

This was published 5 years ago

Thousands of students march in Melbourne to demand climate action

By Joe Hinchliffe

Victorians braced themselves for another hot summer, a controversial coal mine in Queensland inched closer to breaking ground – even as fires raged across the state – the federal government was engulfed in internal turmoil.

It was the last day of spring, and thousands of students across Australia said they’d had enough.

School children striking from school and protesting in the streets of Melbourne for the Government to take action on Climate Change.

School children striking from school and protesting in the streets of Melbourne for the Government to take action on Climate Change.Credit: Justin McManus

In what they dubbed the Big School Walk Out, students from public, private and independent schools, primary and high, ditched the classroom for the day and took to the streets to protest.

But for all the social media buzz and news coverage, the question remained: would the kids walk the talk? Or would it be a fizzer?

In Melbourne alone, several thousand turned out and organisers were forced at the 11th hour to change the protest site from Parliament further down Spring Street.

Organisers said more than 5000 turned up in Melbourne, to add to the 5000 in Sydney, 1000 in Brisbane, 1500 in Hobart and hundreds more in 20 smaller events nationwide.

And all this started with three kids from Castlemaine.


They didn’t come alone. More than 200 students were with Harriet O'Shea Carre, Callum Neilson-Bridgfoot and Milou Albrecht on the Bendigo train which pulled in to Southern Cross shortly after 10.30am. Together they marched down Collins Street, chanting, waving banners and turning heads.


As they arrived at the Old Treasury they were given a rockstar’s welcome. A band played, the young folk danced and sung. Cheers rang out as more and more school groups poured in. But when student leaders took to the lectern, they spoke of fire and brimstone.

"If we continue to live the way we do, then by 2050 climate scientists predict that half a billion of the 9 billion who will be living on this planet will survive," 14-year-old Harriet said.

"The chances that I will survive that are very low and the chances that everyone and everything I love will survive that are practically impossible. And I cannot bear the thought of losing the people I love when it could have been stopped."

Students on the move.

Students on the move.Credit: Luis Enrique Ascui

Despite the apocalyptic talk, the students' creativity was on full display with hundreds of banners bobbing up and down above the crowd.

Some spoke of hope for change, others responded to barbs from politicians, including the prime minister. The sardonic humour of high school was out in full force.

"Science doesn't care about your opinion," read one.

"There will be more learning in school when there is more learning in government," read another.

With chants ranging from elaborate anti-Adani slogans to the more concise “do something, do something” and “ScoMo’s got to go!” the throng left Old Treasury, marched down Collin St, turned on Russell and up Bourke towards Parliament.

Although the Liberal federal government was in the cross-hairs of many protesters, several speakers and the Australian Youth Climate Coalition, which helped organise the national-strike, also pledged to hold any future Labor government to the same standards.

AYCC spokeswoman Alex Fuller said Labor's energy police "did not go far enough" and promised further action until the student's demands were fully met.

Students protesting against government inaction on climate change, in Melbourne on Friday.

Students protesting against government inaction on climate change, in Melbourne on Friday.Credit: Luis Enrique Ascui

Monash University lecturer Dr Zareh Ghazarian said the social media inspired protest was part of a global movement of young people "circumventing established politics".

The Doctor of Politics said the day was “highly symbolic” of “the angst” around climate change and success government’s inability to settle on stable climate policy. But while he said it was particularly acute amongst the young, the feeling was not confined to them.

"It's an extension of the frustration the broader community feels too," he said.

Hoppers Crossing Secondary College Year 12 student Jagveer Singh was one of several young Melburnians address the crowd.

School kids march on Parliament House.

School kids march on Parliament House.Credit: Matt Golding

He said students had three main demands: stop the Adani coal mine and all new coal and gas projects and to transition to 100 per cent renewable energy.

“Hopefully the federal government wakes up,” he told The Age.

The 17-year-old said he was encouraged the students’ voices – and hashtags – were already being heard in Canberra. But Jagveer said the strike would just be the beginning.

“Realistically speaking turning up to a strike for one day probably won't change much ... like the government's not going to do anything," he said.

“But at the moment we're hoping that they do, and if they don't I suppose more of the same will come their way – and election isn't far off, so ...".

According to RMIT Adjunct Professor Stephen Alomes, whether students like Jagveer are true to their word will determine if the events of Friday reverberate or remain a "oncer".

The expert in populism and social movements said the “crucial question” was not the number of protesters on Friday, but how many turnout a year from now.

Dr Alomes said grassroots movements which gained traction needed to centre around an issue which had "continuing impact on peoples' everyday lives". Which lead him to suspect the students' protest "may become bigger".

"It is arguable that climate change is also affecting people and we see that at the moment in terms of what they call 'weather events": heat waves, unprecedented fires in Queensland, 80-100 millimetre storms in Sydney," he said.

"So in that sense, if a grassroots movement needs a driver to keep going, so it's not just a 'oncer' we may have that because climate change seems to have a continuous pattern of events which are out of the ordinary."

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