

This was published 4 years ago

Summer Reading 2019: 10 short stories by 10 big authors

Illustration by Simon Letch.

Illustration by Simon Letch.Credit:

When we decided to publish our inaugural Summer Reading issue last year, we didn’t know quite what to expect. Ten authors, most of them novelists, reflecting on an aspect of the year just gone, from Tim Winton and Heather Rose to Markus Zusak and Jane Harper.

The response was overwhelming: hundreds of readers wrote in via email, snail mail and social media to tell us how much they loved the issue. We also created a tea towel and fine art print of Simon Letch’s delightful cover illustration, which proved extremely popular, too.

Today’s issue, our last for 2019, introduces another 10 authors to the Summer Reading alumni. Michael Mohammed Ahmad, Charlotte Wood, Kristina Olsson, Graeme Simsion, Tara June Winch, J.P. Pomare, Chloe Hooper, Bri Lee, Tony Birch and Ceridwen Dovey: a big thank you for your moving, real-life reflections, from everyone here at Good Weekend. To you, our readers, we hope you savour their stories over a happy and safe summer holiday season. Good Weekend is now off on leave: we will return on January 18, 2020.

- Katrina Strickland, Good Weekend Editor

"I prayed that God would take Kahlil from me and his mother." Illustration by Simon Letch.

"I prayed that God would take Kahlil from me and his mother." Illustration by Simon Letch.Credit:

Michael Mohammed Ahmad: 'I sat silently, watching that front door like a mouse watching a tiger'

His heart thudding, a father returns to his local mosque in the aftermath of the Christchurch massacre.

"It’s about surrendering to the great unconscious, about each cold submersion gradually reconciling us to our hidden fears." Illustration by Simon Letch.

"It’s about surrendering to the great unconscious, about each cold submersion gradually reconciling us to our hidden fears." Illustration by Simon Letch.Credit:

Charlotte Wood: 'I know the sea has changed me'

Unnerving experiences with water deposit dark undertows in a child’s subconscious. Decades later, the psychic power of swimming helps wash them away.

"It is visceral and real: the recognition of your own flesh." Illustration by Simon Letch.

"It is visceral and real: the recognition of your own flesh." Illustration by Simon Letch.Credit:

Kristina Olsson: 'You have to hold on tight, or you might lose it. A child, love'

A family discovers a daughter, granddaughter and sister, 21 years after her birth. And with her comes an unexpected freedom.

"At one time the road must have been busy, a stream of cars forcing pedestrians onto the protected footpaths which are now closed off." Illustration by Simon Letch.

"At one time the road must have been busy, a stream of cars forcing pedestrians onto the protected footpaths which are now closed off." Illustration by Simon Letch. Credit:


Graeme Simsion: 'The chemin takes us through villages that are not on any tourist itinerary'

On a long-distance path through Europe, two walkers find silence and solitude – and a hotel owner in saintly despair.

"I thought about how our family’s sorrow cannot be attached to the shortness of his life." Illustration by Simon Letch.

"I thought about how our family’s sorrow cannot be attached to the shortness of his life." Illustration by Simon Letch.Credit:

Tara June Winch: 'I didn’t lean in, heal or overcome. I wasted days, buckled into grief'

The sudden death of a sibling is as painful as it is shocking. The year’s end, then, is a chance to reset your moorings, and re-find hope.

"I had relegated this affliction to a trivial condition not worthy of my or anybody else’s attention." Illustration by Simon Letch

"I had relegated this affliction to a trivial condition not worthy of my or anybody else’s attention." Illustration by Simon LetchCredit:

J.P. Pomare: 'I was happy that day, so where had these unwanted tears come from?'


Those random bouts of uncontrollable crying and enormous emotion? Unsettling, but hardly worth seeking help for, he’d figured. This year was different.

Illustration by Simon Letch.

Illustration by Simon Letch. Credit:

Chloe Hooper: 'Children, to know the world, analyse this plane!'

Pacified by screens, disdained by staff and surrounded by plastic: plane life is a microcosm of the world below.

Illustration by Simon Letch.

Illustration by Simon Letch.Credit:

Bri Lee: 'All our people waved to us from outside our old home as we veered off into the sunrise'

New city, new home, new life: funny how it’s the people you’ll miss the most who help make it happen.

"The guilt I felt so acutely for several months has left me for the time being. I expect it will revisit me occasionally in the future. After all, guilt rarely dies." Illustration by Simon Letch.

"The guilt I felt so acutely for several months has left me for the time being. I expect it will revisit me occasionally in the future. After all, guilt rarely dies." Illustration by Simon Letch.Credit:

Tony Birch: 'My brother had trusted me, and I had betrayed that trust'

Driven by childhood guilt, a grieving man resolves to find his dead sibling’s bike, stolen 47 years ago, and in the process discovers a hidden truth about their relationship.

"A low-grade panic began to bloom in me. We still had hours of hiking ahead of us, in full sun." Illustration by Simon Letch.

"A low-grade panic began to bloom in me. We still had hours of hiking ahead of us, in full sun." Illustration by Simon Letch.Credit:

Ceridwen Dovey: 'It would be a nod to those younger selves who’d fallen in love around a campfire'

The plan: leave the kids with the grandparents while wife and husband reconnect in the NT wilderness. The reality: flies, more flies, and water running dangerously low.

To read more from Good Weekend magazine, visit our page at The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and Brisbane Times.

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