

This was published 4 years ago

'My hand is on my heart': Jacqui Lambie votes with government to repeal medevac legislation

By David Crowe and Rob Harris

The Morrison government has repealed refugee medical transfer rules and restored its border protection regime amid uproar in the Senate over a "deal that dare not speak its name" with Tasmanian independent Jacqui Lambie.

The Coalition gained support from four of the six crossbenchers in the Senate to repeal of the regime by 37 to 35 votes shortly after 11am on Wednesday, dismantling rules that were passed over government objections in February to restore the full discretion of federal ministers to accept or reject medical transfers to Australia.

An emotional Senator Lambie declared she would vote for the repeal of medevac because she was satisfied with the conditions to be applied to asylum seekers wanting medical assistance.

"I did not accept that we could just go back to the way things used to be and I asked myself how we'd have to do things differently," she said.

"I'm not being coy or silly when I say I genuinely can't say what I proposed. I know that's frustrating to people. And I get that. I don't like holding things back like this. But when I say I can't discuss it publicly due to national security concerns, I am being 100 per cent honest to you."

Greens leader Richard Di Natale immediately accused the government of lying over the vote because Finance Minister Mathias Cormann claimed there was no "secret deal" while Senator Lambie said there was.

An emotional Senator Lambie has voted with the government to repeal the medevac legislation.

An emotional Senator Lambie has voted with the government to repeal the medevac legislation.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Senator Lambie had pushed for a shift in government policy on settling refugees in New Zealand but the government resisted the idea of accepting the New Zealand government's offer to take 150 refugees each year from Nauru and Papua New Guinea.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison left room to resettle asylum seekers in third countries in a press conference after the vote.


"The only undertaking we've given is to implement our policies – that's it," Mr Morrison said.

"The government's policy is that we seek to resettle people who are on Nauru."

Asked several questions about any commitment to Senator Lambie, the Prime Minister said: "She has an assurance the government will implement its policies."

Asked if the New Zealand option could be on the table after settlements in the United States are exhausted, Mr Morrison said: "The government is always looking at ways in which it can resettle those who are on Nauru."

Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton said 654 refugees had been settled in the US from Nauru and Manus Island, while another 251 had gained "provisional approval" to travel to the US and 21 of those approved refugees had come to Australia under the medevac rules.

Mr Dutton also rejected the argument from human rights groups that asylum seekers needed to come to Australia for treatment, arguing instead that asylum seekers were getting the help they needed in Papua New Guinea, Nauru or Taiwan.

Mr Dutton said 51 contracted health professionals were providing services to 258 people on Nauru and Manus Island.


The Coalition has 35 votes in the upper house and needs four of the six crossbenchers to gain the 39 votes required for a majority. It repealed medevac with support from Senator Lambie, independent Cory Bernardi and the two One Nation Senators, Pauline Hanson and Malcolm Roberts.

While the government avoided any show of jubilation after the vote, the outcome is a significant victory for Mr Morrison after last week's defeat on industrial relations law, a delay to religious discrimination law and weeks of questions over Energy Minister Angus Taylor.

The government cleared the way for the final outcome with a series of procedural votes in the Senate that went ahead smoothly, with Senator Lambie never wavering in her support, guaranteeing the numbers against Labor, the Greens and Centre Alliance.

Labor Senate leader Penny Wong accused the government of striking a "deal that dare not speak its name" and attacked the attempts to force a vote in the Senate on Wednesday without full disclosure of any agreement.

The government leader in the upper house, Finance Minister Mathias Cormann, dismissed the attack by arguing Australians knew where the government stood on border protection.

"There is no secret deal. There is no secret," he said.

When Labor attempted to stall the process by moving that the bill could only be considered after the government produced the documents showing its deal with Senator Lambie, the government secured the numbers to press ahead toward a final vote.

Senator Hanson argued for the restoration of the government regime by claiming asylum seekers were "swallowing stones" to claim the need for medical help in Australia so they could apply to stay.

"How many of those people have actually been sent back? None. They are using it as a back door to get into the country," she said.

"We will be supporting this bill very, very strongly."

One Nation senators Malcolm Roberts and Pauline Hanson also voted to repeal the legislation.

One Nation senators Malcolm Roberts and Pauline Hanson also voted to repeal the legislation.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Speaking after the repeal, Senator Di Natale warned of the harm to asylum seekers.

"Medical care is a fundamental human right, and today the government, along with Senator Jacqui Lambie, voted to remove that fundamental human right to people who are suffering," he said.

"It is cruel, it's brutal, and it is a sign that this is a government that will do whatever it takes to keep this secretive and brutal regime under a shroud of secrecy."

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