

This was published 6 years ago

More girls interested in STEM jobs, but fewer women keeping them

By Alice Clarke

Over the last few years, there’s been a massive cross-industry push to get more women and girls into science and technology courses. Each toy fair has dozens of toys aimed at teaching girls how to code, there are award shows recognising the few senior women there are in the field, Disney cartoons are showing more female scientists and programmers, and people are becoming more conscious of how they talk about these careers as being for everyone. Heck, even Barbie is a scientist and astronaut now.

According to a recent YouGov Galaxy poll, funded by Microsoft Store, 52 per cent of girls aged 12–17 would consider a job in a technology or science-related field, while 28 per cent were unsure, and 21 per cent straight up said no. Interestingly, overall, 24 per cent of those surveyed didn’t know enough about the jobs available in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and maths).

Girls are now more aware of STEM careers, but there's much more work to do.

Girls are now more aware of STEM careers, but there's much more work to do.Credit: Getty Images

While it’s great to have more than half of all girls interested in a career in STEM, and it shows that the education campaign is starting to work, that number should be higher, given that most future jobs will be in STEM-related areas.

One of the problems with getting girls involved is the perceived lack of female role models. This was highlighted in the YouGov study, when only 4.66 per cent of respondents could name a single female role model in STEM; the vast majority of which named Marie Curie, who has been dead for 85 years.

The only other two role models mentioned were Ada Lovelace (an English mathematician, credited with writing the first computer program, who died in 1852) and Katherine Johnson (aged 100) whose work with NASA was recently featured in the film Hidden Figures. It’s both shocking and telling that so few girls could name so few female pioneers, and that none of them still work in the field.

Part of this is on the media for mostly telling the stories of men. Everyone knows of Tim Cook and Mark Zuckerberg, but we don’t talk enough about their female counterparts. Even as a woman who works covering technology, I can only think of a few names (outside PR and journalism) off the top of my head. But few girls growing up casually hear about game developers like Kiki Wolfkill, studio head of Transmedia and Entertainment at 343 Industries (makers of Halo), or Siobhan Reddy co-founder of Media Molecule (which made Dreams and LittleBigPlanet).


There aren’t even a lot of fictional women in the field. Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark are almost as well-known for their gadgetry as they are for their daddy issues and violent tendencies. Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel) and Shuri (Black Panther) are going some way to fix the gadgetry imbalance, but they’re not quite household names yet.

While the numbers of girls interested in joining the industry have increased, the actual numbers of women working in STEM has decreased. According to today’s Females in IT & Telecommunications (FitT) report, which looked into eight sectors in Australia, the average gender breakdown in FitT member corporations is 32 per cent women, 68 per cent men. This is a 6 per cent dip in women compared to last year.


Jacqui McNamara, chair of FitT, says the problem isn’t education, but cultural. “Sadly, the numbers aren’t going up. I don’t think that’s anything to do with STEM or STEAM but the environment and culture in the industry, and flexibility.”

While it’s not just women who need flexibility, until the culture around who is responsible for looking after children changes, that’s going to remain one of the biggest priorities for women.

Jacqui McNamara.

Jacqui McNamara.

“I just had a conversation with a woman today, and she’s wondering how having another child will impact her career and promotion,” McNamara said. “I’ve never had a man come up to me and ask that same question. It’s really front of mind for a lot of people, and because of that we lose a lot of talent.”

The annoying part of that is that technology is one of the industries with the most potential for flexibility, according to McNamara. “We can do remote work and all those things and I’m not sure we’re leveraging them as well as we could.”

Perhaps this international women’s day, parents should take this opportunity to learn about the women who have changed, and are changing the face of games, telecommunications and science.

Or maybe take this opportunity to sign your daughter up for a class where she can not only learn how to code, but make friends and form networks so she can grow up to run her own company that changes the culture in the industry. Check out places like Code Like A Girl, Girl Geek Academy, and the free Captain Marvel-inspired coding and animation classes at flagship Microsoft Store Sydney this school holidays.

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