

This was published 5 years ago

Increasing super to 12 per cent will deliver $20 billion hit to wages: Grattan Institute

By Eryk Bagshaw

Labor and the Coalition's plan to increase compulsory employer superannuation contributions to 12 per cent will cost workers up to $20 billion a year in wages once it is fully implemented, new figures show, stinging millions of workers already battling historically low wage growth.

Labor has vowed it will have no more delays increasing super from 9.5 to 12 per cent. The Coalition remains committed to the legislated timetable but has internal reservations about the impact it could have on wages and the financial boost it will give the union and employer linked Industry Super lobby.

The Grattan Institute says increasing superannuation will cost $20 billion in wages.

The Grattan Institute says increasing superannuation will cost $20 billion in wages. Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

The Grattan Institute will on Friday release a report that shows the cut to wages from raising compulsory super is big.

"Really big," said Grattan's super expert Brendan Coates. "By the time it's fully implemented in 2025-26, a 12 per cent super guarantee will strip up to $20 billion from workers' wages each year, or nearly 1 per cent of Gross Domestic Product."

"The overwhelming evidence is that higher super contributions are paid for by lower wages for workers," he said.

Mr Coates said the policy sits at odds with Labor's determination to fight a campaign on wages growth and would deliver an income boost in retirement when workers needed a pay-rise now.

In contrast, Labor's climate change policy is expected to subtract about 0.4 per cent from the economy by 2030, according Australian National University professor Warwick McKibbin.

Shadow treasurer Chris Bowen.

Shadow treasurer Chris Bowen.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Shadow treasurer Chris Bowen said in March Labor would "brook no further delays" to increasing the guarantee or people would end up with $100,000 less in super by the time they retire.


The Henry tax review and the Parliamentary Budget Office found super increases were more likely to come out of wages than profits.

Business lobby groups have raised concerns that it would force them to outlay more in work entitlements, but the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry conceded last year super payments would be diverted from wages.

Retiring Jobs Minister Kelly O'Dwyer has been lobbying for an extension of the Coalition's freeze at 9.5 per cent from 2014 to 2021.

Internally, the Coalition has considered modelling that showed aged pension costs will be lower than expected under the current superannuation settings, raising the possibility the freeze could be extended if it wins on May 18.

The divide is part of a wider schism over superannuation policy, with Labor pledging to target high-income superannuants to fund childcare and health subsidies.

The Opposition will claw back up to $19 billion over the next decade in super from those earning more than $200,000 a year and $6 billion a year by eliminating franking credit tax refunds from retired investors who have not paid tax.

It has proposed increasing the tax on super contributions from 15 to 30 cents in the dollar for workers earning more than $200,000 and lowering annual non-concessional contributions cap from $100,000 to $75,000.

But it is set to reject some key recommendations from the banking royal commission and Productivity Commission if it wins government.

Among them, a policy that would see workers defaulted only once into a superannuation fund in their lives and create a top-10 best-in-show list, which could help save workers up to $500,000 by the time they retire.

Instead, it will back an Industry Super plan to roll over accounts for workers every time they start a new job.

Millions of young workers are also likely to continue to be defaulted into insurance when they begin work after last-minute negotiations in the final sitting weeks of the last Parliament forced the Coalition to carve out a measure that would have saved up to $2.6 billion in insurance costs.

The deal was done in exchange for bipartisan support for a $6 billion bill to eliminate exit fees and multiple accounts.

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