

This was published 5 years ago

Timeline: How Australia was dragged into the Trump Russia probes

By David Crowe

A conversation in a London wine bar in May 2016 set off a chain of events that have dragged Australia into the investigation into Russian interference in the election of Donald Trump.

The conversation not only helped trigger an FBI probe, and thereby build momentum for an independent inquiry by special counsel Robert Mueller, but is now the subject of another review called by Mr Trump's ally, Attorney-General William Barr, to defend the President.

Scott Morrison and President Donald Trump during the PM's visit to the White House.

Scott Morrison and President Donald Trump during the PM's visit to the White House.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Prime Minister Scott Morrison told Mr Trump, in a conversation in early September, that Australia will help this inquiry. Here is how the events unfolded:

26 April 2016


Joseph Mifsud, an academic with links to the Russian government, meets George Papadopoulos, one of Trump's foreign policy advisers. Mifsud says the Russians have "dirt" on Hillary Clinton in "thousands of emails".

10 May 2016

The Australian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, Alexander Downer, meets Papadopoulos at the Kensington Wine Rooms in London. Papadopoulos tells Downer the Russians have "dirt" on Democrat candidate Clinton, helping the Trump campaign.

11 May 2016


Australian officials in London relay information about the Downer-Papadopolous conversation to officials at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Canberra in a memo marked "Routine, Information Only." A redacted version of this note was released under Freedom of Information law.

9 June 2016

Three key members of the Trump campaign – Donald Trump Jr, Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort – meet Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya at Trump Tower in New York.

12 June 2016

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange says on television he has "great" Clinton emails.

14 June 2016

Democratic National Committee announces it has been infiltrated by Russian government hackers.

22 July 2016

Wikileaks begins releasing leaked emails from Clinton campaign headquarters.

29 July 2016 (approximate)

Australian officials notify the FBI about the May conversation between Downer and Papadopoulos and his statement that the Russian government could assist the Trump campaign. The Mueller report states this "foreign government" notice occurred within a week of the Wikileaks release.

31 July 2016

The FBI opens an investigation into potential coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the Trump campaign, based on the information from Australia.

8 November 2016

Donald Trump wins the presidential election.

17 May 2017

Special counsel Robert Mueller appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election.

22 March 2019


Mueller submits his report to Attorney General William Barr. Two days later, Barr tells Congress the report "did not establish" the Trump campaign conspired with Russia. The report notes the actions by the "representative of a foreign government" but does not mention Australia.

15 May 2019

Barr names attorney John Durham to lead a probe into the FBI's Russia investigation, in a review seen as an attempt to clear Trump.

24 May 2019

Trump says he is a victim of the "greatest hoax" and wants the new probe to look at foreign government involvement in the Russia investigation. "I hope he looks at the UK, I hope he looks at Australia, and I hope he looks at Ukraine," he says of the probe.

26 May 2019

Morrison is asked in Canberra whether Australia was part of any conspiracy to launch the FBI investigation. Morrison says: "I don't plan to make any comments on ongoing investigations."

27 May 2019

Foreign Minister Marise Payne is asked on Radio National whether Australia will participate in the new investigation. Payne says: "We have not been asked to participate. We would of course consider such a request were it to be made."

28 May 2019

The Australian ambassador to the US, Joe Hockey, writes to Barr promising help for the probe. "The Australian government will use its best endeavours to support your efforts in this matter," he writes. He notes Downer is no longer employed by the government.

Early September 2019

Trump initiates phone call with Morrison to seek Australian support for the probe. The New York Times reported that Barr asked Trump to speak to Morrison.


20 September 2019

Morrison arrives at the White House for a state visit including meetings with Trump and a state dinner. Barr attends state dinner.

30 September 2019

The New York Times reveals that Trump called Morrison "to advance his personal political interests" by seeking Australian support for the probe ordered by Barr.

1 October 2019

Morrison confirms phone call from Trump. A spokesman for the Prime Minister says Australia "has always been ready" to cooperate with the probe.

2 October 2019

Lindsey Graham, chair of the US Senate Judiciary Committee, writes to the leaders of Australia, Italy and the United Kingdom to urge their "continued cooperation" with the probe. Graham asserts that Downer was "directed" to contact Papadopoulos, a claim Downer rejects.

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