

This was published 5 years ago

Former ALP boss Jamie Clements 'on retainer' with Huang Xiangmo, ICAC hears

By Michaela Whitbourn

The former boss of the NSW Labor Party, Jamie Clements, started working for controversial billionaire Huang Xiangmo as a consultant after he resigned from the party's head office and was on a retainer worth as much as $200,000, a corruption inquiry has heard.

Mr Clements, a central figure in the Independent Commission Against Corruption's investigation into the source of an allegedly illegal $100,000 cash donation made to the NSW ALP shortly after the March 2015 election, is due to give evidence on Wednesday.

Former NSW ALP general secretary  Jamie Clements, Chinese billionaire Huang Xiangmo and former Labor MP Ernest Wong.

Former NSW ALP general secretary Jamie Clements, Chinese billionaire Huang Xiangmo and former Labor MP Ernest Wong.Credit:

The ICAC is investigating allegations that Mr Huang handed Mr Clements an Aldi bag containing the cash in the days after a Chinese Friends of Labor fundraising dinner, before it was banked by the party using fake donation declaration forms to hide the true source of the donation.

A generous donor to both sides of politics, Mr Huang was banned from donating to political parties in NSW under laws targeting property developers. The restrictions, introduced by NSW Labor in late 2009, do not apply federally.

Mr Huang, who has declined to give evidence at the ICAC and now resides in Hong Kong, has denied making the donation.

The ICAC's Chief Commissioner, Peter Hall, QC, said on Tuesday the invitation for Mr Huang to give evidence via audiovisual link was "still open".

The inquiry heard for the first time on Tuesday from one of Mr Huang's former employees. Tim Xu, a former executive assistant at Mr Huang's property development company Yuhu Group, told the ICAC that Mr Clements started working as a consultant to Mr Huang "maybe a few months" after he quit as general secretary of the NSW ALP in January 2016.

He said Mr Clements ran his consultancy rent-free from a suite on the seventh floor of a Pitt Street office block. The floor was owned by Mr Huang's Yuhu Group.

"He suggest[ed] that he can offer Mr Huang consulting services," he said. "Mr Huang eventually agreed and put him on a retainer."


Mr Xu said "each invoice was over $10,000" but the retainer had since been terminated. Asked by counsel assisting the ICAC, Scott Robertson, if the "possible retainer fee was $200,000 but payable monthly", Mr Xu said, "that should be the right amount, or very similar".

"Mr Clements would offer him advice on building relationships with government or politicians," Mr Xu said.

Mr Xu said Mr Clements had also met Mr Huang at the billionaire's Mosman mansion while he was head of the NSW Labor Party and the pair had dined together in Chinatown.

He told the inquiry that Mr Huang and Mr Clements were at one stage meeting "every few weeks".

He said "the first time I met Mr Clements was when I visited his office with Mr Huang" in Sydney's Sussex Street.

"Mr Clements was expecting us when we visited," Mr Xu said.

Mr Xu, who was represented at the hearing by Geoffrey Watson, SC, a former counsel assisting in high-profile corruption inquiries, said he believed the meeting at head office occurred in late 2014.

Asked if it could have been in April 2015, Mr Xu said he was "not too sure" and his "best guess" was that it was earlier.

Mr Xu said he met a "stressed" Mr Clements in late 2017, when Mr Clements said the NSW Electoral Commission was investigating "someone in the office" over an alleged donation by Mr Huang to the NSW branch of the party. Mr Clements said he knew nothing about the money.

"He asked me if I know what happened," Mr Xu said. Mr Xu said he believed Mr Clements was referring to cash in an "Audi car bag" rather than an Aldi bag and he told Mr Clements "it sounds to me very unlikely Mr Huang could walk into the office himself" with the cash and "the bag was also quite unusual".

"I said it sounded like a rumour to me," Mr Xu said.

Mr Xu agreed Mr Clements' rent-free arrangement was a form of "assistance" Mr Huang gave Mr Clements after he resigned from the NSW ALP.

Next door to Mr Clements' office was the Australian Council for the Promotion of the Peaceful Reunification of China (ACPPRC), which is considered the main front organisation for furthering Beijing's influence in Australia.

Mr Huang was president of the ACPPRC from 2014 until November 2017. He stepped down days before explosive revelations aired in the Herald that former NSW Labor Senator Sam Dastyari had alerted Mr Huang to security agencies' interest in him.

Mr Huang's Australian permanent residency visa was cancelled on December 5 last year for reasons including character grounds. He is now involved in an unrelated dispute with the Australian Taxation Office over a $140 million bill.

Mr Xu told the ICAC on Tuesday that his father lived in China and a mutual friend of his father and Mr Huang had passed on a message suggesting the property developer was displeased with Mr Xu.

The message was allegedly relayed shortly before Mr Xu appeared at a private ICAC hearing in June.

"My father said to me he said Mr Huang thinks I have spoken to [the] Australian government and foreign government [officials] regarding his activities in Australia," Mr Xu said.

"I think his view was I played a role in having his visa cancelled. He's somehow disgruntled his permanent residency was cancelled and he believes I played a role in that."

Mr Clements' successor, Kaila Murnain, was suspended as NSW ALP boss after giving evidence at the ICAC that former NSW Labor MP Ernest Wong told her in 2016 that Mr Huang was the source of the donation. She will not return to her position.

Mr Xu told the ICAC that Mr Huang and Mr Wong were good friends and "I know that they talked to each other quite often".

Former NSW Labor Treasurer Eric Roozendaal went to work for Mr Huang's Yuhu Group in 2014. He was replaced in the state's upper house by Mr Wong in 2013.

The inquiry continues.

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