This was published 6 years ago
Reform on the agenda for WA planning system
By staff writers
The state government's long awaited green paper into the WA planning system has been released for public comment.
Commissioned by Planning Minister Rita Saffioti and led by town planner Evan Jones, the paper proposes five key reform areas to the system, including legibility and transparency.
Ms Saffioti said she initiated the review to meet the needs of the rapidly changing state.
“This paper acknowledges that, whilst the planning system has supported the growth of the state, it has become complex and difficult to understand," she said.
Industry groups have welcomed the opportunity to comment.
Housing Industry Association WA executive director John Gelavis said it was an excellent opportunity to provide feedback on a modern planning system for WA.
Urban Development Institute of WA chief exeuctive Allison Hailes said she was hopeful of seeing real results from the reform agenda.
Property Council WA executive director Lino Iacomella said the reforms looked to provide the biggest "bang for the buck" in terms of meaningful changes to the planning system.
Comment is invited, with feedback used to inform a white paper, which will be provided to government for consideration.
Submissions close on July 20, 2018. For more information and to provide feedback visit