

This was published 6 years ago

'I didn't expect that reaction': Trump's boasting provokes laughter at UN

By Matthew Knott

New York: US President Donald Trump has attacked "unelected, unaccountable" global bureaucrats who want to undermine American sovereignty in a speech to the United Nations General Assembly, while also threatening to cut foreign aid to countries who aren't friendly to the US.

Trump's speech, in which he attacked Iran for promoting "death and destruction" in the Middle East, sparked a war of words with the Iranian president, who suggested in a later speech that Trump exhibited a "Nazi disposition".

The speech carried many of the same "America First" themes Trump outlined in an address to the UN last year but was in one way starkly different: warnings that the US would "totally destroy" North Korea were replaced by praise for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, whom Trump previously called "rocket man".

Trump appeared taken aback at the start of his speech when he declared he had made more progress in two years than "almost any other administration in the history of our country" - a claim that prompted audible murmurs and laughter from the foreign leaders and diplomats in the room.

"I didn’t expect that reaction, but that’s okay," a smiling Trump said, provoking further laughter in the chamber.

“Each of us here today is the emissary of a distinct culture, the rich history, and a people bound together by ties of memory, tradition, and the values that make our homelands like nowhere else on earth,” he said.

"That is why America will always choose independence and cooperation over global governments, control and domination.

At the United National General Assembly, President Donald Trump joked that he didn't expect delegates to laugh at him.

At the United National General Assembly, President Donald Trump joked that he didn't expect delegates to laugh at him. Credit: AP

"I honour the right of every nation in this room to pursue its own customs, beliefs, and traditions.


"The United States will not tell you how to live or work or worship - we only ask that you honour our sovereignty in return."

In a speech that attacked the International Criminal Court, the UN Human Rights Council and a new global pact on migration, Trump summed up his approach as: "We reject globalism and embrace patriotism."

"America is governed by Americans," he said.

Some in the audience grumbled during Trump's remarks when he said "we reject the ideology" of globalism and criticised nations such as Germany for agreeing to an oil pipeline with Russia.

When Trump criticised socialism, a member of the Swedish delegation frowned with disapproval.

Trump saved his harshest rhetoric for the regime in Iran, which he castigated for sowing "chaos, death and destruction" in the Middle East.

"Iran’s leaders plunder the nation’s resources to enrich themselves and to spread mayhem across the Middle East and far beyond," Trump said, while urging other countries to increase economic sanctions on Iran.

President Donald Trump addresses the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly.

President Donald Trump addresses the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly.Credit: AP

"The Iranian people are rightly outraged that their leaders have embezzled billions of dollars from Iran's treasury, seized valuable portions of the nation’s economy… all to send out their proxies to wage war."

In a speech to the UN later in the day Iranian President Hassan Rouhani accused the Trump administration, which last year withdrew from an Obama-era anti-nuclear agreement with Iran, of trying to overthrow his government.

"On what basis and criteria can we enter into an agreement with an administration misbehaving such as this?" Rouhani asked. "It is ironic that the US government does not even conceal its plan for overthrowing the same government it invites to talks."


Rouhani attacked leaders who "ride public sentiments and gain popular support through the fomenting of extremist nationalism and racism" and exhibiting "xenophobic tendencies resembling a Nazi disposition."

While not referring to Trump by name it was clear he was referring to the US President.

Trump also attacked China for trade violations and the theft of US intellectual property, saying America would "no longer tolerate such abuse". Trump last week announced US$200 billion ($275 billion) worth of new tariffs on Chinese goods.

"We will not allow our workers to be victimised, our companies to be cheated," Trump said, while adding that he has "great respect and affection" for Chinese President Xi Jinping.

President Donald Trump is seen on a translators video screen as he addresses the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly.

President Donald Trump is seen on a translators video screen as he addresses the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly.Credit: AP

Trump said that since his June meeting in Singapore with Kim Jong-un, North Korea had taken several "encouraging measures" that could not have been imagined only recently.

"The missiles and rockets are no longer flying in every direction," he said. "Nuclear testing has stopped. Some military facilities are already being dismantled."

He added that more work needed to be done before North Korea fully dismantled its nuclear capabilities.

In a play on his famous campaign slogan, Trump said that the global migration crisis could only be resolved by making every country "great again".

The President, who recently announced a cut in the US refugee intake, said refugees were best placed close to their home countries so that they can easily return when conditions improve.


Trump said the US was "taking a hard look" at the foreign aid it sends to other countries and the financial support it provides to international organisations.

"We will examine what is working, what is not working and whether the countries who receive our dollars and our protection also have our interests at heart," Trump said. "Moving forward we are only going to give foreign aid to those who respect us and, frankly, [are] our friends."

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