

This was published 4 years ago

Students kept on their toes with the biggest overhaul of the HSC in 20 years

By Jordan Baker

If meme-creation was a subject in the HSC, the entire class of 2019 would be on the honours list. Their Facebook groups are thick with clever captions, mostly casting the examining authority, NESA, as a villain intent on ruining their lives. Students' response to exams over the last month could be measured in meme activity afterwards, and on that gauge, section two, question six of the first English paper was the worst of the lot.

"To what extent does the exploration of human experience in The Crucible invite you to reconsider your understanding of love?" the paper asked, prompting a collective wail from school halls across the state. Students had expected questions on the more obvious themes in the Arthur Miller play - judgment, jealousy, persecution - not a left-field one about love.

"The Crucible: an allegorical text about the McCarthy era and the mass hysteria caused by the social and political injustices in America," one student posted. "NESA: LETS MAKE EM WRITE ABOUT LOVE. Arthur Miller: aM i A jOkE tO yOu¿!¿!"

Illustration: Dionne Gain

Illustration: Dionne GainCredit:

But for NESA, otherwise known as the NSW Education Standards Authority, this was the point. Amid concerns too many were pre-preparing and memorising answers, the new English course, tested for the first time this year, was intended to keep students on their toes. It was one of 16 new courses in the biggest overhaul of the HSC in 20 years, which was aimed at bringing the content up to date (faxes were removed from the physics syllabus), facilitating deeper exploration, and encouraging critical thinking.

The problem with the old courses was explained in the draft NSW Curriculum Review, released last month. Many educators thought the Higher School Certificate was encouraging memorisation, rote learning and regurgitation. During consultation for the review last year, one principal described the exams as "plagued by gaming, plagiarism and academically-shallow learning". But regulators knew about these problems, and were already taking steps to address them.

NESA is not actually a comic-book villain. It is an agency of educators who run the enormous enterprise that is the HSC, and lose significant amounts of sleep every year as the exams approach. Will the trucks get the exams to the right schools? Has there been a typo in a question? But when new courses are tested, anxiety is even higher. Schools must be across the new material. Students must know expectations have shifted. If just one teacher missed the memo and taught an old syllabus, it would be a disaster.

"We haven't struck that," says NESA chief executive Paul Martin. "The teachers of NSW are pretty switched onto the HSC. Given the scale of the changes, and the potential for things to be criticised, we would say it's a resounding success to this point."

For English students, this year's exam has been a case of back to the future. Since the syllabus was reviewed in the early 2000s, students have been required to look at texts in relation to a theme, such as belonging or discovery. If the book was Pride and Prejudice, "they had to try to find Pride and Prejudice through the lens of belonging, rather than looking at [it] as a standalone work," he said. "So we got rid of that lens, and ... students had to interpret the questions about the text then apply their knowledge." This year's questions would have been familiar to those who sat English in the 1990s, when a similar approach was used.


Head of the English Teachers Association of NSW Eva Gold says the previous course lent itself to pre-prepared essays partly because it had been around so long. "Everything had been asked, everything had been gone through," she said. "It was written for a five-year window. It remained there for 20 years." But it also focused on the principles of literature, which was more conducive to pre-preparation. "What [the new course] encourages is the development of students' own voice and own ideas. And the exam paper actually supported that," she said.

The new history courses focus more on depth of understanding than breadth of content. The Russian course, for example, dives deeper into Stalin and cuts back on the Bolsheviks. Extra Asian options were added, and students have to study at least one non-Western country, such as China - The Cultural Revolution to Tiananmen Square. "There's more focus on historical methods, and how history is interpreted," says Martin. "There's also something on the contestability of the past, students learning that it's not a concrete and settled issue."

This year there were 16 new courses in the biggest overhaul of the HSC in almost 20 years

This year there were 16 new courses in the biggest overhaul of the HSC in almost 20 yearsCredit: Marina Neil

Major changes were made to the sciences, including two new courses - one of them culminating in the first-ever online exam - that focused on scientific literacy. Elizabeth O'Connor, head of science at Sydney Girls High, described the new science extension option as a "completely different style of course. It's about being really critical about, 'what do we mean by science'? The things we teach in physics, chemistry, it's established knowledge. Here we are looking at the philosophical underpinnings, the uncertainties."

Physics - one of four exams yet to be sat this year - and chemistry came under the microscope, too. Again some features of the 1990s examinations were reinstated. Critics argued physics had veered too close to social science, "so we put a lot of maths back," says Martin. "We made it probably closer to the papers of the past, a bit harder in terms of computational physics." Chemistry underwent similar changes, with subjects such as shipwrecks and the chemistry of art removed, and more maths included.

President of the Science Teachers' Association of NSW Margaret Shepherd says physics and chemistry students used to have more scope to explain their thinking in words, but now the emphasis was on numbers and equations. She is not sold on the new approach, and worries some students are not cognitively ready.

Preparing the courses has also been an intensive exercise for teachers. "The more experienced teachers who taught pre-2000, they'll be fine, [but] some of the newer teachers will struggle with the content," says Shepherd. "It will take a bit of time for them to become experts themselves. It happens when you bring in new content."

But she has welcomed many of the changes - "the spectroscopy [interaction between matter and electromagnetic radiation] in chemistry has been quite exciting" - and is enthusiastic about the new courses. "Investigating Science is brilliant," she says. "It teaches them to master the ability to look at things and solve problems scientifically, and to be critical of the science they read about."

One exercise she uses in teaching students about fact or fallacy is a website about the plight of the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus. "It has all the scientific information, everything is spot on, but the whole thing is made up," she says. "You give it to the kids, you watch them looking and all of a sudden they get frowns on their faces, and hands shoots up. That's the sort of thing Investigating Science teaches them to do."

The standard maths course was also re-written, with new courses in the harder, calculus-based subjects to follow next year. "There are more real-world applications in there," Martin says. "There's an argument that maths is a very abstracted discipline, but that being able to apply that abstracted discipline is essential, for standard students especially." More finance and statistics were included, plus numeracy skills to help students meet the minimum standard required to receive their HSC, which will be introduced from next year.


Across all the new courses, the number of in-school assessments has been capped to avoid too much student stress, greater emphasis has been put on depth than breadth of knowledge, and exam questions have been redesigned to reward analytical skills rather than rote learning.

In his government-commissioned review of the curriculum, presented in draft form last month, Professor Geoff Masters called for changes to the HSC, including a reduction in the number of subjects, reduced emphasis on the final exams for some subjects, and closer alignment between academic and vocational subjects. Many of the teachers who have spent the past few years learning the new HSC courses are worried they'll soon have to do it all again."Everyone has been very much under the pump for two years, they are exhausted," says Shepherd. "We don't want to go back to the drawing board."

But Martin says the new courses have begun to address some of the issues raised in the review. "I couldn't say at this stage, but I would imagine that HSC ... will be the last cab off the rank [when it comes to changes]," he says. "We understand the amount of work teachers have done ... and we are not going to be disturbing them with new courses in the short term. It may well be that a lot of the stuff Professor Masters wanted us to do has already been done."

And Martin, a former English teacher, admits The Crucible question was tough, but says all students were in the same boat. And "if you know that text, there's not a lot of love in that play. You have the answer there".

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