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From the Archives, 1945: Allied victory in Europe as Germany surrenders

By Staff Writers

First published in The Age on May 8, 1945


Shattering End to Dream of World Conquest

With her armies decisively beaten, her country overrun by triumphant Allied armies, and her home front broken, Germany's dream of world conquest has come to a shattering end. The Third Reich, which Adolf Hitler promised would endure for a thousand years, is no more. It was a war estimated to have taken the lives of more than 7,000,000 men, to have cost an estimated £600,000,000,000 (Australian) and to have left millions homeless.

Crowds of women and boys on factory trucks in Elizabeth Street celebrate the victory in Europe.

Crowds of women and boys on factory trucks in Elizabeth Street celebrate the victory in Europe.Credit: Argus Collection

Looking at the outset like a mad adventure to a bewildered world, the Allies snatched victory only after hair-breadth escape from defeat. Hitler started the war after a barrage of cunning propaganda, followed by a razzle-dazzle of secret weapons, armoured spearheads, parachute troops, fifth columns and political sleight-of-hand. Before it ended, merged with the war in Asia and the Pacific by the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, it had been fought on all oceans, on all continents.

"In this war there will be no victors and losers, but merely survivors and annihilated," Hitler threatened. But he was wrong, and, as six agonising years of terrible conflict wore on, during which he set a savage, unprecedented pattern of ruthlessness and cruelty, it became—

A war of secret battles—long, silent struggles to smash the German invasion fleet off Britain, to master the submarine, to crush robot bomb launching sites in France—

A war of secret weapons—in which the Allies, pooling their resources of ingenuity, produced Radar, a brand new conception of massed fleets of invasion barges, the technique of massed bombings through clouds, and host of other inventions which outdid Hitler—

A war in the air—in which entire armies of millions engaged. For the first time capitals of great nations and scores of other cities were marked for methodical destruction-


A war of cities-Stalingrad, Leningrad, Odessa, Sebastopol, Cassino, Brest, Warsaw and other cities, whose streets were turned into trenches and forts; of London, of Berlin, which was shattered to a shell—

A war underground between quisling armies of resistance, and a war of psychology, In which the Four Freedoms and the Atlantic Charter were used to combat Nazi ideology—

A war fought in the extremes of weather and terrain, from Africa to the biting cold Arctic, in the world's wont bogs and steaming jungles and the most in-accessible mountains.

Search lights create a flare of light over Melbourne to celebrate the victory in Europe.

Search lights create a flare of light over Melbourne to celebrate the victory in Europe.Credit: Argus Collection


This war saw the dreadful advent of the flying bomb, which killed indiscriminately. It unfolded many different rocket weapons, the blockbuster, rapid-firing guns, which made artillery barrages more intense than ever; mass mobility of tanks, and a hundred-and-one other types of vehicles—the airborne army, the flying battleship, amphibious invasions on a grander scale than could have been imagined.

It all started about 3 o'clock on the morning of September 1, 1939, when the German armies invaded Poland. Despising the Poles too much to declare war formally, Hitler announced only that he was answering "force with force." With smug conceit he declared: "I am putting on the uniform (the field-grey of the German army), and I shall take it off only in victory or death."

Hitler planned a blitzkrieg—a lightning war—and probably never expected that England and France would do more than wage a token war when they saw the uselessness of trying to save their ally.

Great Britain and France served an ultimatum on Germany on September 1, and declared war on Sunday, September 3. London hastily evacuated her children and waited breathlessly for the bombs to fall. None fell. This was the "phoney war." On September 3 the French announced that their army had come in contact with the Germans, but the French preferred to have the Germans throw themselves on the Maginot Line, and struck into German territory only for a few thousand yards near Saarbrucken. Their "offensive" never developed.

On April 9, 1940 the "phoney war" ended. Hitler's troops slipped into Denmark and invaded Norway by sea and air. A few goose-stepping soldiers and a military band marched in and took Oslo. Soldiers hidden in the holds of previously arrived ships seized Narvik, Bergen, Stavanger, Trondheim and other coastal points.

The British landed a few thousand Allied troops on both sides of Trondheim, and later at Narvik, but were forced to withdraw in the face of great odds. On April 30 Hitler proclaimed a complete victory, and within a short time Allied troops had withdrawn entirely.

Women and children buying victory badges in Melbourne.

Women and children buying victory badges in Melbourne.Credit: Argus Collection

Blow In the West

On May 10 the great blow in the west fell on Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg and France. Swarms of parachutists descended on the airports near Rotterdam, the Hague and Amsterdam, seized the bridge at Moordijk, south of Rotterdam. The Dutch "water line" proved ineffectual. Holland fell in four days.

Nazis overwhelmed the Belgian fort, Eben Emael, and rushed their columns across the Albert Canal near Maastricht. In three days German tanks surprised the French, seized Sedan and were racing for the English Channel, with fleets of motor cyclists spreading fire and terror ahead of the armoured detachments.

The Germans reached Abbevine an May 21. King Leopold announced the surrender of his 300,000 man Belgian army on May 28.

Dunkirk, a glorious British epic of the war, in which a strange armada of 900 war ships, skiffs, tugs and yachts rescued an army of 337,000 men from the beaches, was over by June 4. For four years the Kaiser's armies had in 1914-18 fought to win control of the Channel ports. Hitler got them in less than a month.

Turning south on June 6, Hitler brushed aside the French Army. The Maginot Line was turned. The French Government evacuated Paris on June 10. That same day Mussolini committed his "stab in the back" and sent troops into the border area of France.

Taking over the French Government, Marshal Petain announced, on June 17, that he had been compelled to ask Hitler for an armistice. The high point of the war—for Hitler—came at Compiegne on June 21 in the railway car where Marshal Foch had dictated peace terms to Germany in 1918, and France signed an armistice.

Grandly, pleased by this revenge for the "dictates of Versailles,” Hitler visited the tomb of Napoleon.

Man in Melbourne climbs on lamp post in celebration of the victory in Europe.

Man in Melbourne climbs on lamp post in celebration of the victory in Europe.Credit: Argus Collection

The most popular song in Germany was Were Sailing Against England. Britain seemed to be up against fearful odds. She had lost all but a few score guns and tanks. The R.A.F. was outnumbered. She fell back on the hastily organised Rome Guard to fight from hay stacks and hedge-rows. Hastily importing hunting rifles, old tanks and old calibre guns from America, Britain's Prime Minister (Mr. Churchill) hunched his head between his great shoulders and declared, “We will fight on the beaches and the landing grounds, in the fields, in the streets, on the hills. We will never surrender."

It was Britain's time for "blood, and sweat, and tears."

Grimly, 700 Spitfires and Hurricanes opposed the entire German Air Force. British fighting planes mounting eight guns, and radar, which gave warning of coming raids, probably saved the British in the aerial battle that lasted from August, 1940 through to May, 1941, when Britain gained control of the skies. But 50,000 Britons died from bombs. September 15, 1940, when the Germans lost 185 planes and were forced to switch to night bombing, has been called one of the decisive battles of the war.

In September and October the Germans were assembling their invasion fleet of 3000 barges and 4,000,000 tons of ships. Not until 1944 did Mr. Churchill disclose 'the reason why the Germans never invaded England—the invasion fleet was smashed by the R.A.F. Bomber Command before, it could leave port.

Mussolini believed the Greek generals had been bought off. He invaded Greece from Albania on October 28, 1940, three hours after an ultimatum, and thereupon came one of the big surprises of the war. Instead of wilting, the Greeks fought. Not merely did they ambush and slaughter thousands of Italians a few miles inside Greek territory, but they captured Corriza and other strongholds in a counter invasion.

Hitler, who had not been in-formed of Mussolini's plans, let his partner sweat in his trouble through the winter. One by one, Hungary, Roumania and Bulgaria had fallen to Hitler's wiles. Now pressure was put on Yugoslavia.

But an uprising upset the Yugoslav pact with Hitler, and on Sunday morning, April 8, the German dictator launched his Balkan campaign with a ferocious bombing of Belgrade. Striking from Bulgaria the Germans in three days had broken across the Vardar Valley, severing the links between Greece and Yugoslavia, and had reached the Aegean, seizing Salonika. Nazi mechanised divisions marched into Athens on April 27. The swastika had floated over the Acropolis only about three weeks when Hitler struck his most audacious airborne blow, invading Crete on May 20. Ten days later the island fell to the enemy.

Italian Marshal Rudolfo Grazlani began an attack on Egypt on August 8, 1940, simultaneously with an invasion of British Somaliland. He got no farther than Sidi Barrani, where the British, under General Wavell, started a lightning comeback in December, which reached beyond Benghazi. But the British fell back in the spring because they were forced to send troops to Greece. Again, in November, 1941, the British launched an offensive which relieved Tobruk shortly before the last Italian stronghold In Ethiopia surrendered.

Not long thereafter came Pearl Harbor, and Hitler declared war on the United States. His ultimate extirpation began to loom on the horizon then, for he had turned the spigot which was to produce a flood of Allied war material and men. But there were, many more black days in store for the Allies and Sunday, June 21, 1942 ranks with the blackest of them all.

Women banging pails and ringing bells in Melbourne to celebrate victory in Europe.

Women banging pails and ringing bells in Melbourne to celebrate victory in Europe.Credit: Argus Collection

On that day Marshal Rommel's Afrika Korps took Tobruk in a surprise thrust which carried him to within 60 miles of Alexandria. A junction of German and Japanese forces on the shores of the Indian Ocean was threatened. The Germans were preparing the summer offensive, which might break the Soviet Union, and which was to take them from Kharkov to Stalingrad. The Allies had lost Singapore, the Philippines, Burma, the Dutch East Indies and parts of the Aleutians. Australia still was menaced, despite two Japanese air-sea defeats in the Coral Sea and at Midway in May and June.

Almost the brightest spot in the Allied picture—only three weeks before the British had carried out their first 1000-bomber raid against Cologne.

Air and tank forces rushed to Africa eventually turned the tide, permitting Field-Marshal Montgomery's Eighth Army to score its great victory at El Alamein, in Egypt, on October 23, 1942, and begin its long march to meet the American and British forces of General Dwight Eisenhower, which landed in Morocco and Algeria on November 7.

Trapped on Cap Bon, in Tunisia, the Germans and Italians finally surrendered on May 12, 1943, ending the battle of Africa, snd the stage was set for the invasion of Italy. Axis casualties in Tunisia were placed at 341,000.

Russian Gamble

Until Sunday morning, June 22, 1941, everything went well with Hitler's war. That was the day he began the invasion of Russia.

Joined by Finland, Roumania, Hungary and Italy, Hitler boasted of the greatest front in history —2000 miles, from the Arctic to the Black Sea. Stories from Berlin said the Nazis believed they would crush Russia in three to six weeks. Swiftly the German armies sliced through Russian-annexed territories of Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Karelia, Bessarabia, swept across White Russia and the Ukraine.

Before the summer campaign was done Hitler had trapped masses of Soviet soldiers, thrown an iron ring about Leningrad, reached the suburbs of Moscow and captured Kharkov.

"Russia never again will rise," he declared in October, launching a "final assault" on Moscow. Another assault was ordered in November. Moscow did not fall. Then, at the right time, the Russian counter-offensive was launched. The Germans were caught in the Red Army grip, and the retreat along the Napoleonic road to disaster was begun.

In August, 1942, the Germans reached their highwater mark of conquest at Stalingrad, 1300 miles from Germany's eastern border, 2200 miles from Hitler's western front on the French coast. The great Red Army counter-offensive began on November 22, 1942, at Stalingrad.

The Allied invasion of Europe began with the attack on Sicily by General Eisenhower's British and American forces on July 10, 1943. Fifteen days later Mussolini was ousted in Rome—the first serious break in the Axis structure.

Striking swiftly on September 3, after completion of a 38-day campaign in Sicily, Field-Marshal Montgomery's troops invaded the toe of Italy. The Fifth Army of General Mark Clark landed at Salerno, below Naples, and after a bloody battle with the Germans established a beachhead six days later, almost simultaneously with announcement of the surrender of the Government of Marshal Pietro Badogilo, which had succeeded Mussolini. The first of the big three in the Axis had been knocked out of the war.

Through a bitter winter campaign the Allies made but slow progress from Naples, fought the bloody battle of Cassino, established the beachhead at Anzio, below Rome, and finally, on May 11, launched the offensive which carried them to Rome on June 4. The Palazzo Venezia, where Mussolini's balcony stands, was turned into a museum.

Two days after the first fall of an Axis capital the greatest amphibious invasion force of all time touched land In Normandy. "D" day had dawned. Despite the strength of the Germans Atlantic Wall, the invasion succeeded. The results were not long showing in Berlin.

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