

This was published 4 years ago

Hospital accused of training staff to sign private patient forms to boost revenue

By Dana McCauley

A Sydney hospital embroiled in a fraud scandal has been accused of offering a $500 incentive to boost private patient "conversions" in the public emergency room and training staff to sign consent forms on behalf of patients too sick to pick up a pen.

According to a person with knowledge of the case, who spoke on condition of anonymity, Northern Beaches Hospital management trained staff in the patient liaison team to "sign or initial for patients who were too unwell to do it themselves".

The Northern Beaches Hospital allegedly trained staff to sign forms on behalf of sick patients.

The Northern Beaches Hospital allegedly trained staff to sign forms on behalf of sick patients.Credit: Gabriele Charlotte

"Our target rate was to get 45 per cent conversion to private," the person said.

"If we succeed in this goal per quarter term we would be given as a gift, a $500 Visa card voucher."

NSW Police are investigating a former patient liaison officer sacked by the hospital for allegedly forging the paperwork to admit hundreds of emergency room patients as private patients, so the hospital operator Healthscope could bill their health insurers.

In an email to senior management seen by The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, a former Healthscope manager said she recalled telling the patient liaison officer it was permissible to initial for a patient if they were "unable to provide a full six signatures" on the required consent forms.

This approach was "acceptable at the time of training ... especially in the case of elderly Department of Veterans' Affairs patients", the email said.

It is understood the practice was banned by hospital management after a NSW parliamentary inquiry heard in September patients were being pressured to use their private health insurance for services they were entitled to for free in the public system.

Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt will write to the state's Health Minister Brad Hazzard to demand answers about the $500 bonus allegation, which has not been denied by Healthscope.


A spokesman for Mr Hunt said the minister was "not aware" of the practice, and would write to Mr Hazzard to "seek his assurance that NSW public hospitals do not induce patients to use their private health insurance when they are entitled to receive the same care for free".

"All Australian patients have the right to be treated free of charge in a public hospital on the basis of clinical need," the spokesman said.

A Healthscope spokeswoman declined to confirm or deny the allegation the hospital offered cash incentives or had private patient conversion targets.

The Northern Beaches hospital operates under a controversial public-private partnership model with 60 per cent public beds and 40 per cent private beds, with critics arguing this creates a conflict of interest by incentivising the operator to shift patients to private beds.

Australian College of Emergency Medicine past president Simon Judkins said public hospital staff were under pressure due to budgets cuts, saying "treasurers and health officials need to be accountable, not an individual under pressure to raise hospital funds".


Dr Judkins said action was needed to address "the mess that is hospital and health funding", which had been met with "cost-shifting, poor budget planning, demand outstripping supply and everyone with unreachable [key performance indicators]".

A spokeswoman for Mr Hazzard said all Australian residents "have a right to be treated as a public or private patient in a public hospital".

"These rights are enshrined in the Medicare principles," the spokeswoman said.

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