

This was published 5 years ago

Canning Bridge high-rise buffer zone to soothe angry neighbours

By Emma Young

More three-bedroom apartments, more breathing space between developments and their single-storey neighbours, and more U-shaped rather than “block” apartments are planned around Canning Bridge, as lots earmarked for development hit the market throughout Como and the council tries to avoid the same building battles that erupted in South Perth.

Lots are selling like hot cakes in Como's Canning Bridge precinct.

Lots are selling like hot cakes in Como's Canning Bridge precinct. Credit: Emma Young

A review of plans for the future of the area around the east side of the bridge has been completed for the South Perth council's consideration, following a similar review on the Applecross-Mount Pleasant side.

With Canning Bridge’s transport connections, it’s envisioned to absorb significant amounts of Perth’s projected population growth over the next few decades; hence Melville and South Perth councils have rezoned around it to allow more apartments and commercial developments.

The challenge of their joint Canning Bridge Activity Centre Plan is to enshrine safeguards to blend those zones with existing large leafy blocks, and not upset existing residents too much, as happened on the nearby South Perth Peninsula where existing residents' homes got effectively walled in by neighbouring apartment blocks built centimetres from their balconies.

The Canning Bridge plan is being tweaked while in operation, with several towers already built in Applecross and Mount Pleasant and numerous apartment developments now peppering Como.

Many river view blocks currently home to single-storey bungalows are on sale in Como as development sites, and Canning Highway-fronting lots on approach to the bridge are advertised spruiking the potential for 15-storey developments. There are two more four-storey developments being assessed in Como just over the next week alone.

Melville recently reviewed its side's plan, and South Perth is now addressing issues emerging over the bridge such as overlooking, sunlight blocking and lack of green space around new buildings.

Canning Bridge Activity Centre Plan area

Canning Bridge Activity Centre Plan areaCredit: City of Melville

The review notes many of the proposals received already in the four and eight-storey zones had windows and balconies overlooking neighbours’ backyards and many others had resulted in significant loss of sunlight to the southern neighbour.


Community feedback on the draft review has shown residents are also worried about a lack of visitor parking (and that provided, being in areas that mar the look of the street) and insufficient opportunities for families to move into new developments as they are overwhelmingly tiny apartments.

The review noted building design and assessment had to balance the need to protect the neighbours’ privacy and sunlight, but also provide sun, ventilation and “external outlook” to the living areas of the new buildings.

Modifications suggested in the review include developers to get more flexibility on building height and size if they can demonstrate that this would achieve better outcomes.

This would allow six storeys in the four-storey zone if there are better setbacks and design quality, and if the site is larger than 1200 square metres.

It's aimed to reduce the impact of square tower “podiums” by setting buildings in the 10-storey zone back from side and rear boundaries by four metres, except if fronting Canning Highway.

The modifications change criteria that governs the mix of one, two and more-bedroom apartments required to encourage developers to build more three and four bedroom homes.

The Raffles is no longer the only tower west of the bridge, and the east side is now planned to transform.

The Raffles is no longer the only tower west of the bridge, and the east side is now planned to transform. Credit: Emma Young

They also suggest requiring one visitor parking bay per eight homes (and not within a street setback).

The modifications also introduce some provisions from WA’s new apartment design codes, announced by Planning Minister Rita Saffioti in February, which have several implications for the Canning Bridge plan.

For example, most lots in the area don’t have a frontage of more than 20 metres, so developers would have to assemble multiple blocks if they wanted to build over four storeys, so there would be less incentive to develop six-storey buildings on unassembled lots.

The kind of U-shaped development to be encouraged rather than "blocks".

The kind of U-shaped development to be encouraged rather than "blocks". Credit: City of South Perth

It’s thought the criteria will also provide incentive for the development of a greater variety of building forms as it restricts the depth of building floorplates for apartments.

“A typical design response [is] to articulate the façade of the building to provide a greater building perimeter; such as a ‘U-shaped’ building, as opposed to singular ‘block’ buildings, providing for enhanced privacy, solar orientation, opportunities for deep-soil planting and ventilation to apartments and to adjoining sites,” the review says.

The criteria also provide that 7-10 per cent of the site should be provided as a deep-soil zone and planted with sufficient trees.

That means a site of less than 700 square metres would require one medium tree plus small trees, a 700-1000-square metre site would require two medium trees or one large and one small, and more trees would be required for each additional 400 square metres.

In other aspects of the review, the city also reaffirmed its commitment to sending its household waste to a Waste to Energy plant and ruled out providing a food and organics bin to residents.

It did concede that providing suitable composting opportunities and education would be an appropriate area for further support, and this was confirmed as an area of interest through the community consultation.

It committed to a Waste Projects Officer investigating community composting options.

Council was briefed on the review on Tuesday night and will make a decision on whether to endorse the review for formal public comment on Tuesday August 27.

Following that public comment period, the council will decide whether to recommend the revisions to the WA Planning Commission for a final decision.

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