

This was published 6 years ago

You see a sandpit, but East Perth river precinct is transforming

By Emma Young

All eyes are on East Perth as the stadium is completed, the arches of Matagarup Bridge lifted into place and the sod turned for the new raceway and residential towers at Belmont Park.

The previous state government outlined visions of a bigger Perth that was better connected and flowed east.

This included swanky redeveloped areas along and across the river, the stadium and bridge, the new Belmont Park, the completed Claisebrook Village and a redeveloped East Perth Power station.

An artist's impression of Waterbank.

An artist's impression of Waterbank. Credit: Lendlease

The 40-hectare Riverside was another pillar, comprising two different projects to provide 4000 homes and space for 6000 workers: Queens Riverside and Waterbank.

"It is all part of a co-ordinated plan to create new inner-city communities where people want to live and work, providing housing diversity to accommodate a population of 3.5 million by 2050,” former premier Colin Barnett said.

Queens Riverside, incorporating Fraser Suites Perth hotel and three apartment towers, battled through years of issues including the builder going bust and developer Frasers battling construction issues and struggling to sell apartments, but is nonetheless now complete.

The Waterbank project has been officially underway since 2011. Planning Minister John Day announced in 2015 that development applications had begun and construction would start in 2016. The Waterbank website still says “construction to commence early 2017”.

East Perth redevelopment precinct, showing some of the projects.

East Perth redevelopment precinct, showing some of the projects. Credit: Golden Group

But in mid-2018 the Causeway Bridge and Trinity College still overlook a flat plain of sand, inhabited only by some tenacious weeds. The recent completion of Ku De Ta and other Fraser Point redevelopments make the faded signage, straggly sheoaks and rubble on the river’s edge look even more forlorn by comparison. It seems to the layperson as though little has stirred in years on this chunk of prime real estate.


But Lendlease project director David Ockenden explained that contrary to appearances, plenty of action has taken place beneath the surface.

One of Australia’s “most geotechnically challenging sites”

Humans have extensively reshaped the natural environment in this section of the Swan River.

It was once shallow brackish water, much less salty than now, in an area of low-lying islands and mudflats – known to the Aboriginal people who crossed here as Matagarup, meaning knee-deep.

But settlers sick of dragging their boats over the mudflats in the 1840s dredged the river, consolidated the mudflats into Heirisson Island and built the original Causeway Bridge over the top.

This might look like just sand, but this sand has an important job to do.

This might look like just sand, but this sand has an important job to do. Credit: Emma Young

Needing a working port at Fremantle by the 1890s, they blasted through a rocky bar at Fremantle for seagoing vessels to pass, and changed the river into a salty estuary.

The Waterbank site was reclaimed from the water in the 1950s, when today’s incarnation of the Causeway Bridge was built. It has at times been both a football field and a dump.

“It's a very challenging site, with mushy layers the consistency of toothpaste probably 20-30 metres deep before you get to bedrock. There are layers of uncontrolled fill around the site," Mr Ockenden said.

"It's not unusual for these sites; in proximity to the river, with high sediment build-up in alluvial plains but the key is that we must manage the ground conditions including 'settlement of soil', naturally compressing when under surface load."

He said there were two main ways to build upon alluvial soil (that is, soil deposited by the river flow) – piling to bedrock or surcharging the sedimentary layer above the bedrock.

Piling can be either driven or cast in situ (situation) down to the bedrock, as done at Elizabeth Quay, Crown Perth and other parts of Perth surrounding the Swan River.

Waterbank project model, with Causeway Bridge in foreground.

Waterbank project model, with Causeway Bridge in foreground. Credit: Emma Young

Surcharging was the pre-loading of the soil above the bedrock with several metres of sand above the existing ground level, a layer that compresses over time and ultimately gives the ground the capacity to carry additional weight. The timing is difficult for engineers to predict, based on sampling of the existing alluvial layers and complicated computer modelling.

Surcharging was better suited for landscaped areas. It was slower but more cost effective, as it could efficiently cover large areas without expensive piling.

Piling was a superior solution to support buildings as it could support far greater loads.

At Perth Stadium, for example, the football field was surcharged, but the grandstands piled.

Waterbank would use a combination of surcharging beneath some of the roads and public landscaped areas, but variations of piling techniques beneath the buildings.

The surcharging was now complete.

Given the ground conditions, driving piles at Waterbank was a special challenge, as the site had very tall, heavy buildings grouped close together, unlike the adjacent Trinity College with its shorter, more spaced-out buildings.

The process of driving piles displaced adjacent soil, so it was more challenging to get piles into a tighter area. And the challenges did not end there.

Waterbank project director David Ockenden on the site.

Waterbank project director David Ockenden on the site.Credit: Emma Young

“The geotech here is inherently difficult – it’s on a peninsula close to the water's edge where the effect of pile displacement is greater, there are more neighbouring services and driving the piles could affect the Causeway bridge pylons,” Mr Ockenden said.

“The geotech and structural challenges on the project require a massive collaboration with geotech, hydrological and structural engineers.”

Another challenge was the significant power, water, sewage, communications and gas connections, with some services required to be led in from East Perth, in an already very built-up area, Mr Ockenden said.

It had taken six months to reach 70 per cent completion, due to complex in-ground conditions, the water table, existing services and roads. A major final step to extend sewer infrastructure was obtaining authority approvals.

A site combining public and private development involved a vast array of agencies: government bodies, commercial and cultural groups.

Problems solved with one agency could create new problems with others, and many had different views – for example, there were several schools of thought on what species of tree would be best suited to public areas.

But the build itself, once underway, was expected to be quicker than the stadium or Elizabeth Quay, Mr Ockenden said, noting they were significantly different developments.

As Lendlease was coordinating the entire project, including infrastructure, roads, parks and buildings, the components could be sequenced efficiently.

“All big projects run through this process. As we have seen in other jurisdictions, if this is fast-tracked too quickly you can end up with inefficiencies and significant construction coordination and cost issues,” he said.

Artist's impression of Waterbank public beach.

Artist's impression of Waterbank public beach.Credit: Lendlease

A place for people

Public consultations and designs have also been lengthy processes.

Lendlease has spent time asking Perth’s indigenous and non-indigenous residents about the area’s significance. Insights from the Hornery Instiutute, which helped with initial consultations and vision setting, had been revealing.

“The key is, before you draw anything, you must understand the context, and part of that is the environmental, cultural and social importance,” Mr Ockenden said.

“Sydney people talk more about how they use those places, what those places do for them; Perth people talk more about the colours, the natural elements they value.”

Lendlease was now conscious that West Australians wanted a development that reflected authentic Perth, not another major tourist site, or another place where hard edges separated the river and the land.

Like the nearby development at Ku De Ta, the aim was to connect these elements in a more natural way, with native plants and sandy beaches preferred over ramps, handrails and jetties.

It would be “a place to call home, and locals to visit."

“It will be somewhere you can wear thongs and boardies, to have a burger or a swim, kick the footy, have a coffee while you watch the kids. If you want to pull the boat up you can, if you want to take a kayak out you can.”

It is expected that construction of the infrastructure and public domain will continue this year. In 2019 works will become more visible, with one of the first buildings to commence over the next year.

East Perth redevelopment in mid-2018: a snapshot

East Perth Train Station redevelopment is complete, with the potential for further redevelopment in the area.

East Perth Train Station redevelopment is complete, with the potential for further redevelopment in the area.Credit: Public Transport Authority

Incorporating Waterbank and Fraser’s $450 million Queens Riverside (complete)
4000 homes for 7000 people, 94,000sqm of commercial and retail space for 6000 workers.

Burswood Peninsula: Belmont Park and surrounds


Incorporating new raceway and residential towers
12,500 homes for 20,000 people, $3.8 billion Golden Group (recently commenced).

Perth Stadium


East Perth Power Station

8.5ha site to provide a mix of living, working and leisure opportunities while conserving power station building.
Building repair and stabilisation completed in 2015, with an ambitious concept design released by Hassell, but no further action taken, or funding provided, to realise the vision.

East Perth train station

Station upgrade complete – potential to develop commercial space and multistorey car park remains.

Claisebrook Village

1450 homes for 2500 people and commercial space for 6000 workers (complete).

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