.

The Australian sharemarket gained about 25 per cent – including dividends – last year, which was astonishing and unexpected. So, the 85 per cent gains of the WAAAX stocks was truly incredible.

Why did the valuations of our technology darlings rocket so much? Well, our companies are smaller and younger, so they technically have more raw potential than the already mature FAANGs.

Now, that’s a double edged-sword, too. The valuations of the WAAAX stocks, as measured against sales or earnings, are also much, much higher than the FAANGs. Which, I’m sorry to say, also increases the risk of investing in them.

So, that takes us nicely to the only thing that matters to investors: What’s next? And, for fun (and profit), which of these tech groups is likely to win in future?

Sheer dominance

Now, I’m the first to say that short-term forecasting is impossible, so I have no idea where share prices might zig or zag this year.

However, here are the cases for each of the US and home-grown technology plays.

For Team FAANG, the upsides will come from the sheer dominance of these companies.


Many are still growing sales at double-digit annual rates, despite their huge sizes. And at a time when our slow-growing supermarket chain Woolworths is trading on a price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio of 36, Apple’s 27, Google’s 32 and Facebook’s 35 don’t seem too demanding.

Of course, even the best companies can’t grow strongly forever, so their size is seemingly something of an albatross to be carried, limiting their potential.

Here at home, the circumstances are reversed.

Our WAAAX stocks, as impressive as they are, have a combined market value of less than 1 per cent of the FAANGS. They are earlier in their lifecycles, meaning there is plenty of potential growth left. And they are already growing fast.

The risks, however, include the sheer valuation expectations – WiseTech’s P/E is 140, Altium's is 67, Appen is on 61, while Xero’s is in the thousands. Afterpay isn’t even yet profitable.

I’m on record as saying Australian investors have gotten ahead of themselves when it comes to technology valuations: these are great businesses but there’s little room left for disappointment.

At the very least, investors in Australian technology companies should be prepared for a bumpy ride.

The WAAAX companies are growing nicely, but if, as a group, they can almost double in value in a 12-month period, they can fall quickly in the wrong circumstances, too.

Investing in these companies isn’t for the faint hearted and should be done only as part of a diversified portfolio.

Scott Phillips is the Motley Fool’s chief investment officer

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