


Why do some people get hay fever and what can they do about it?

What is hay fever, how does it relate to COVID-19 and why is it important to nip symptoms in the bud? And how does thunderstorm asthma happen?


In any other year, an errant sniff or explosive sneeze might be met with an offer of a tissue or a polite "bless you" – but the deadly COVID-19 pandemic has made us extremely cautious, for good reason.

Thankfully, Melburnians dreading a tough hay fever season behind masks can breathe a (stifled) sigh of relief. Good late summer and autumn rains were followed by a dry winter, leaving the soils of western Victoria's grazing lands more parched than last year. This is likely to keep pollen-producing grasses to a minimum – and itchy, running noses to just a drip.

It's a different story for Sydneysiders prone to sneezing their way through spring. After a couple of mild hay fever seasons, tree pollens are already floating through the air across NSW. Heavy winter rains have soaked pastures and boosted grass growth, which doesn't bode well for hay fever sufferers.

So, what can hay fever sufferers expect and what can they do to offset trouble now?

If you suffer from hay fever, you are almost certainly allergic to the pollen from ryegrass.

If you suffer from hay fever, you are almost certainly allergic to the pollen from ryegrass.Credit: Alamy

How is this year's season shaping up?

Heavy rainfalls in late July and throughout August have greened pastures across NSW and provided perfect conditions for pollen-producing grasses to thrive. Connie Katelaris, professor of immunology and allergy at Western Sydney University and head of unit at Campbelltown Hospital, says pollen season is already in full swing. "People may be complacent, as the last two years have been less impactful," she says.


It’s better news in Victoria. Associate Professor Ed Newbigin, a botanist and pollen expert from the University of Melbourne, says Melbourne is on track for a mild hay fever season. The wet start to the year was followed by a winter with below-average rainfall, drying out pastures in western Victoria and slowing grass growth. "There is still a window where good finishing spring rains could boost further grass growth and bring about a bigger grass pollen season, but that window is narrowing," Dr Newbigin says.

What is hay fever?

Its medical name is allergic rhinitis (from the ancient Greek rhino, for nose), meaning an inflammation of the mucous membrane in the nose. When a person susceptible to allergies is first exposed to a particular pollen (or to dust mites or cat hair, for that matter) they make an allergic antibody, explains Professor Jo Douglass, an allergy specialist and head of the University of Melbourne's department of medicine at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. The second time the person encounters that allergen, their immune system recognises it as foreign, provoking an inflammatory reaction – even though the substance itself would not have hurt them. The allergic reaction triggers the body's cells to release histamines, which cause capillaries to dilate, leading to the runny symptoms and that intense, almost needling itch.

Who suffers from it?

One in five Australians, although some health experts say the figure is much higher. Some sufferers mistake hay fever for a simple cold or a recurring tickle in their throat (that just happens to occur every spring). The symptoms are horribly familiar to many: the intensely itchy, twitchy nose that's running like a tap; the itchy, watery eyes; the incessant sneezing, blowing and rubbing.

Why is it important to nip symptoms in the bud?

Because the initial reaction usually just gets stronger, the throbbing sinuses become pounding, the itchy nose can become blocked – and there's worse: hay fever can lead to asthma and exacerbate reactions in the event of an asthma thunderstorm. Leading immunologists in Melbourne and Sydney say that if you’re prone to hay fever, start using intra-nasal steroids now. Don’t wait until a morning when you find yourself enveloped in swirls of pollen on your way to work. Get ahead of it and build a first line of defence by dampening your body’s allergic response.


By the way, don't confuse intra-nasal steroid sprays, which are an effective daily preventative measure, with nasal decongestants, which should be used only for short periods, nor with antihistamine sprays, which are OK for treating milder symptoms but which won’t prevent symptoms developing.

And here’s a quick tip for using nasal spray, from Robyn O'Hehir, professor of allergy and clinical immunology at the Alfred Hospital and Monash University: rather than tilting your head back, tip your chin forward and angle the spray, inside each nostril, towards your ear on each side. It's a better way to let the spray penetrate your sinuses. (Storing the spray near your toothbrush is a good reminder to use it daily too.)

How come only some people get hay fever?

Genetics. Studies have shown that allergic diseases, including hay fever, are more common in the children of people who have allergies – particularly their mothers, says Professor O'Hehir.

She says that about 40 per cent of the population are "atopic" – they have an inherited predisposition to make an allergy antibody when exposed to airborne allergens such as dust mites and cat hair (all year round); and allergens such as grass, tree and weed pollens (seasonal).

But, as with many common conditions, hay fever requires the genetic predisposition and exposure to the allergens. It's not a single gene disorder such as, say, cystic fibrosis.


There is also the concept of the "atopic march", says Professor O'Hehir, where babies and infants might have eczema (atopic dermatitis) or food allergies (especially to milk and eggs in infancy) which are often resolved by school age but which can progress to asthma, peaking between ages six to eight before hay fever develops in mid-to-late teenage years. "Some people have the full hand and some may only have respiratory allergies and not eczema or food allergies," she says.

Why do some people get hay fever later in life?

There can be a specific trigger such as a viral infection that "switches on" your allergic genes, says Professor Katelaris. You may have had a bad flu or pneumonia, for instance, that left you feeling a bit wheezy and your sensitivity to an allergen developed from there.


A big "at-risk" group are immigrants from Asian countries who have not been exposed to ryegrass pollens before, says Professor O'Hehir. In Australia they can become sensitised to ryegrass pollen allergens then, on re-exposure in subsequent years, they develop hay fever, which can tip into seasonal asthma or thunderstorm asthma.

People of Indian, Sri Lankan or south-east Asian ethnicity made up 39 per cent of hospital admissions related to the deadly asthma thunderstorm that hit Melbourne in 2016, according to a study in The Lancet in June 2018. Six of the 10 people who died were from south or south-east Asia.

Thunderstorm asthma events are rare but can be deadly.

Thunderstorm asthma events are rare but can be deadly.Credit: Janie Barrett


What’s hay fever’s connection with asthma?

Close. About 80 per cent of people with asthma also get hay fever. Professor Katelaris points out that hay fever affects the upper airways and asthma the lower airways – and the airways are, of course, linked. This means that an asthmatic with hay fever symptoms may be prone to more acute asthma attacks when their hay fever is active.

Seasonal hay fever sufferers in south-eastern Australia, 99 per cent of whom are allergic to ryegrass pollen, are "latent spring asthmatics", says Professor O'Hehir. They are at risk of developing not just asthma, but also thunderstorm asthma should dangerous weather and pollen conditions collide. "My dictum is: Sneeze! Wheeze! Think asthma, pleeze!" She says it is important for spring hay fever sufferers to be able to treat asthma – a GP visit now can help tell you what you need to know.


… and does it relate to COVID-19?

While there are some similar symptoms: a cough, runny nose, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing (the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention released a Venn diagram that neatly illustrates the symptoms of both), there is no evidence of a link between the two.

But Professor Katelaris says there is plenty of evidence to show that when the nasal lining is inflamed, it is easier to catch any virus. So those suffering from allergies should try to keep symptoms in check: seek medical advice on treatments, avoid touching your eyes and nose at all times and head straight for the nearest COVID-19 testing station if you experience allergic symptoms for the first time.


Professor Douglass says if it's just hay fever, it's highly unlikely you'll experience the fevers, sore throats and general aches and pains associated with COVID-19. "[They] are more typical of a respiratory infection than hay fever … sneezing, an itchy throat and eyes are more typical of allergic symptoms," she says.

What creates thunderstorm asthma?

The kind of catastrophic event that happened in November 2016, when epidemic thunderstorm asthma hit Melbourne and left thousands of people struggling to breathe, could also happen in Sydney given a similar mix of climatic conditions, says Professor Katelaris. Wind circulated pollen, there was a sudden drop in air pressure, big raindrops wet the pollen and this caused the grains to explode – and release particles tiny enough to lodge in people's airways. The Victorian storm also hit at 6pm, she points out, when a lot of people were outdoors.

The storm has upped the ante on prevention. Health experts such as professors Katelaris, O'Hehir and Douglass urge hay fever sufferers to see their GPs and develop a rhinitis and asthma action plan. You can also download pollen count phone apps or go online for thunderstorm asthma weather alerts at and

The main culprit behind seasonal hay fever in south-eastern Australia.

The main culprit behind seasonal hay fever in south-eastern Australia.Credit: Alamy

When does hay fever season ramp up?

Grass pollen counts are performed daily (and warnings issued) from October 1 to December 31. In NSW, ryegrass pollens can be ready to waft in on a warm westerly as early as mid-September (cold weather can delay it). There’s a peak in October and especially November and then it's over by Christmas. Same in Victoria, where the main enemy is also ryegrass pollen.

More than 50 grains per cubic metre of air is deemed to be a high or extreme pollen count. In 2019, Melbourne had 27 such days, seven more than the average. And, after a year of drought and bushfires, Sydney had none (the average is four).

But in Sydney (and Canberra and Brisbane), the hay fever season has a second act. January and February brings dustings of pollens from ubiquitous sub-tropical grasses such as Bermuda (also known as couch, pronounced cooch) and Bahia (Paspalum). The season can extend to April in Brisbane as various subtropical species bloom.

While ryegrass is by far the biggest culprit in south-eastern Australia, there are a range of other plants that can set you off.

How is pollen counted?

A machine called a Burkard volumetric air sampler sucks up air and catches any particle-level impurities on sticky microscope slides. A researcher then painstakingly counts the grains. In Melbourne, Dr Newbigin oversees the count on the roof of the Earth Sciences Building at the University of Melbourne. In Sydney, Professor Katelaris conducts it on the roof of Campbelltown Hospital. Since the thunderstorm asthma event in 2016, the number of Victorian pollen counting stations has grown from three to eight; in NSW, there are two (the other one is at Windsor).

Microscopic pollen.

Microscopic pollen.Credit: Ed Newbigin at University of Melbourne

Feeling sneezy? Here's what you can do

The good news is that nasal sprays, non-sedating antihistamines and eye drops are effective preventative treatments. Use them to help stop chronic inflammation setting in, as discussed earlier.

But while they can treat symptoms on a daily basis they are not a cure, says Professor Douglass.

A longer-term option is allergen-specific immunotherapy, also known as desensitisation. This therapy uses small doses of allergen extracts to either inject into the body or take as a tablet under the tongue over a sustained period.

Immunotherapy manipulates a person’s immune system to create a protective rather than allergic response, says Professor Katelaris. It's used to treat allergies to all sorts of things such as cat hair and dust mites as well as pollens.

A typical treatment for seasonal hay fever would involve taking tablets that contain grass pollen extracts either ahead of the season or all year round. If taken properly two or three years in a row, hay fever sufferers could have clear eyes and noses for three and four years afterwards. A recent study led by Professor O’Hehir found that the pill had an added benefit – it could save lives. None of those involved in her clinical immunotherapy trial in the lead-up to the catastrophic thunderstorm asthma event in Victoria in 2016 suffered an asthma attack during the storm.

In Sydney, says Professor Katelaris, the mix of potentially allergenic plants other than ryegrass make it critical that you see a specialist who can pinpoint which pollens you're allergic to so the immunotherapy is correctly prescribed. Birches, plane trees, casuarinas … the list of plants goes on and many people are allergic to a variety of allergens – what’s called "poly-sensitive". Immunologists are working on treatments specifically for subtropical pollens too.

The not-so-good news is that immunotherapy is not funded by the government so the expense – about $350 for a 90-day script – can make it out of reach for some people.

This article was originally published in 2018 and has since been updated.

Credit: Alamy

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