

This was published 5 years ago

Mueller report a victory for Trump but denies Americans the closure they needed

By Matthew Knott

New York: Special Counsel Robert Mueller's verdict that there was no collusion between Donald Trump's campaign and Russia has delivered the US President one of the best days of his presidency.

Mueller's central finding is devastating news for American progressives, many of whom became overly invested in the idea that Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin worked together to steal the 2016 US election.

Many American progressives became overly invested in the idea that Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin worked together to steal the 2016 election.

Many American progressives became overly invested in the idea that Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin worked together to steal the 2016 election.Credit: AP

But his failure to reach a definitive finding on the question of obstruction of justice has denied Americans the chance to move past their partisan differences and agree on at least one core fact: their President is not a crook.

The topline findings of the Mueller probe were revealed in a four-page summary released by Trump's Attorney-General William Barr on Sunday afternoon local time.

Quoting directly from Mueller's report - which has not been released publicly - Barr writes: "The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."

Special Counsel Robert  Mueller found no evidence that Donald Trump or his campaign conspired with Russia to influence the 2016 election.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller found no evidence that Donald Trump or his campaign conspired with Russia to influence the 2016 election. Credit: AP

Mueller did find, as had already been revealed through his indictments, that Russia interfered in the 2016 election.

This was done in two key ways. Firstly, by spreading disinformation through fake social media accounts, and secondly by hacking into the email servers of the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton's campaign and releasing them to the public via WikiLeaks.

This alone is a massive deal. But many top Democrats went further, raising unrealistic expectations among the party base that Mueller would deliver a damning verdict on collusion.


Adam Schiff, the Democratic chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said earlier this month that he believed there was "direct evidence" of collusion between Trump’s campaign and Russia.

However, Mueller reached the opposite conclusion.

The mainstream media will also face tough questions about whether they misled their viewers by over-hyping the idea of collusion at the expense of other stories.

In his first public remarks since Barr's summary was released, a delighted Trump described the Mueller probe as "an illegal takedown that failed".

"It was a complete and total exoneration," he said.

That is untrue.

On the second key topic of his report - obstruction of justice - Mueller in fact delivered a frustratingly ambiguous verdict.

After undertaking "thorough factual investigation" of Trump's behaviour - including his firing of FBI director James Comey - Barr said Mueller "ultimately determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment".

Mueller stressed in his report that "while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him".


Instead of providing clarity, this created confusion and fuelled Democrat suspicions about what Barr had left out of his summary.

The fact Mueller did not explicitly exonerate Trump suggests damaging information about the President may be being hidden from the public by his hand-picked Attorney-General.

We now move to a new phase, as Democrats in Congress try to get as much of Mueller's report released to the public as they can. Barr is sure to be called in to testify before Congress.

The Mueller probe may be complete, but this story isn't over. The closure America needs looks to be far away.

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