

This was published 5 years ago

Arthur Sinodinos has one big handicap as ambassador to Trump's Washington

By Matthew Knott

New York: Australia's next ambassador to the US has a confession to make. He isn't much of a golfer.

Arthur Sinodinos's lack of proficiency with a putter wouldn't usually matter much except that he is heading to Washington to spruik Australia to the famously golf-mad president who resides in the White House.

Arthur Sinodinos will replace Joe Hockey as Australia's ambassador in Washington.

Arthur Sinodinos will replace Joe Hockey as Australia's ambassador in Washington.Credit: Janie Barrett

Australia's current ambassador Joe Hockey has played golf several times with Trump, most recently at Easter, and has used this rare access to explain the importance of the Australia-US alliance.

"I haven't played golf in years but I'm happy to do whatever is required," Sinodinos tells The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age in his first extended interview since his appointment was announced.

He has also not played tennis in "a long time" suggesting he won't be giving a workout to his predecessor's investment in rehabilitating the tennis court at the ambassador's residence in Washington.


"Diplomacy works on a number of levels - the soft power side is as important as the formal side. It's much easier to deal with people professionally when they see you as a human being."

Second chances are supposedly rare in life, but Sinodinos - Liberal senator for NSW, former chief of staff to John Howard - has had his fair share in recent years.

In 2015 Malcolm Turnbull appointed him as his cabinet secretary, bringing him back from the political wilderness. Sinodinos had been forced to stand down from the ministry the previous year because of his role as a high-profile and controversial witness at the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption.


He got a more significant reprieve earlier this year when, with the help of a bone marrow transplant and at least eight rounds of chemotherapy, he fought off a diagnosis of non-Hodgkin lymphoma that threatened to end his life.

Then Prime Minister Scott Morrison offered him the US ambassadorship – Australia's most important diplomatic posting. It was a job Sinodinos turned down in 2005 when Howard suggested it to him.

I think he's been a strong president. He's worked very hard to keep his promises.

Arthur Sinodinos on Donald Trump

"You don't get offered a job like this too many times, and I thought now was the time to take it," Sinodinos, 62, says.

Following the election, Morrison and Sinodinos discussed several options for him to return to cabinet (the energy and environment portfolios had been widely speculated). In their conversations Morrison mentioned the US ambassadorship as an alternative – an unexpected offer that, after consulting with his family, Sinodinos decided to grab.

"This was an opportunity to turn the page after a difficult time in my life. Having cancer makes you look at your priorities. I wanted to work in a more normalised environment and give my family an opportunity to reset."


Perhaps only someone who recently underwent cancer treatment would describe life as a diplomat in Trump's Washington as "normalised". While the Washington posting is routinely described as a "plum" appointment, in the Trump era it is anything but a doddle.

Trump has pursued an unpredictable and unsettling style of foreign policy that has kept America's traditional allies, as well as its enemies, on edge.

The President is fond of announcing massive policy changes, such as new tariffs on Chinese goods or the withdrawal of troops from Syria, on Twitter with little to no warning.

Last week provided a vivid example of the volatile environment Sinodinos will face when he arrives in Washington.

Trump announced that he had asked his Attorney-General William Barr to investigate Australia's role in sparking the 2016 FBI probe into potential links between his election campaign and Russia.

Joe Hockey on the tennis court at the ambassador's residence.

Joe Hockey on the tennis court at the ambassador's residence.Credit: Joshua Yospyn

Hockey is now hard at work to ensure that Trump's anger about the Mueller "witch hunt" doesn't metastasise into a more general animosity towards Australia.

The former Treasurer has been universally praised for his performance in Washington, especially his efforts to ensure Australia was spared from tariffs on steel and aluminium imports into the US.

"Joe leaves really big shoes to fill," Sinodinos says. "He has done a wonderful job promoting Australia's image in the US and engaging with the administration."

Sinodinos, a son of Greek immigrants who was born and raised in Newcastle, is expected to bring a slightly more cerebral approach to the role than the gregarious Hockey, whose colourful Instagram posts have developed a cult following.

"More of a think-tank style" is how one diplomatic veteran puts it.

John Berry, who served as US ambassador to Australia from 2013 to 2016, says Sinodinos is an "inspired" choice for the position.

"He brings one of the savviest and most adept minds in all of Australia. He will be another excellent ambassador following Joe's tour de force."

As well as close relationships with Coalition ministers and senior public servants, Sinodinos also has strong links to the corporate sector from past roles at NAB and Goldman Sachs.

Another advantage will be his status as a recently departed senator. More so than in Australia, senators carry enormous prestige in Washington.

"Hopefully that will bring me some cachet," Sinodinos says. "I will use whatever lever is available."

Asked for his thoughts on Trump, Sinodinos says: "I think he's been a strong president. He's worked very hard to keep his promises and that is important if you want to be a respected politician."

But he is aware he cannot put all Australia's eggs in the Trump basket. Sinodinos's four-year term begins in January, just as the next presidential campaign is heating up. He will have to ensure Australia is well-positioned to engage with a Democrat in the White House.

"Australia and the US have an enduring relationship regardless of who is in government," he says.

"We are a rising middle power and I want to ensure our voice is heard."

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