

This was published 6 years ago

Overdiagnosis is harming patients and action is required, says chief medical officer

By Kate Aubusson

Australia’s chief medical officer has backed moves to protect patients and safeguard the sustainability of the health system against the growing problem of too much medicine.

Overdiagnosis is exposing healthy people to tests and treatments that are at best useless, and at worst trigger aggressive procedures with devastating side effects, a formidable alliance of peak doctors colleges, researchers, advocates and public health experts warned.

Michael Shirley was diagnosed with prostate cancer and told he needed a radical prostatectomy.  Thirteen years after saying no to the surgery he wants men to know they have other options.

Michael Shirley was diagnosed with prostate cancer and told he needed a radical prostatectomy. Thirteen years after saying no to the surgery he wants men to know they have other options. Credit: Wolter Peeters

The alliance - forged by the Wiser Healthcare research collaboration - is developing a world-first national action plan to curb overdiagnosis across the medical spectrum, from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to cancer. Reversing the harms of too much medicine was becoming a healthcare priority, members of the emerging alliance wrote in the Medical Journal of Australia on Monday.

Chief Medical Officer Professor Brendan Murphy welcomed the initiative, branding overdiagnosis “a significant issue in all countries with advanced health systems”.

“We know harm can come from overdiagnosis,” Professor Murphy said, from causing undue anxiety and labelling people with stigmatising disorders, to serious adverse effects from unnecessary aggressive or invasive treatments.

“There is no doubt we need some sort of approach to address it.”

Professor Brendan Murphy, Australia's chief medical officer.

Professor Brendan Murphy, Australia's chief medical officer.

Clinical leadership on the issue “could not be underestimated”, Professor Murphy said.

“Sometimes we get very specialised doctors who are curious and want to advance their field chasing a diagnosis when there is no clear benefit to the patient,” he said. “But doctors will change practice if they are given a sound evidence-base to do so.”


Professor Murphy said any strategy to curb overdiagnosis must engage and empower patients to question the care they are offered and make informed choices.


He pointed to OECD research showing health systems wasted billions of dollars on healthcare that had no value or caused harm.

“We’ve got to make sure we only fund those things of benefit to patients.”

But he said any move to cut overdiagnosis must weigh the potential harms against the benefits of early detection and interventions in life-threatening conditions.

The co-author of the Medical Journal of Australia paper and senior research fellow at Bond University’s Centre for Research in Evidence-Based Practice, Dr Ray Moynihan, said overdiagnosis had reached epidemic proportions.

“When you look at figures suggesting 20 per cent of breast cancers diagnosed as a result of screening are possibly overdiagnosed, the magnitude of overdiagnosis of prostate cancers and thyroid cancers, not to mention non-cancer overdiagnosis, you can’t help but come to the conclusion that we are dealing with an epidemic,” Dr Moynihan said.

Diagnosis-creep and expanding disease definitions (for example, prediabetes, pre-osteoporosis, pre-dementia and the US move to lower the threshold for high blood pressure) were increasingly problematic, he said.

“I don’t think it’s overstating the problem to say overdiagnosis is threatening the sustainability of our healthcare system and wasting resources that could be spent on treating and preventing genuine illness.”

A statement that will underpin the development of the national action plan has been publicly endorsed by some of Australia’s most influential healthcare organisations, including Cancer Council Australia, Australia’s peak colleges for surgeons, physicians, GPs and radiologists, and consumer groups.

“These are major, influential bodies acknowledging overdiagnosis is a serious problem that we need to address as a nation,” Dr Moynihan said.

Cultural beliefs that more tests and treatments were always better, financial incentives to diagnose and treat in the health system and increasingly sensitive diagnostic technologies detecting minor abnormalities were likely major drivers of overdiagnosis, the authors of the MJA Perspective wrote.

Doctors’ cognitive biases and the fears that they might miss something, coupled with the public’s expectation that the clinicians should “do something” also fed overdiagnosis.

Chief executive of Cancer Council Australia Sanchia Aranda said any moves to curb overdiagnosis must not undermine national screening programs and the benefits of early detection.

“If we get this wrong the consequences are great,” Dr Aranda said. “Overdiagnosis causes harm, but a missed breast cancer diagnosis can kill you [and] men still die of prostate cancer,” she said.

But carefully calibrated strategies to combat overdiagnosis could ultimately lead to improved outcomes for patients. Potential solutions include public awareness campaigns, financially rewarding quality rather than the quantity of medical care, curbing expanding disease definitions, greater scrutiny of testing accuracy, and encouraging shared decision making between doctors and patients, the authors of the MJA article said.


“The proof will be in what [the alliance] can achieve, but I am very supportive of what they are doing,” Professor Murphy said.

At 68, Michael Shirley was diagnosed with prostate cancer and told he would be dead in three years unless he had a radical prostatectomy within the week.

Elizabeth Bay local was unsettled by how readily his urological surgeon fobbed off his questions about the potential for serious side effects, including impotence and incontinence.

“I asked him ‘what are my options?’ and he said ‘you don’t have any’,” Mr Shirley said.

Mr Shirley decided against the surgery after seeking a second and third opinion.

Eleven years later, the 79-year-old is alive, healthy and incensed that men are still being scared into invasive treatment for low-risk prostate cancers that are unlikely to kill them.

“The whole process was horrendous,” Mr Shirley said, recalling the gnawing anxiety that followed his cancer diagnosis and a prostate biopsy that "hurt like hell".

Too many men were still having their prostate-specific antigen (PSA) tests to gauge their prostate cancer risk under the assumption that screening for any cancer must be a good thing, said Professor Kirsten McCaffery, a co-director of the the University of Sydney’s Centre for Medical Psychology and Evidence-Based Decision Making and co-author of the MJA article.

“But overdiagnosis and overtreatment of prostate cancer continues to devastate men’s lives,” Professor McCaffery said. “Even if men follow active surveillance [the watch-and-wait approach] they can spend years wracked with anxiety about the cancer, and the diagnosis can impact their ability to work, to have relationships and function socially and emotionally.”

“PSA testing should never be offered without careful counselling about the consequences,” she said.

Several initiatives were already working to curb overdiagnosis, including the Choosing Wisely campaign, which lists overused interventions across a range of medical specialties.

Choosing Wisely and NPS Medicinewise (the publicly funded national prescribing service) recommend patients ask their doctors five questions before they get any test or treatment: do I really need this?; what are the risks?; are there safer, simpler options?; what happens if I don’t do anything?; and what are the costs?

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