

This was published 6 years ago

Kevin Rudd calls on the Liberal Party to match Labor's leadership rules

By Latika Bourke

Kevin Rudd has called on the newly minted Liberal leader Scott Morrison to match Labor's leadership rules that he says have delivered the party five years of stability.

Mr Rudd, who is due to release the second instalment of his memoirs - taking in the 2010 spill that he calls "the coup that killed Australian politics" - said the Liberal Party owed it to the country to make changes.

His call was backed by Liberal backbencher John Alexander, who proposed Liberal leaders serve a full term and seek a fresh party room endorsement before every election.

Former prime minister Kevin Rudd has accused Tony Abbott of being a key destructive force in Australian politics.

Former prime minister Kevin Rudd has accused Tony Abbott of being a key destructive force in Australian politics.Credit: Andrew Meares

Speaking from Stockholm where he is an advisory board member of the Stockholm Resilience Centre on climate change about the structural forces driving Australia's instability, the former prime minister singled out Tony Abbott as the singular destructive force in Australian politics of the past decade.

He said a combination of factors had caused MPs to become addicted to knifing sitting prime ministers, but that he had helped Labor avoid the problem by imposing tougher conditions to change leaders when he returned to the top job in 2013.

"The benefit of that reform is now plain for all to see because we’ve had stability on the Labor side and rolling instability on the Liberal side for the last five years," he said.

"It’s time for the Liberals, for the good of Australia, to adopt an equivalent of the Labor rule."

Under Labor's leadership rules, MPs and members elect a new leader over a month-long process. The long timeframe is designed to give electors time to scrutinise the candidates and test their suitability for the pressures of the leadership.

In the event the party decides the leader is not up to the job, 60 per cent of the caucus must sign a petition to force a spill.


Mr Shorten posed with his lower house colleagues for a photograph outside the parliamentary chamber on Thursday and said: "My united and stable Labor team are ready to govern."

Labor's leader in the senate Penny Wong published a similar photograph of her an her upper house colleagues and said: "I think we were a much happier team before question time today than the other side."

Sydney Liberal MP John Alexander said the party needed to establish a "new era" and meet voters' expectations that prime ministers serve a full term.

"I admire that they have maintained stability," Mr Alexander said of Labor.

He said the Liberals should adopt a process where the leader seeks a party room endorsement before an election and if they are unsuccessful remain in the job to serve out the full term but hand over to their successor for the campaign in a "dignified handover".  He said such a process could have ensured a transition from John Howard to Peter Costello and would stop the never-ending leadership speculation.

"If we had policies that excited people’s imagination we would be able to lure the press away from the cheap drama, soap opera crap that we currently have," he said.

Mr Alexander said it was vital the party learn from its mistakes. "The best winners learn from their losses and continue to evolve," the former tennis star said.

Mr Abbott shot into the Liberal leadership in 2009 when as the party's chief climate change sceptic he, along with Joe Hockey, ran against Mr Turnbull, who had wanted the Coalition to support Mr Rudd's emissions trading scheme.

Mr Abbott withdrew the Coalition's support and embarked on a platform of opposing any carbon price, including the carbon tax introduced by Julia Gillard and most recently prime minister Malcolm Turnbull's attempt to legislate the emissions reductions targets that Mr Abbott signed up to when he was the prime minister.

"The single most destructive factor in Australian politics for a decade has been Abbott on climate policy: we’ve seen it relation to me in 2009 and 2010, we saw it in relation to Gillard, and in relation to Turnbull," Mr Rudd said.

"This is another factor deeply disfiguring Australian politics in the last decade when what’s been required has been long term structural change of the economy on carbon because we’re the driest continent on earth," he said.

"What single positive policy has Abbott stood for in the last 10 years that was ever implemented?" Mr Rudd asked.

Mr Rudd declined to comment on Mr Turnbull's demise. The pair fell out when Mr Rudd accused the Member for Wentworth of reneging on a deal to endorse him to run for the position of United Nations Secretary-General.

But in a tweet, Mr Rudd made clear his opposition to Peter Dutton's failed leadership campaign, saying the former home affairs minister should never be considered for the position of prime minister given his boycott of the 2008 apology to the Stolen Generations.

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