

This was published 5 years ago

Charred, scarred, but still standing, Notre-Dame's reconstruction has experts divided

By Megan Clement and Nick Miller

London: A few weeks ago Pierre Gommier climbed onto the roof of his seventh-floor apartment near the Seine and sat with his girlfriend watching the sun set on Paris.

Orange light flared across the clouds over Notre-Dame, and the couple remarked that it looked like smoke and flames were leaping from the ancient cathedral’s roof to the heavens.

Then, a week later, they were.

Fire engulfs the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris.

Fire engulfs the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris.Credit: AP

Tongues of flame licked around the 19th century spire – arrow, as it is known in French, because it points towards God. It bowed and toppled through the disintegrating roof.

Heritage architect  Pierre Gommier saw the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris burn from his apartment.

Heritage architect  Pierre Gommier saw the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris burn from his apartment.Credit: Pierre Gommier

“It was a moment of pure horror,” Gommier, 36, says.

Many Parisians shared that horror as the 850-year-old cathedral, the heart of the Catholic faith in France, was engulfed by fire on Holy Monday and left charred, scarred, but still standing.

It has been called the nation’s soul, Paris’ heart, its mother. And this Easter, when Notre-Dame’s congregation would have been hearing the story of the Resurrection, architects and engineers will begin pondering how it can be brought back to life – a task French President Emmanuel Macron says will be done in five years.

Gommier, a heritage architect, is well aware of the challenges such work will involve. He is one of a select group: certified to work on restoring France’s culturally important buildings.


From his own roof he can see the cathedral’s partially caved-in roof, the gaping hole above the altar. “What you see today is a negative of the building. The scaffolding is burned with the geometric form of what is lost. From the roof you can see – it’s an empty cross.”

Debris inside Notre-Dame Cathedral as investigators begin a probe into the cause of the fire.

Debris inside Notre-Dame Cathedral as investigators begin a probe into the cause of the fire.Credit: EPA

The challenges of rebuilding

There are two immediate priorities.

Investigators must swarm over the building, documenting the wreckage to preserve clues as to the source and cause of the fire – provisionally believed to have been an electrical short circuit.

But they cannot go in, in force, until engineers have shored up the structure, looking for any weaknesses and bracing them. Fire officials say the building remains very fragile and extremely dangerous. There are particular fears for the stability of the north bell tower, the huge (already badly eroded) buttresses that support the walls, and upper parts of the walls near the collapsed vault.


Notre-Dame is constructed almost entirely of limestone, which is vulnerable to high temperatures and water. “With the temperature generated by the wind, and the large amount of wood in the roof, the building turned into a real oven,” says Slawomir Swieciochowski, another heritage architect who has worked on projects such as the stabilisation of the Tournai cathedral in Belgium.

The fire on Monday night may have reached 800°C, enough to calcify and crack the stone, he says, and the whole building has been doused with vast quantities of water while the fire was being put out.

Unless the stonework dries out there’s a real risk of the limestone turning to slurry, Swieciochowski says. Analysts will test masonry to see if damaging chemical reactions have taken place within the limestone. If they have, the stones will have to be replaced.

And the cathedral is not just wet, it’s toxic. The roof, almost entirely destroyed in the fire, was made of lead, dangerous when melted. The site will have to be decontaminated.

Such challenges bring back sharp memories for Francis Maude, director at the London conservation architects firm Donald Insall Associates. He recalls standing in the rubble at Windsor Castle, having been called in to lead the rebuilding after a huge fire tore through it in 1992, the year the Queen later called her annus horribilis.

“You can smell smoke, you can smell cinders everywhere, you see piles of debris everywhere,” he says. “The early part of the project is about consolidating: propping up the standing parts of the structure which might be vulnerable, and clearing away the debris. And of course keeping the weather out, because any restoration project is going to take several years and in that time there can be any amount of rain.

“What you want to do is dry the structure out, so you have got a dry building and you can start your own work.”

Maude’s team conducted an “archeological” dig at Windsor, sifting through the rubble. It turned up material that could be used in the reconstruction, but also revealed valuable clues as to the physical fabric of the building that must be recreated.

Swieciochowski says engineers will have to put up a metal lattice to hold Notre-Dame’s walls in place while the work goes on, to lessen the risk of new cracks and falling masonry. Even before the fire, huge chunks have been falling off the building for years, with some walls held together by improvised metal staples.

And a vast canopy will veil the building, like a curtain drawn around a hospital bed.

Worshippers will be given an ephemeral wooden cathedral on the forecourt, to welcome the faithful and the curious.

An aerial view of the fire damage to the cathedral.

An aerial view of the fire damage to the cathedral.Credit:

'We know they can be brought back'

Europe’s ancient monuments have a long history of destruction and rebirth. The 20th century, in particular, saw many cathedrals and other architectural treasures smashed by war, then restored.

“It’s tragic when something like this goes, but we know they can be brought back,” says Maude.

Notre-Dame itself is a rebuild. The lost ridge spire dated back to 1844, and half of the roof framework was built in the 19th century.

Maude points to the cathedral at Reims, another Gothic masterpiece, which was reduced to ruins by a World War I bombardment but rebuilt in the following decades. In fact, many of Europe’s “old” buildings are wholly or partly reconstructed.

The famous bell tower in St Mark’s Square in Venice collapsed into a pile of old bricks in 1902, and was rebuilt with a new reinforced structure (and an elevator). Warsaw’s Old Town and Royal Castle were systematically blown up by the retreating German army in World War II, and the current charming buildings and imposing castle are 20th century works of varying faithfulness to the originals. The beautiful, Baroque Frauenkirche in Dresden was bombed to smithereens by the Allies in World War II, and deliberately left an empty shell until its reconstruction after the reunification of Germany.

The Frauenkirche in Dresden in 1967. It was bombed by the Allies in World War II and deliberately left in ruins until after the reunification of Germany.

The Frauenkirche in Dresden in 1967. It was bombed by the Allies in World War II and deliberately left in ruins until after the reunification of Germany.Credit: AP

Further back, there was the loss of much of St Paul’s cathedral in the Great Fire of London in 1666, and its replacement by Christopher Wren’s domed masterpiece.

“The fire and rebuilding of St Paul’s came to be a powerful symbol of the Resurrection,” says Giles Fraser, former canon chancellor of St Paul's.“Hardly a Holy Week goes by at St Paul’s cathedral without one preacher or another referencing [the fire] in their sermon,” he told The Guardian. “The death and resurrection of Christ is brought to life in the building itself.”

Medieval churches were designed to be “read”, to tell the Christian story to those unable to read, Fraser says. Death and resurrection are part of that story. “On Good Friday, the church experiences desolation, the obliteration of hope. And then, on Sunday morning, hope impossibly returns. New life rises from the ashes.

“The same will happen with Notre-Dame.”

Inside St Paul's Cathedral in London in 2016.

Inside St Paul's Cathedral in London in 2016.Credit: AP

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo is one of many who have linked Notre-Dame’s survival to the fate of Paris itself, calling the cathedral an “emblem of our common history”. History has dealt both many blows, and they survived. Paris’ coat of arms is a ship at sea above the motto Fluctuat nec mergitur, “tossed on the waves but never overwhelmed”.

'It will not be the same'

But symbolism won’t rebuild a cathedral. And there are big questions around how it should be done. On Wednesday, French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe opened an international competition to re-design the fallen spire. The competition, he said, "will allow us to ask the question of whether we should even recreate the spire as it was conceived”.

If the plan is to recreate Notre-Dame as it was, there is a lot of material to work with. Apart from uncountable drawings and photographs, an architectural historian named Andrew Tallon made it his life’s work to use laser scanners to meticulously map every part of the building’s interior and exterior.

This image provided by Vassar College shows a 3D map of Notre-Dame made by associate art professor Andrew Tallon.

This image provided by Vassar College shows a 3D map of Notre-Dame made by associate art professor Andrew Tallon.Credit: AP

But Swieciochowski says an identikit restoration may not be the best path.“The reconstruction of an identical Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris is almost impossible,” he says. “It’s as if we put a perfect copy of the Mona Lisa in the Louvre. Technically we can do it – with a scanner helping replicate every brushstroke … but it will not be the same.”

Instead, Swieciochowski proposes to “fossilise, or freeze the building”, restoring structural integrity without hiding its wounds.“It must be done in a very harmonious manner in the plan so as not to create an aesthetic shock. Possibly a tourist who does not seek it out, will not realise. But this difference between the authentic and the reconstructed will still be visible to the eye of an expert.”

There are bolder proposals. Architect Alexandre Chassang has been promoting a concept of a glass spire rising from the old stone. “Architecture must represent our epoch,” he says. “We are not going to rebuild today by photocopying the past.”


Such proposals cause some to recoil in horror. Others point out the cathedral has been updated all its life – it is a living building, not a fossil. The lead and wood spire that collapsed was far from universally admired when it first rose in 1860.

One focus for this debate is the “forest” of oak that formed the old roof. Traditionalists such as Macron adviser Stephane Bern argue that the frame should be faithfully replaced using the same materials and techniques as the original 12th century construction.

Others have argued for the use of materials like light reinforced concrete, used to rebuild Reims cathedral, or metal, used in the Parliament of Brittany in Rennes, which was gutted by fire in 1994.

Maude warns against attempts to “age” the reconstruction. There are techniques to give new work the subtle cues that add a patina of antiquity, but there’s really no need. Time will do the job for you, eventually.

'Lessons must be learned'

However the cathedral is rebuilt, it is likely to have what it has so far lacked for eight centuries: a working fire extinguishing system.

Though the Paris fire department has said that these systems can put priceless works of art in danger, architects and heritage advocates say it’s non-negotiable.

The spire collapses as flames burn the roof of the Notre-Dame Cathedral.

The spire collapses as flames burn the roof of the Notre-Dame Cathedral.Credit: EPA

Swieciochowski says “lessons must be learned” from the fate of the old roof, and Maude points out there are many ways a new roof could be better fire-proofed, including better smoke detection, water sprinkler systems and the “compartmentation” of the roof space so any fire could not spread rapidly from one part to another. He also recommended applying fire retardant to the timber.


“We would have thought we were better armed to detect and fight against a fire,” says Julien Lacaze, vice-president of Sites and Monuments, an NGO that lobbies for the protection of French heritage. “She burned as if it were the 18th or 19th century.”

Both Macron and mayor Hidalgo have said they want to see Notre-Dame rebuilt in the next five years, in time for the city to host the 2024 Olympic Games. Maude points out this is exactly how long it took for his team to restore Windsor Castle. “I appear to be one of the few people who think yeah, there could be a way of doing this,” he says. “I’m not saying it will be, though.”

But Lacaze says the deadline is “completely unreasonable”. “We need to take our time to find the best plan and the best architects in the world. These are very delicate things to do and in our point of view it’s not possible to do work of this quality in five years. “The Olympic Games lasts for 15 days … The restoration of a major piece of French heritage must last centuries.”

Several architects have warned that the time pressure could prove an incentive to cut corners: to use cheaper, faster modern materials rather than painstakingly rebuild layers of wood and stone.

And there could be another problem: manpower. Though France has a dedicated association of artisans called the Compagnons du Devoir, they are thinly spread across the country and in high demand. There may simply not be enough stonecutters, carpenters and roofers to do the job quickly.

'There is a joy that comes from it'

When Pierre Gommier was a boy, he would go to listen to his grandmother play the Grand Organ in the cathedral of Notre-Dame. Marie-Claire Alain was the most-recorded classical organist in history, and a devotee of Bach. She called the instrument at Notre-Dame “The Monster” because of its size, and the enormity of its sound.

Gommier finds it hard to believe that Easter will not be celebrated at Notre-Dame this year, after more than 850 years of the resurrection of Christ being marked within its walls.

The Notre-Dame Cathedral has been called the nation’s soul, Paris’ heart, its mother.

The Notre-Dame Cathedral has been called the nation’s soul, Paris’ heart, its mother.Credit: Alamy

Mass begins with the cathedral in complete darkness. The archbishop enters holding a single candle, which will burn throughout the Easter period. Worshippers light their own candles, one by one, and the interior of Notre-Dame comes to life.

“All of a sudden, you see the place completely differently,” Gommier says. “Because of the dancing light along the vaults, the place seems mysterious, primitive, more alive.

“Everyone lights their candle, and all is dancing. There is a joy that comes from it.”

He, like many others, says Notre-Dame will never be the same after April 15, 2019. But he wants to walk through its doors with his own children one day.

“I want them to have the same feeling [as I do],” he says. “Something was given to us … not only to be admired, but to be believed.”

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