

This was published 4 years ago

Chaos in a local microcosm

By Helen Elliott

Heather Rose
Allen & Unwin, $32.99

Heather Rose, who is Tasmanian, wrote the imaginative, award-deserving Museum of Modern Love, which is set everywhere but in Australia. Bruny is set as locally as can be, on the tiny island off the coast of that other tiny island, Tasmania. Rose, in her magisterial way, indicates that the concept, local, is more important than ever in this crazy global world.

Heather Rose's Bruny is a political satire.

Heather Rose's Bruny is a political satire.Credit:

Local is why the world wants to come to Bruny Island. Local equates with slow – and slow, these days, is desirable. Rose, with the lightest satire, catalogues the reasons why Bruny is a tucked-away paradise; more than 250,000 tourists visit year-round, filling the restaurants, buying the local chocolate, local cheese, local whiskey, gin and vodka, local salmon, oysters and local wine. If Tasmania is the new France for global gourmets, Bruny is the new Cote d'Azur. With the glamorous world wanting to experience this patch of paradise and, better still, prepared to pay for it, the politicians decide that a bridge between the mainland and the little port is necessary. So a beautiful suspension bridge has been rising above the water for the past four years.

Except not everyone wants to be connected to the mainland. Not everyone wants to be connected, full stop. The permanent population of Bruny, a few hundred, is divided. Do they really want the world in a non-stop roar across that bridge? At least with the ferries, noise and volume are limited. Some citizens venture that not everything is about money, or suggest "local" is mere marketing. Then a bomb destroys part of the bridge and the world has a different reason to look, and to come to Bruny.

Astrid Coleman comes home to Tasmania after nearly 20 years away. Astrid is mysterious. She didn't want to return. Not only is her twin brother a conservative politician who has planned the great bridge build to maintain his political foothold, but she has a history in intelligence. She loves her family but doesn't love proximity and her return occurs because her real boss, some super-spook, has insisted. Astrid is there to discover if this is terrorism on a local or global scale – both unthinkable.

Rose's new novel is about a plan to build a bridge linking Bruny Island with mainland Tasmania.

Rose's new novel is about a plan to build a bridge linking Bruny Island with mainland Tasmania.Credit: Peter Mathew

Rose is an expert storyteller. And a surprising one. There's a glimpse of Astrid in the Middle East bargaining for hostages, there are shadowy men doing the bombing and slipping away into the night, there are seedy politicians, locals, restaurateurs and construction people and it all meshes into a gripping tale of contemporary times. What is really going on beneath the surface of a place as apparently tranquil as Bruny is a metaphor for the wider world. Rose has urgent things to say but is too adroit to lecture. She creates the idea of global chaos in the microcosm of Bruny. The fantasy for all of us is that on Bruny this disordered life can stop, at least for a while. Rose makes it clear that it cannot, not at all. Human nature doesn't like stasis.

Rose has mastered the contemporary realist novel. Is there nothing she cannot do with her words and skilled imagination? No vignette or internal dialogue is here that doesn't enhance the complex tale she is making. She puts all these believable, relatable people, families, romance, grief, and the terser political narrative together with magnificent brio. And within this domestic story she introduces a more urgent question, that of China and the role it has in our daily lives. Astrid's brother wants the bridge built at speed and he has been advised that the way to do it is to hire a convoy of Chinese workers. They'll also be cheaper. Cheaper because they forgo the support of unions and of any health and safety measures.

If there is a fault in this expanse of a novel it is perhaps that, crammed with all the questions we know we should ask but always want to leave to others to answer, it is almost too confronting.

Human nature, when life is as sweet as it is on Bruny, would really prefer to let things slide, let others do the thinking for us. Not Heather Rose. She proves that you can be entertained and think at the same time. Cripes.

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