

This was published 6 years ago

'We are taking care of a very big problem for the world' says Trump after Kim summit

By Kirsty Needham

Singapore: Donald Trump has made history as the first US president to sit down and talk with his North Korean counterpart, Kim Jong-un, but a letter signed by the two men fell short of agreeing to concrete next steps to achieve denuclearisation.

The letter stated that Trump "committed to provide security guarantees" to North Korea, and Kim "reaffirmed his firm and unwavering commitment to complete denuclearisation".

While the document lacked detail, Trump said later in a press conference that the US would end joint military drills with South Korea.

"We will be stopping the war games which will save us a tremendous amount of money plus I think it is very provocative," he said.

He also said Kim had verbally agreed to close his country's missile engine testing site.

The US President emphasised that crippling economic sanctions would stay in place on North Korea until "when we are sure the nukes are no longer a factor".

On human rights in one of the world's most barbaric regimes, Trump said the topic had been discussed and "will be discussed more in the future".

Despite the desire by both Trump and Kim for a summit, the gulf between North Korea and the United States over what denuclearisation meant, and what security guarantees would be acceptable to each side, was unable to be bridged by last-ditch negotiations on Monday.

Trump said later that they had run out of time.

Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un sign statements after their Singapore meeting.

Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un sign statements after their Singapore meeting.Credit: AP

What did emerge from the four hours of discussions between the two leaders on Tuesday was a significant easing of tensions, and with this, an end to the nuclear brinksmanship between two erratic leaders that had shocked the world last year.


Australia's Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said Australia welcomed the summit outcome as "a step in the right direction".

"North Korea must now take concrete and verifiable steps to implement its commitments," she said.

Both Trump and Kim had appeared nervous before the world's cameras when they first sat down at 9am local time, after shaking hands in a made-for-TV moment. Yet the two men had spoken previously on the telephone, Trump revealed on Tuesday.

By day's end, at a signing ceremony in a room festooned with the national flags of the two countries still technically at war, Trump said his discussions with Kim had been "very intensive" and the two men had developed "a special bond".

"Our whole relationship with North Korea and the Korean Peninsula will be very different to what it has been in the past. We both want to do something," Trump said after signing the letter.

Asked about denuclearisation, Trump said a process would be started "very quickly".

Donald Trump answers reporters' questions about the 'epochal' summit with Kim Jong-un.

Donald Trump answers reporters' questions about the 'epochal' summit with Kim Jong-un.Credit: AP

Kim said through a translator: "We have decided to leave the past behind and sign this historic document."

The summit on Sentosa island in Singapore had been hurriedly prepared in three months, with negotiators meeting three times on Monday in an attempt to bridge the differences between the two sides over what denuclearisation looks like.

The letter, which was publicly disclosed after Trump signed it with a flourish and held it up to the TV cameras, contained the grand language typical of Trump.

It emphasised the summit, "the first in history, was an epochal event of great significance in overcoming decades of tensions and hostilities between the two countries and for the opening up of a new future".

The letter, signed by US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, does not specify what the commitments are.

The letter, signed by US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, does not specify what the commitments are.Credit: AFP

The letter commits to recovering the remains of fallen soldiers and prisoners of war and "the immediate repatriation of those already identified".

Trump said he had first asked for this on the day, after receiving many emails from US citizens, and Kim had agreed quickly. Thousands of war remains are believed to be scattered across North Korea, where the most intense fighting of the 1950 to 1953 civil war took place.

The other three points were broad, committing the US and North Korea to establishing new relations "in accordance with the desire of the peoples of the two countries for peace and prosperity"; and joint efforts to establish peace on the Korean Peninsula.

North Korea also reaffirmed a deal signed with South Korea's president Moon Jae-in in April to work for the complete denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula.

But Trump's key negotiator, ambassador Sung Kim, told reporters afterwards there was a lot of work still to be done.

Speaking at a press conference at the Capella hotel on Tuesday evening, Trump said he would invite Kim to the White House "at the appropriate time".

Trump said that "scientifically" denuclearisation takes a very long time, but once you start the process the "nukes" can't be used.

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt Golding

"Sanctions will come off when we think nukes are no longer a factor," he said. "I hope it's going to be soon ... the sanctions right now remain."

Trump deflected questions about North Korea's track record of going back on prior promises of denuclearisation, saying it was different this time.

Grilled by US reporters, Trump also paid tribute to Otto Warmbier and his parents and said the college student, who fell into a coma in detention in North Korea, "did not die in vain".

Pusan University North Korea analyst Robert Kelly said the letter was "depressing". "This is even thinner than most skeptics anticipated," he said in a tweet.

Veteran North Korea analyst Andrei Lankov said the deal had little value: "North Korea will be emboldened and the US got nothing."

Trump's former top official on North Korea, Joseph Yun, who resigned in February, had said last week that he would expect to see concrete next steps to start the process of denuclearisation, but he said it would take years.

Yun had warned against any agreement to reduce the US presence, which includes 28,000 troops, in South Korea.

North Korea is reported to have wanted the US to remove the nuclear umbrella over South Korea and Japan as part of the "complete denuclearisation" of the peninsula.

Trump said he would not yet be withdrawing American troops: "I want to get our soldiers out, I'd like to be able to bring them back home, but that's not part of the equation right now".

Trump had raised hopes last week that a peace treaty may be able to be signed as a form of security guarantee, to formally end the Korean War, but this was also missing from the final letter.

After an initial private meeting that lasted 45 minutes as the two leaders sized one another up, Kim and Trump walked together to a meeting room where they were joined by senior officials.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, hawkish national security advisor John Bolton and chief of staff John Kelly were in the meeting with Trump.

Kim was accompanied by North Korean foreign minister Ri Yong-ho, and Kim Yong-chol and Ri Su-yong, vice chairmen of the worker's party.

The group were joined by Kim's sister Kim Yo Jong at a working lunch. Then Trump and Kim went for a stroll in the garden.

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