

This was published 4 years ago

Royal rumble: Harry and Meghan declare war on a prickly British institution

By Nick Miller

The official christening photo of Archie, the first son of Harry and Meghan.

The official christening photo of Archie, the first son of Harry and Meghan.

There is a sacred, prickly and powerful institution in Britain that you attack at your peril.

In fact, there are two. The royal family, and the tabloid press.

So when they come to blows, watch out.

Harry and Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, are on the warpath. They have instructed lawyers in two separate legal actions, they have announced they are going to stand up to newspapers' "bullying" behaviour "which scares and silences people", they have condemned a "British tabloid press that wages campaigns against individuals with no thought to the consequences".

One of those individuals being Meghan, who the couple said was being attacked with "relentless propaganda … on a daily and sometimes hourly basis".

Meghan and Harry arrive at an event in Johannesburg.

Meghan and Harry arrive at an event in Johannesburg. Credit: Getty Images

But the red-tops aren't waving white flags. Far from it. The Sun this Friday ran a long piece on "Windsors at War", a grab-bag of gossip about Meghan's alleged "snub" to Prince Charles, a side-swipe at the couple having "rushed" into marriage, a stab at their "millennial staff who do not give a damn about royal traditions", and a quote from a "senior insider" warning the pair not to conduct themselves in "a disruptive and disreputable manner", hint hint.


They creatively interpreted Meghan's complaint about the British stiff upper lip as "a direct attack on the monarchy itself" and reported that "some say" Harry shares his mother's "tendency to have a victim complex and be deeply paranoid".


It's going to be quite the royal rumble.

It began in Africa. In the last week of September, Harry and Meghan set off on their first overseas tour as a family, taking five-month-old Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor along.

One of the journalists on the trip was Tom Bradby, an ITV news presenter and former royal correspondent who is a friend to both Princess Diana's children.

His job was to make a documentary about the trip – which aired last Sunday.

The end result was "not necessarily the one I was expecting", Bradby wrote afterwards. "[A] human story gradually emerged of a couple who clearly feel under the most extreme pressure and seem, at times, to be buckling beneath it."


Bradby found the couple "bruised" and defensive even before the trip, thanks to a slew of stories in the media endlessly picking over Meghan's family background, accusing her of arrogance, profligacy and hypocrisy, and reporting splits and tensions in the wider royal family.

Bradby witnessed during the trip an "incredibly tired, even burnt out" Harry.

The documentary caught the couple's pain and anger.

"I will not be bullied into carrying [on] a game that killed my mum," Harry said. Her death was a "wound that festers", which he recalled "every time I see a camera, every time I hear a click, every time I see a flash".

Meghan said "I really tried to adopt this British sensibility of a ‘stiff upper lip' … but I think that what that does internally is probably really damaging", revealing her friends had warned her the "British tabloids will destroy your life" and that being a new mum and newlywed had added to her vulnerability.

The documentary was a bombshell. But not the first.


Halfway through the 10-day trip, in Botswana, Harry literally remotely detonated a mine. That same day, without fanfare or publicity, his lawyers back in the UK launched legal actions against News Group Newspapers and MGN Limited: The Sun and the Mirror group.

Yes, they are privileged, but that could never make it OK to lie about them.

Brian Cathcart, Kingston University London

Investigative website Byline Investigates, which broke the story of the action a week later, reported Harry alleged both news groups "misused his private information for stories", understood to mean phone hacking.

Legal experts say Harry may have trouble making the charges stick, as he needs evidence that emerged after 2013 to avoid statute of limitation rules.

It was Bradby himself who first warned the royals their phones might be being hacked in 2005, when the News of the World published stories about Prince William that the pair realised must have come from reporters listening to their voicemail.

James and Rupert Murdoch appear before a British parliamentary committee on phone hacking in July 2011.

James and Rupert Murdoch appear before a British parliamentary committee on phone hacking in July 2011.Credit: Reuters

The revelation eventually sparked the huge phone hacking scandal, in which Clive Goodman, royal editor for the News of the World, and Glenn Mulcaire, a private investigator, were jailed for intercepting voicemails to aides working for Harry and William. The News of the World was closed down by News Group in an attempt to draw a line under the scandal.


But hacking was an old story, unrelated to the Sussexes' current woes. So the couple then revealed they had also decided to assert Meghan's right to privacy, in symbolic retaliation for the tabloid attacks on her. On the penultimate day of the Africa tour, October 1, the couple reunited in Johannesburg and issued a long, blistering statement revealing they had, months previously, begun legal action against the Mail on Sunday over the publication of a private letter from Meghan to her father.

The couple said the contents "were published unlawfully in an intentionally destructive manner". Legal experts believe this action has a better chance than the hacking one. There's royal precedent: Prince Charles won a suit against the same newspaper over extracts of his diaries describing Chinese dignitaries as "appalling old waxworks".

Britain's Prince Harry walks through a minefield in Dirico in Angola.

Britain's Prince Harry walks through a minefield in Dirico in Angola.Credit: Getty Images

But lawyer Mark Stephens told The Times – which shares an owner with The Sun – the couple would likely "see increasingly hostile and negative coverage" in the media as a result of their legal action.

And lo, there was Camilla Long in The Sunday Times shredding the couple's statement as a mess of "endless flaws and failures of logic".

"Harry has a nice and comfortable life," Long wrote. "He isn't chased and he isn't hounded. Meghan isn't ‘bullied' by the press, unless you count legitimate criticism of her endless hypocrisy and a few articles about their petty refusal to reveal the name of, say, their new dog. She isn't a victim to ‘powerful forces', whatever they are."

Times columnist David Aaronovitch diagnosed Meghan as a "depressed woman", saying "it is horribly obvious that for their own sakes Harry and Meghan should renounce their titles and become private citizens".


Daily Mail columnist Jan Moir said the couple had ruined what "could have been one of the most inspiring and amazing royal tours of all time" by "talking about themselves [instead of] the luckless Africans they met".

The Sun cited "royal insiders" saying a "fragile" Harry was "not in great shape … not well, declaring war on everyone, crying in public, these are not the actions of a well-balanced man".

And the Mirror's chief feature writer Rachael Bletchly suggested Harry "may need to step out of the royal limelight completely" as his "obsessive hatred for the press is truly concerning".

The press are worried because the Sussexes have crossed a line, says Brian Cathcart, former journalist, professor of journalism at Kingston University London and a founder of the Hacked Off campaign.

"The royal family as a whole has been very reluctant to sue in the past," he said. "So by and large the papers consider the royals to be fair game. They are like a free shot on goal … basically you write whatever you like."

The only real risk is "pissing off" readers, Cathcart said, but "if they drip, drip, drip the idea that Meghan is a monster, that she is poisoning [Harry's] mind against his family and turning him into a bad person … they will gradually erode the popularity the couple have".

Meghan and Kate at Wimbledon in July.

Meghan and Kate at Wimbledon in July.Credit: AP

This kind of journalism is "ingrained" and "sociopathic" and "they will go on doing it", says Cathcart. "[Meghan is] from a mixed-race background, she's foreign and she's a successful professional woman, all of which run counter to their instincts".

"Casual sexism is their stock in trade. This idea [Meghan] is uppity, that's a woman thing. The idea she's a Svengali altering [Harry's] mind, that's a woman thing."

Cathcart says the royals were only fringe players in the original phone-hacking litigation thanks to "old-fashioned English toadying deference" from police, who preferred to investigate hacks of celebrities such as Sienna Miller and Hugh Grant.

But he believes if the royals go through with the hacking action "it may drag out into the open information we haven't had before and I think that's quite important … [Harry was] probably among the most hacked people in the country".


"[Phone hacking-related] civil litigation has basically never stopped since Sienna Miller but the public don't know that because frankly it's not reported," Cathcart said. "If Harry moves into that space he highlights that and this is something they don't want … if we can extract a clear statement that The Sun has hacked phones that is a game-changer."

Cathcart has no time for the argument that the royals should put up with tabloid shenanigans as a quid pro quo for the promotion of their causes.

"The idea that it's part of their job description that they have to endure inaccurate, unfair and illegal reporting is absurd," he said. "Yes, they are privileged, but that could never make it OK to lie about them."

And he warns that the Queen's great-grandchildren – George, Charlotte, Louis and Archie – will be the next to suffer.

"The public takes a dim view of bullying kids. [But] the first girl/boyfriend, the first drink (look up Prince Charles and the cherry brandy), the first opinion, they will be on it like vultures."

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