

This was published 5 years ago

The art of no deal: who is to blame for the Hanoi summit's failure?

By Kirsty Needham

Hanoi: The arrival of two world leaders with egos the size of Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump in Hanoi, under the spotlight of the world's media, surely meant a denuclearisation deal was imminent.

Or so the conventional wisdom went.

Experts and pundits argued over whether it would be a big deal or a small deal. That there would be a deal of some sort was never in doubt - until it was suddenly gone.

The US and North Korean leaders did not even make it to lunch at Hanoi's graceful colonial Metropole Hotel. Negotiations soured behind closed doors on day two of the summit, not long after Trump and Kim joined their top aides on Thursday morning.

A "signing ceremony", which had been scheduled for early afternoon, was abruptly cancelled and Trump instead fronted the media at a press conference at his hotel.


The President and his secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, were swift to blame Kim for asking too much.

Kim had demanded the US lift all economic sanctions on North Korea in exchange for the closure of the Yongbyon nuclear plant, they said. "Sometimes you have to walk," Trump told the media, before flying back to Washington.

In a midnight retort, North Korea's foreign minister Ri Yong-ho had a different version of events. Pyongyang, he said, sought only partial sanctions relief in return for the closure of Yongbyon in front of international inspectors. They had also pledged to end nuclear and long-range missile tests, Ri said.


But he said the US had made a further, unnamed demand.

Many analysts - including the former US special representative on North Korea, Joseph Yun - believe Trump's unconventional "top-down" negotiating style is to blame for this failure to reach a deal.

"Sometimes you just have to walk": Trump says goodbye to prospects of a deal with Kim Jong-un in Hanoi on Thursday.

"Sometimes you just have to walk": Trump says goodbye to prospects of a deal with Kim Jong-un in Hanoi on Thursday.Credit: Bloomberg

Trump prides himself on his skill as a dealmaker, and his personal approach to North Korea has yielded two summits in a year, in stark contrast to the conventional diplomacy of decades past.

But the collapse of the Hanoi summit showed the "critical weaknesses" of this style, said the director of Dongguk University's Institute of North Korea, Koh Yu-hwan.

"It's unprecedented. It's a failed summit," he said in Hanoi.

Conventional diplomacy would have avoided the spectacle of a US president travelling halfway around the world, and a North Korean leader enduring a 60-hour train journey, for nothing. Negotiating teams would first nail down a deal, over many months and meetings, leaving the leaders to safely sign a predictable text.

It's unprecedented. It's a failed summit.

Koh Yu-hwan, director of Dongguk University's Institute of North Korea

"Going back empty-handed - that's not good," said Yun, adding that Trump and Kim could have signed a deal to open liaison offices, or agreed to a declaration formally ending the Korean War.

"There was a deal that we could have had. It would have been limited ... but kept the process alive," he said.

Yun agreed that the failure in Hanoi showed the weakness of the top-down style of diplomacy. He said his successor as special envoy on North Korea, Stephen Biegun, had held only one meeting with the North Koreans before the summit, and that was not enough.

North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong-ho, centre, holds a midnight press conference after talks collapsed in Hanoi.

North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong-ho, centre, holds a midnight press conference after talks collapsed in Hanoi.Credit: AP

High hopes and complicating factors

Before Thursday, there was every indication that a deal had been prepared. Trump referred to documents being ready to go. South Korea had talked about the peace declaration that was likely to come from Hanoi.

So what went wrong?

This was no ordinary week for Trump. Between his first handshake and dinner with Kim on Wednesday evening and the working meeting the following day, his presidency was rocked by the stunning overnight testimony in Washington of his former lawyer, Michael Cohen.

Cohen told the House Intelligence Committee - and a TV audience of millions - that Trump was a racist and a con man. He provided details of hush money paid to former mistresses by Trump and his delight in 2016 at learning that Julian Assange would release hacked emails to rock Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

A poster of Michael Cohen at his congressional hearing this week.

A poster of Michael Cohen at his congressional hearing this week.Credit: AP

Also as the summit was unfolding, international stability was shaken as Pakistan shot down fighter jets from neighbour India as they flew over its airspace, and the two nations exchanged fire on their border.

Meanwhile the Trump administration's North Korea wild card - National Security Adviser John Bolton - unexpectedly turned up in Hanoi.

Koh says the Cohen hearing might have contributed to the summit's collapse. When negotiations are led from the top, any fear of a domestic political backlash will derail talks, he said. The Cohen testimony may have made it difficult for Trump to be seen as relenting on North Korea.

Trump said in the press conference that, had he signed a deal on Thursday, "people would have said, 'Oh, what a terrible deal'."

Trump said he had watched Cohen's "shameful" performance and said it was a "terrible thing" for the congressional hearing to go ahead in the middle of "this important summit".

Michael Cohen takes the oath ahead of his congressional testimony.

Michael Cohen takes the oath ahead of his congressional testimony.Credit: Bloomberg

But other analysts believe the domestic political situation in the US would have made Trump all the more eager for a foreign policy "win".

Who to believe?

Chief Executive of the Perth USAsia Centre Gordon Flake said he was not confident of Trump's account of what went wrong, and noted there was a long history of North Korean walkouts.

He hypothesised that the Kim regime might have abandoned talks on Thursday if they believed that Trump was "unable to unilaterally deliver sanctions elimination".

The sanctions, and steps to lift them, are stipulated under US law and the United Nations Security Council.

"The US side had the PowerPoint template ready for the deal. Why would Trump go all the way over there and not get a deal? He deeply wanted a deal," Flake told The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

Flake said the most accurate read-out of the previous summit in Singapore had come from the North Koreans, not Trump, who was prone to hyperbole. Flake was waiting to see the North Korean media's reports on what had actually happened in Hanoi.

Flake, a former Washington think-tank head who has spent three decades analysing North Korean diplomacy, said Trump had suggested in his press conference that it was Pompeo who had held the US line on what could be agreed.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's plane in the foreground, and Trump's Air Force One behind, take off from Hanoi after the unsuccessful summit.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's plane in the foreground, and Trump's Air Force One behind, take off from Hanoi after the unsuccessful summit.Credit: AP

He said Cohen's testimony might have played into the result if it had sapped Trump's energy and focus.

Another theory on what went wrong centres on Bolton, who has a history of taking a hard line on North Korea, and was once described as "human scum" by the regime's state media.

The former South Korean unification minister Jeong Se-hyun has blamed Bolton for provoking the North Korean demand that all sanctions be lifted, by first demanding North Korea disclose the full range of their chemical and biological weapons, a South Korean media outlet has reported.

The madman theory

Director of the Nuclear Crisis Group and former Obama administration adviser Jon Wolfsthal said: “Contrary to official statements issued in Hanoi, it appears President Trump – at the urging of National Security Adviser John Bolton – moved the goalposts and blew up the meeting with last-minute demands North Korea was not prepared to accept."

Joel Wit, a former State Department official and founder of Korean affairs website 38North, said Trump believed in the "madman theory of foreign policy". This was a policy extolled by former president Richard Nixon, who tried to make the leaders of the Communist nations believe he was volatile, irrational and prone to extremes. In theory, they would fear provoking him because of what might be an extreme response.

Wit, too, doubted Trump's account of what went wrong in Hanoi, and said if the US had started pushing in the meeting for more than what had been previously agreed, it would have been a "big mistake".

"Yongbyon isn't insignificant," he said of Kim's original offer.

In the Hanoi press conference, Pompeo said only that the US team wanted to make a "big step" at the summit and "we asked [Kim] to do more. He was unprepared to do that."

Compared to the tightly-scripted handshake and upbeat words to the media on Wednesday evening as the summit opened with dinner at the Metropole, Thursday's performance by Trump and Kim seemed to be running off track from the outset.

Kim Jong-un meets with Donald Trump on Thursday.

Kim Jong-un meets with Donald Trump on Thursday.Credit: AP

Kim appeared to be in a hurry to strike a deal, but Trump said he was in no rush and a deal may not even happen in one or two days.

Kim appeared irritated with Trump's pandering to the television cameras, urging him to spend less time with media questions that he felt were cutting into their private negotiating window.

In a major break with North Korean protocol, Western media were able to throw questions to Kim - the first time he has interacted with reporters.

Trump urged Kim to answer a reporter's question on whether the two nations would open representative offices - effectively opening diplomatic relations. Kim said such a development would be welcome. In the end, though, even that was not agreed.

Trump phoned South Korean president Moon Jae-in from Hanoi after the summit had failed and asked him to mediate with North Korea.

Disappointment in South Korea

The failure of the Hanoi Summit to produce a deal will be sorely felt in the south of the peninsula, where the share market immediately fell, and the government had been rapidly moving ahead in its normalisation of intra-Korean relations. Initially, it wanted to restore rail and road links.

"There were many people in South Korea who wanted this to be a success," said Kim Kwang-gil, a member of South Korea's presidential committee on economic cooperation with the North.

Phone a friend: South Korean President Moon Jae-in on the phone to Donald Trump on Thursday.

Phone a friend: South Korean President Moon Jae-in on the phone to Donald Trump on Thursday.Credit: AP

The tourism industry and companies that had anticipated the reopening of the joint Kaesong Industrial Zone - dependent on sanctions being lifted - would be disappointed, he said.

But he noted that steps to lift the sanctions on North Korea were stipulated under US domestic law and through the UN, so Trump would have been limited in what he could promise in a bilateral meeting.

South Korea's presidential office released a statement of regret that Trump and Kim "could not reach complete agreement", but added it appeared "they have clearly made more meaningful progress than at any time in the past".

Daniel Davis, a retired lieutenant-colonel and senior fellow with the US think tank Defense Priorities, said Moon had been indispensable in getting the US and North Korea to the negotiating table over the past year.

"I think we will see just how effective President Moon can be," he predicted of what comes next.

In the meantime, the diplomatic stalemate does not mean there is an increased security threat to the US, he said. The missile tests have stopped and so have US joint military drills on the Korean Peninsula.

Former US national security adviser Stephen Hadley said on Friday that the world should give some space for Trump's top-down, "unconventional" approach to North Korean negotiations to run.

Trump, for one, insists that the two leaders shook hands on the way out the door.

But there are no plans, as yet, to hold a third summit.

On the front page of North Korea’s propaganda newspaper Rodong Sinmun on Friday, the news was all good: “[Kim Jong-un] expressed his thanks to Trump for making positive efforts for the successful meeting and talks while making a long journey and said goodbye, promising the next meeting.”

Could it be that reporting a failure to the North Korean people is unthinkable?

If so, that may be the pressure that brings Kim back to the table.

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