

This was published 5 years ago

Boris Johnson wins race to become Britain's 'Brexit Prime Minister'

By Nick Miller

London: Boris Johnson has won a mandate to go for broke on Brexit, chosen by his party to enter Number 10 as the prime minister who will take Britain out of the European Union come what may.

But he inherits one of politics' most unenviable in-trays. Even before the prominent Brexit campaigner’s name was pulled out of an envelope as the new Tory leader on Tuesday, both colleagues and political opponents were plotting to rein in his more radical plans with the threat of an early election.

The controversial former foreign secretary and London mayor was elected leader of the Conservative Party with 92,153 votes to 46,656 for his opponent, foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt, after a postal ballot of just under 160,000 party members.

Johnson said it was an "extraordinary honour and privilege" to be chosen.

He said some people may "question the wisdom" of choosing him, but said the Conservatives have historically had the "best insights" into human nature and how to build a great society.

"At this pivotal moment in history," Johnson said, they had to match the desire for partnership with Europe and the simultaneous desire for "democratic self-government in this country".

Newly-elected leader Boris Johnson arrives at Conservative party HQ in London.

Newly-elected leader Boris Johnson arrives at Conservative party HQ in London.Credit: AP

He said he looked at the party members that morning and saw them not daunted by Brexit.

"We know we can do it and the people of this country are trusting we can do it," he said. "We are once again going to believe in ourselves... we are going to unite this amazing country."


He promised to "energise" the country.

"We are going to get Brexit done on 31 October and take advantage of all the opportunities it will bring with a new spirit of can-do.

"We are once again going to believe in ourselves, and like some slumbering giant we are going to rise and ping off the guy ropes of self doubt and negativity."

Johnson also praised Hunt as a "formidable opponent" with "excellent ideas, all of which I propose to steal forthwith".

Hunt, who voted Remain in the 2016 Brexit referendum, said "lots of party members felt that this was a moment when you just had to have someone who voted for Brexit in the referendum - in retrospect that was a hurdle we were never able to overcome".

After the result was announced Johnson met privately with Conservative MPs, urging them to unite in a meeting that was reportedly marked by cheering and laughter.

But Johnson faces immense challenges in his new role due to his government’s tiny working majority in an increasingly fractious Parliament.

Boris Johnson, right, defeated foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt in a landslide.

Boris Johnson, right, defeated foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt in a landslide. Credit: PA Pool

And he has only 100 days to the next Brexit deadline.

Theresa May was expected to take questions in Parliament for the last time as prime minister on Wednesday, after which she will go to Buckingham Palace to resign, followed shortly by Johnson, who would be officially given his title by the Queen.

Johnson will then start to assemble his cabinet – but he could be interrupted on Thursday if Jeremy Corbyn’s opposition decides to test whether Johnson’s government can still command a majority in a confidence vote in parliament.

If he loses, an election could be called within weeks – though Labour is reportedly most likely to keep its powder dry, because a vote would risk giving Johnson an early victory. A vote later in the year would give potential Tory rebels time to consider their options as the Brexit deadline looms.

Jeremy Corbyn said on Tuesday Johnson had "won the support of fewer than 100,000 unrepresentative Conservative Party members".


"The people of our country should decide who becomes the prime minister in a general election," he added.

He confirmed to the BBC that Labour planned to table a motion of no confidence in Johnson, but refused to be drawn on the timing, saying "it will be an interesting surprise for you all".


Johnson spoke on Tuesday with Arlene Foster, leader of the Northern Irish DUP whose votes are vital to propping up his minority government. She said the confidence agreement between their parties would continue, though there would be a review as planned in coming weeks.

Even including the DUP, Johnson’s working majority in Parliament is just four MPs, leaving every part of his agenda at the mercy of a few disgruntled backbenchers.

Johnson has made significant unfunded promises during his leadership campaign, with tax cuts and other pledges totting up to tens of billions of pounds.

Johnson will have to deal with tensions within his party, still deeply divided over Brexit.


He won the leadership by pledging to renegotiate the Withdrawal Agreement that May struck with the EU – and to hold the threat of a no-deal Brexit over the EU’s heads if a new deal is not struck by October 31.

But the EU has insisted repeatedly the agreement is not up for renegotiation, and critics say Johnson’s so-called solution involves ideas the EU has already rejected as unworkable, added to a cherry-picking approach that would be unacceptable to EU member nations.

A famous Johnson quote is that his “policy on cake is pro having it and pro eating it”.

The EU's chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier congratulated Johnson on Twitter and promised to work "constructively" with him, but held out little hope of the radical renegotiation Johnson will seek, saying instead that May's Withdrawal Agreement must be ratified to achieve an "orderly Brexit".

With the October 31 deadline looming, a Brexit delay or no deal may be the only realistic options. Johnson has repeatedly rejected yet another delay.


A significant number of Conservative MPs have indicated they would vote in Parliament to try to block a no-deal exit, which is forecast to bring a global financial crisis-level hit to the British economy and industry.

Chancellor Philip Hammond has said he would resign on Wednesday afternoon – before Johnson becomes prime minister – in a symbolic move flagging his intention to oppose Johnson if he pushes for a no-deal exit.

Hammond has hinted that he could vote against the government in a confidence vote if it was necessary to stop a no-deal Brexit, which he said was “not something I could ever sign up to”.

Hammond was expected to be joined by other ex-ministers in a backbench posse that could prove a headache for Johnson. Foreign Minister Alan Duncan resigned on Monday, warning a “dark cloud of Brexit” was damaging Britain’s international standing and potential.

And Education Minister Anne Milton resigned on Tuesday, citing "grave concerns" over the possibility of leaving the EU without a deal.

Justice Secretary David Gauke and International Development Secretary Rory Stewart also confirmed they would be "returning to the backbenches on Wednesday".

Other Tory MPs, including former attorney-general Dominic Grieve, have even suggested they could leave the party if Johnson became prime minister.

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