

This was published 5 years ago

Queensland's debt bill to hit more than $83 billion in three years

By Felicity Caldwell

Queensland's ballooning debt continues to expand, with total debt set to be $412 million higher in three years than what was expected in the June budget.

Total debt, including government-owned businesses, was forecast to hit a staggering $83.51 billion over the forward estimates, even higher than the $83.09 billion predicted in the budget.

Queensland Treasurer Jackie Trad delivers the mid year budget review on Thursday.

Queensland Treasurer Jackie Trad delivers the mid year budget review on Thursday.Credit: Dan Peled/AAP

Treasurer Jackie Trad revealed the updated budget figures in the Mid-Year Fiscal and Economic Review at 1 William Street on Thursday.

Ms Trad said the government's borrowing program was sustainable.

"We make no apologies for borrowing to invest in the infrastructure our state needs," she said.

Ms Trad said the government would use its surpluses responsibly to defer borrowings which had a "net result of decreasing borrowings over the forwards".

"I am not going to embark upon a radical austerity program of cutting services and selling assets all in the name of getting back a AAA credit rating when the actual difference between having a AAA currently and having a AA+ is 0.07 per cent of a point in terms of borrowings," she said.

General government sector debt was estimated to be $33.24 billion in 2018-19, $931 million more than expected in the budget.

The expected surplus over the next year was more than triple the estimate in the June budget, increasing from $148 million to $524 million, with surpluses projected across the forward estimates.


Coal royalties were expected to tip in $4.26 billion in 2018-19, which was $739 million more than expected due to an improvement in coal prices, while total royalties and land rents will bring in an extra $677 million.

Coal prices declined on average during the first half of 2018 but prices increased following the budget and remained elevated through the December quarter.

Queensland Resources Council chief executive Ian Macfarlane said the coal royalties paid for teachers, hospitals, roads and schools and kept the budget in the black.

"It is an absolute cash cow for the Queensland government," he said.

However, higher than expected coal royalties contributed to the downward revisions to Queensland's share of GST revenue over the forward years, with a $772 million reduction.

Ms Trad said she was incredibly conscious of Queensland's reliance on coal.

"What we do need to do is focus on the diversification factor, we need to focus on advanced manufacturing..." she said.

"We're looking at diversifying our economy, encouraging new industries particularly in innovation into Queensland."

Revenue was expected to be higher in 2018-19 at $59 billion, $1.26 billion more than the budget estimate.

Revenue was expected to grow by 1.6 per cent in 2018-19, following growth of 3.4 per cent in 2017-18.

Expenses in 2018-19 were expected to be $58.48 billion, $888 million higher than the budget estimate.

Increased expenses were due to increased education spending, bringing forward grants programs to support regional jobs, deferrals from reprofiled program delivery from 2017-18, and increased support to the racing industry, the MYFER document said.

Public sector employee expenses were predicted to be $23.99 billion next financial year - $180 million more than expected in the budget - reaching $26.78 billion by 2021-22.

The state government has a fiscal principle to keep growth in the public service, on average over the forward estimates, aligned with population growth.

The MYFER shows full-time equivalent growth in the public sector at 1.7 per cent over the forward estimates and population growth at 1.75 per cent.

Ms Trad said Labor committed to more doctors, nurses and teachers at the election.

"These are fundamentally putting up the government expenses as well as what we are required to commit to in terms of funding under the new education agreement that was passed through the Federal Parliament by legislation," she said.

Revenue from payroll tax was expected to be $30 million higher than in the budget in 2018-19, at $4.09 billion.

The June budget predicted statewide employment growth of 1.5 per cent which remained steady in the mid-year review, while the unemployment rate remained at 6.25 per cent.

Population growth remained steady at 1.75 per cent, compared with the budget forecasts, while inflation was steady at 2 per cent.

The state government also announced a $70 million Build to Rent pilot to deliver affordable rental properties for low to moderate income earners in Brisbane's inner-city by partnering with the private sector.

The project will provide rental subsidies to a successful proponent to deliver affordable rental housing.

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