

This was published 5 years ago

War is over - now the hard work begins to revive Australian football

By Vince Rugari

Australian football’s key stakeholders have been in combat mode for so long, nobody quite knew how to react to the sudden onset of peace.

On Monday morning, an in-principle deal was finally reached for the A-League’s independence. It’s the outcome club owners have been fighting for, and that some elements of Football Federation Australia have been fighting against, for years. There appears to be cause for cautious optimism.

No longer can the A-League clubs simply blame FFA for their woes. When the final details are ironed out by the end of August and the terms of the agreement set in place before the start of next season, responsibility for the professional game will fall on them. They'll be accountable to each other, and the sport at large.

The A-League, W-League and national youth league will be run by an entirely new body. Each of the 12 clubs will have a seat on the new board, along with two FFA representatives and an independent chair. They will call the shots.

The average punter can expect to see gradual changes over the next four years as the club owners take the wheel. Increased investment has been promised - that should mean, if they are true to their word, better promotion, better players, better coaches, better academies, and a better product on the pitch. And, with any luck, better crowds and TV ratings.

FFA chief executive David Gallop and chairman Chris Nikou.

FFA chief executive David Gallop and chairman Chris Nikou.Credit: AAP

FFA will still play a significant role with their 'Good of the Game' share in the new body, which it's understood is almost identical to the Football League's 'Golden Share' in the English Premier League, allowing them veto power over key issues like foreign player allowances and expansion.

The federation has been promised they'll be 'no worse off' financially, and that will be the guiding principle of the remaining negotiations that will run until August 1. The symbiotic nature of the deal should lead to more collaboration and alignment within the game - since 10 per cent of future club sale profits, new club license sales and international player transfers will be channelled to FFA, what's good for the goose is now officially good for the gander. The incentive for growth is there for everyone.

Melbourne City vice-chairman Simon Pearce has played an instrumental role in the A-League independence war.

Melbourne City vice-chairman Simon Pearce has played an instrumental role in the A-League independence war.Credit: TTG Asia


FFA chief executive David Gallop's days, meanwhile, seem to be numbered. And it remains to be seen how many of his colleagues survive the transition to the new organisation, with many owners of the view that the executive ranks need to be refreshed. That's where some of the first marquee signings might be made - as an example of how high they're aiming, former Premier League boss Richard Scudamore has already been informally sounded out to become chair, but politely declined.


It’s easy to forget that the Crawford Report of 2003, which gave birth to FFA and the Lowy regime, recommended an independently-run professional league. Then-chairman Frank Lowy saw it differently and believed the A-League had to operate in-house. The training wheels stayed on for 16 years.

This war really began way back then, in the earliest boardroom rumbles between Lowy and his A-League franchisees. Back then the owners were splintered, their arguments sometimes incoherent. But Manchester City’s buyout of Melbourne Heart in 2014 changed the game.

Simon Pearce, the smooth-talking communications chief of the Abu Dhabi government and Melbourne City’s vice-chairman, managed to round up the owners and get them singing from the same hymn sheet.

This deal has the City Football Group’s fingerprints all over it. Whether that's good or bad depends on who you ask, but there will be only one measurement that matters — the health of the sport overall, not just the shopfront.

If the new A-League turns out to be just a richer, shinier version of what we have now, it’ll be a very hollow victory.

But if it can provide benefits for the grassroots, player development and Australia's junior and senior national teams, and eventually lead to a fully-fledged pyramid system with promotion and relegation, all the fighting might prove to be worth it in the end.

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