

This was published 5 years ago


Top End Wedding: a feelgood romcom with a love for home


(M) 102 minutes

Like most romcom fanciers, Miranda Tapsell and her co-writer, Josh Tyler, are admirers of the crowd-pleasing talents of Nora Ephron and Richard Curtis.

They also believe that the genre is fit to travel, so they have come up with the kind of missteps, misunderstandings and misadventures that typically get in the way of a trip to the altar in a romcom classic and they have set them down in the Northern Territory.

Wayne Blair, who was responsible for the hit musical, The Sapphires is the director of Top End Wedding and Tapsell stars as Lauren, an indigenous woman who has just been made a partner in her city law firm. She’s also become engaged to Ned (British actor Gwilym Lee, last seen as Brian May in Bohemian Rhapsody), the easy-going offspring of an Establishment family. You might imagine that she’s left home far behind but she is determined to be married in Darwin with her indigenous girl friends as bridesmaids and her father walking her down the aisle.

Miranda Tapsell, on a romcom road trip, journeys down  Katherine's Nitmiluk Gorge. 

Miranda Tapsell, on a romcom road trip, journeys down Katherine's Nitmiluk Gorge. Credit: Goalpost Pictures

She and Ned encounter the first hitch soon after arriving at Darwin Airport. Her mother isn’t there to meet them and her usually affable father, Trevor (Huw Higginson) has reverted to monosyllables. Nor has he bothered to change out of his pyjamas.

At home, things grow worse. When Trevor is asked where his wife is, he locks himself in the pantry and subjects everybody to the Chicago song, If You Leave Me Now, on rotation.

It’s an introduction with more slapstick than wit but it brings the main players into focus and inclines you to care about them. Richly endowed with love of life, the irrepressible Tapsell is pretty well irresistible while the good-humoured Lee happily plays her comic foil. She’s also strong-willed and it quickly becomes obvious to everybody that there will be no wedding until they have tracked down her mother.


She has plenty of allies. Her girl friends (Shari Sebbens, Dalara Williams and Elaine Crombie) – a support group in the Bridget Jones mould – offer cheering nights out on the town and Kerry Fox extracts a lot of fun from the role of Lauren’s boss, a woman whose air of authority remains as impregnable as body armour until she, too, is disarmed by the relaxed rhythms of the Top End – despite the distraught Trevor and If You Leave Me Now.

The Territory itself then moves to the centre of the frame as Lauren and Ned take their search on the road. And as they drive, the predictable happens and the mystery of her parents’ marriage crisis leads Laura to doubt her own decision to become a wife. But that’s still to come. For the time being, Blair is taken up with the need to make the most of the landscape, the scraps of information to be gleaned from the eccentrics met en route and Lauren’s dawning realisation that she didn't really know her mother, Daffy (Ursula Yovich), at all.

To us, Daffy is a complete enigma. All the script has given us is an introductory sequence showing her as a young woman, fleeing her home in the Tiwi Islands to escape an arranged marriage to a local boy. But you don’t have to be particularly prescient to see that future events are going to involve a return to the Tiwi. The script’s desire to turn the film into something more than a romcom has been clear from the start. Its underlying theme is about home and what exactly is meant about a sense of belonging.

It’s a question that Ned, too, is pondering for he hasn’t yet found an opportunity to tell Lauren and his own family that he has given up his ambition to follow his father’s career path as a prosecution lawyer because he doesn’t enjoy putting people in jail, no matter how much they might deserve it.

But the tone is not permitted to become too serious and the feelgood ending is never in doubt. We can also be assured that Blair is going to harness all of the Territory’s most spectacular features and show them at their most beguiling.

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