

This was published 4 years ago

Fire conditions to ease but smoke lingers for Sydney until Saturday

By Natassia Chrysanthos

More stable weather conditions around Sydney are set to bring a slight reprieve to firefighters battling blazes on the city's outskirts, however Sydneysiders will continue to confront thick smoke haze until at least Saturday.

A southerly wind change dropped temperatures by more than 10 degrees and eased the smoke on Tuesday afternoon after the city had reached peaks of 42 degrees earlier in the day and air quality had reached five times the "hazardous" level.

But while cooler temperatures and lesser winds forecast for the Sydney region over the next few days will bring more favourable conditions for firefighters, senior climatologist at the Bureau of Meteorology, Agata Imielska, warned the hazardous smoke haze would persist as long as bushfires burned. "It'll be another few weeks if not longer, depending on the weather conditions," she said.

The Three Mile fire in the Hawkesbury burned at emergency level on Tuesday afternoon before it was downgraded with the southerly change, while smoky conditions at the Green Wattle Creek fire south-west of Sydney reduced visibility for firefighters.


Ten fires were burning at "watch and act" level at 5.30pm, with 81 burning across the state and 39 yet to be contained.

Warmer weather and dry thunderstorms in the state's north, which were developing on Tuesday afternoon and are forecast until the end of the week, could exacerbate bushfires as they bring lightning without rain.

"That's not good news in terms of potentially being an ignition source," Ms Imielska said. "The main thing we need is rain, and we don't have any significant rain in the forecast to help with bushfires or clear the air."

A total fire ban will be in place for the Central Ranges, Northern Slopes and North Western region on Wednesday, while there is a "high" fire danger for regions including Greater Sydney, the Hunter and South Coast.


Former Fire and Rescue NSW Commissioner Greg Mullins on Tuesday voiced fears for thousands of volunteer firefighters, many of whom had been working 12-hour shifts and travelling up to two hours each way to reach fire grounds.

RFS crews continued to contain the Gospers Mountain Fire north-west of Sydney on Tuesday.

RFS crews continued to contain the Gospers Mountain Fire north-west of Sydney on Tuesday.Credit: AAP/Dean Lewins

"Everyone is getting pretty worn out and, in my experience, that's where all the bad stuff happens," he said. "People will step up. Firefighters - they are men and women who give their all - they will do whatever is asked of them and more, but I do fear for their welfare."

Prime Minister Scott Morrison praised the efforts of volunteer firefighters at a media conference in the Sydney CBD on Tuesday.

"These crews, yes they're tired, but they also want to be out there defending their communities," he said. "We do all we can to rotate the shifts to give them those breaks but equally, in many cases, you've got to hold them back to make sure they get that rest. I thank them all for what they're doing."


At an earlier press conference in Kirribilli, Mr Morrison said: "As we can see here, standing on the lawn in Sydney, there are fires across Australia today ... I would ask people to take great care and to follow the advice and the warnings that have been provided and to stay safe and to exercise appropriate judgement."

With AAP

Clarification: An earlier version of this article said Prime Minister Scott Morrison did not comment on the smoke haze at a media conference in the Sydney CBD. Comments made at a conference in Kirribilli earlier in the day have been added to this story.

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