This was published 6 years ago
Pain ahead for Frankston line commuters as rail blitz details revealed
By Timna Jacks
Frankston line commuters will face two months of disruption during a construction blitz next year as two stations are built and three level crossings removed.
The $536 million project will see the heritage-listed Mentone and Cheltenham stations get a major overhaul, while level crossings are removed at Park Road and Charman Road in Cheltenham, and Balcombe Road in Mentone by late 2020.
An artist's impression of the new Mentone station.
The government is avoiding the controversial sky rail option and will instead lower the train line into a trench to improve traffic at the three crossings, which have a total of 38,000 vehicles driving through them every day.
The building work will start in the middle of next year and the stations could each be closed for about four months, while the station car parks at each site could be closed for about 18 months.
The government has assured locals that the heritage-protected train stations would be incorporated into the new design.
A new "garden bridge" will be built over the sunken railway lines at Mentone station to connect the two platforms of the existing station, while the new Cheltenham station will have a plaza connecting Cheltenham Park with the local shops.
The new line will run beneath the 'garden bridge' at Mentone station between the heritage-listed buildings.
A third platform at Cheltenham station will be connected to Frankston-bound tracks, so that trains can terminate or originate without getting in the way of Frankston services.
More than three kilometres of walking and cycling tracks will also be created.
Transport Infrastructure Minister Jacinta Allan acknowledged that commuters on the busy Frankston line would face months of replacement bus services, but insisted that the level crossings were "relics of the past" and needed to be removed.
"It is viewed that the best way to do the bulk of the work is to get in there over a two-month period and work around the clock to remove the crossings as soon as possible," Ms Allan said.
"While we recognise that it will cause disruption during that period of time, this is the best way to get on and remove those level crossings."
So far, five level crossings on the Frankston line have been removed as part of $3 billion worth of works.
The government decided not to build the so-called “Frankston flyer” proposal, which would have seen a third track built between Frankston and Moorabbin, allowing more express trains to run.
The state government claimed this would have required hundreds of homes and businesses to be acquired.
How the new station at Cheltenham will look.
It's unclear whether the new Cheltenham station will be future-proofed to make space for more underground train tracks that could form part of the $50 billion suburban rail loop.
The suburban loop will include a stop in Cheltenham, but this would more likely be located at Southland which is in the same suburb, Public Transport Users Association spokesman Daniel Bowen said.
"As upgrade works continue, the government must take care to ensure any changes are compatible with the suburban rail loop when it gets constructed," he said.
"This might include provision for future tunnels and station interchanges, and ensuring that as far as possible, suburban rail loop construction does not disrupt the existing rail network."
Weeks ahead of the election last year, Premier Daniel Andrews announced that he would remove 25 extra level crossings by 2025, bringing the total number of level crossing removals to 75.