

This was published 6 years ago

How a meeting in a cafe with a journalist prompted Australia's biggest foreign bribery case

By Richard Baker & Nick McKenzie

The story of Australia's first foreign bribery prosecution began in 2008 when a whistleblower and a journalist met in a cafe behind The Age’s old brown brick headquarters in Melbourne’s Spencer Street.

Waiting at a table was a well-dressed, clean shaven man with a full head of salt and pepper hair. His name was James Shelton. He had been part of the sales team at the Reserve Bank of Australia's currency firm, Securency, for about two years and had seen some troubling things.

Corruption whistleblowers Brian Hood [left] and James Shelton.

Corruption whistleblowers Brian Hood [left] and James Shelton.Credit: Jason South

Shelton was nervous about talking to a journalist. He had a black note book before him on the table. In it, he said, were names of Securency overseas agents who he believed had received multimillion-dollar payments for brokering suspect deals with politicians and central bank officials.

Shelton said he was talking to a journalist as a last resort. He had taken the same information and more to the AFP six months earlier, in April 2008. But it appeared the police were not going to do anything with it. AFP Commissioner Tony Negus later said he regretted this failure to act.

It took another eight months of digging and work by the newspaper's investigative team before a detailed story could be published about Securency’s massive commission payments to a host of middlemen in corruption-prone countries. One of those was a suspected senior Vietnamese intelligence officer who was having an affair with Australia’s top trade official in Hanoi.

The night before the May 2009 story came out, then deputy governor of the Reserve Bank, Ric Battelino, rang The Age’s investigative team. “You’re not going to publish this are you?” a worked-up Battelino asked.

He went on to say the RBA had made it clear to Securency and Note Printing Australia that they were not to pay bribes via their agents and middlemen. In any case, Battelino said the RBA had no inkling that bribery may have occurred, and that questions would now be asked of Securency.

The day the story was published, the RBA did something it should have done two years earlier and called in the AFP to investigate.


It turned out Battelino knew more than he was letting on. But it took another whistleblower to step forward to reveal the extent of the RBA’s true knowledge of corruption concerns and the great lengths it went to keep them in-house.

Over many meetings across two years, NPA’s former company secretary Brian Hood slowly shared with The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald details of his own investigation into admissions by the company’s Malaysian agent – whose other job was arms dealing – that he had used his commissions to bribe government officials.


Hood had detailed his evidence and concerns in an explosive memo to the RBA deputy in 2007. Hood's memo had prompted the RBA to order Note Printing Australia to cease using its agents. But for some reason the RBA has never explained, sister-firm Securency was able to continue using its own middle men in corrupt countries, including the Malaysian arms dealer.

If Shelton’s whistleblowing unearthed the scandal, then Hood’s evidence blew the lid off it. And it gave Battelino and his boss, then RBA governor Glenn Stevens, a credibility problem.

Both had told parliamentary committees the RBA’s knowledge of corruption concerns really began with the initial 2009 story in The Age. In fact, the RBA had decided a year earlier in 2008 to ask law firm Freehills to advise on its subsidiaries’ exposure to foreign bribery laws, rather than alert police to Hood's discoveries.

It is important to remember that none of this would be known had it not been for the combination of whistleblowers and journalists. Shelton’s first attempt to alert the AFP to bribery went nowhere. The RBA did all in its power to keep Hood's corruption discoveries a secret.

Both men paid a heavy price for doing the right thing, losing their jobs after asking questions of their bosses, and experiencing years of anxiety as prosecution witnesses while the court cases stalled and shrouded in blanket suppression orders.

But even when the story was public it was hard to get any traction. For the most part, the rest of Australia’s media was uninterested and did no reporting of their own. Kevin Rudd's Labor government, so keen while in opposition to hammer the Coalition over the Australian Wheat Board kickbacks scandal, did nothing and said nothing on the RBA controversy, or the involvement of other government agencies. Former federal Labor MP Kelvin Thomson was a notable exception.

One of the few times the scandal made the top of online news charts was when The Age and Herald reported on a Securency plan to treat a visiting central bank official to a prostitute. The newspaper banner “RBA firm hooker sex bribe” proved irresistible.

Another time was when reporters Baker and McKenzie were ordered by a Victorian court in 2012 to reveal their sources or face jail for contempt. Thankfully, this situation was avoided.

When the AFP, which had assembled a serious and motivated taskforce, made history in mid-2011 by charging the RBA firms and a host of executives with bribery, there was a brief spurt of media and political attention.

By the end of 2011, however, the noise was forcefully quieted by of a series of suppression orders imposed by the Victorian courts at the request of the accused's lawyers and, in one infamous example, the Australian government in order to avoid damaging international relations.

Not even the existence of the orders was allowed to be reported.

Now that the prosecutions are over and suppression orders evaporated, what are we left with?

Firstly, there is a compelling case for Australia to have a stand-alone fraud and financial crime agency. The AFP's chief investigator in the case, Rohan Pike, said as much this week.

As a result of the case, the nation’s foreign bribery laws have been reviewed and improved. But prosecuting foreign bribery has proven extremely complicated and protracted. The AFP investigation into the Securency matters generated 80 million documents. We should learn from the experience and make changes.

The AFP has prosecuted very few other foreign bribery case since 1999. Big corruption investigations into major Australian companies such as the former Leighton Holdings, AWB, Tenix and Tabcorp have gone nowhere. Why?


Australia’s corporate regulator, ASIC, was found to be missing in action in the banknote bribery case. The boards of Securency and NPA were led by senior RBA appointees, most notably by former deputy governor Graeme Thompson. The bribery happened under the watch of these boards.

It’s worth nothing that Thompson was also the head of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority. But ASIC did nothing with evidence about potential breaches of the Corporations Act referred to it by federal police. At least it could have hauled in Thompson and other directors for questioning. ASIC has never explained its failure to act.

Laws to protect whistleblowers such as Hood and Shelton cannot come soon enough. They have been introduced to Federal Parliament, but not yet passed. As this case shows, they deserve and demand protection.

Lastly, given the failure of the RBA to report corruption to police, the AFP’s initial reluctance to act, and ASIC's reluctance to enforce directors' duties, the banknote bribery scandal is a clear case study for why Australia would benefit from a national integrity commission.

Imagine if Shelton and Hood were able to take their concerns about serving and former public servants to a well-resourced agency whose primary purpose was to expose corruption.

The only losers in this scenario would be investigative journalists.

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