

This was published 6 years ago


Immigration debate chips away at Coalition determined to self destruct

The prospect of constant sniping from Tony Abbott on migration is more proof of the lust for destruction within a federal Coalition that is struggling so badly to offer the “stable government” it promised at the last election.

No issue has the power to divide Australians like a call to turn away migrants. Anxiety about population growth is a force that cannot be contained once it is unleashed. Knowing this, the political leaders of the past agreed on bipartisan policy for decades.

Illustration: Simon Letch

Illustration: Simon Letch

The implications for Malcolm Turnbull’s leadership are plain. Abbott used energy policy to create constant friction within the Coalition last year and is using the population debate to intensify those tactics this year.

This is an irresistible issue for the conservative base but it could break the settled bipartisan approach to migration. What hope is there for an agreement in Canberra when the governing party cannot agree with itself?

The number now shaping this debate is the proposal to cut the intake by 20,000 migrants a year. This is the figure reported in The Australian this week as a suggestion from Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton to some of his colleagues early last year.

The fact of the leak is more important than the fact of the conversation. Of course ministers discussed the intake. This happens in the early months of every year because the number is an input into the May budget. The bigger story would be if they failed to canvass the options.

Turnbull’s response was to label the story “completely untrue” but he was caught out when Dutton said “of course there are discussions” about the number. Mission accomplished for the leakers. Abbott had all the material he needed to call Turnbull “tricky” with his denials.

Tony Abbott has his photograph taken in 2015 with a family who took out Australian citizenship after immigrating from India.

Tony Abbott has his photograph taken in 2015 with a family who took out Australian citizenship after immigrating from India.Credit: Rohan Thomson

Australians should look on this cheap politics with dismay. The migration challenge is real. Abbott has a right to speak up. Yet the way the issue is exploited means it is all about the Coalition’s revenge drama rather than getting an outcome that matters to voters.


Australians know that the political jousting on population makes no difference. Kevin Rudd backed a “big Australia” while his replacement, Julia Gillard, did not. The change in rhetoric meant nothing. Australia’s population is on track to reach 25.7 million by 2020, as set out in the Intergenerational Report in early 2010, the document that ignited that population debate.

Now consider the complexities behind the latest call to cut the numbers.

Australia has a migration program of 190,000 a year, set annually, but there are only three main groups to target to remove 20,000 places.

The first is the skilled worker program, which has already been cut by Turnbull and Dutton after they dumped the 457 visa in favour of a new regime. Further cuts would risk skill shortages.

Malcolm Turnbull takes part in a citizenship ceremony on Australia Day this year.

Malcolm Turnbull takes part in a citizenship ceremony on Australia Day this year.Credit: Jamila Toderas

The second path is the family reunion intake, which could be cut by telling Australian families that they cannot bring a parent or other relative into the country. There are already restrictions on aged parents because of their cost to the health system.

The third path might be partner visas, which made up almost 48,000 of the total last year. It sounds easy, but could the government really tell Australians that their wives and husbands are not welcome here?

The government has been trying to keep the number down without making a noise. The actual intake last year was 183,600 because of the tighter rules on skilled workers and what looks like a slowdown in processing for some family visas, according to a very good analysis by researcher Henry Sherrell of the Parliamentary Library.


The humanitarian intake is not part of the 190,000 but it is where political decisions have had the biggest impact. For all of Abbott’s posturing on this issue, it was his government that decided in May 2015 to increase the humanitarian intake from 13,750 to 18,750 a year. Turnbull made this increase permanent. Abbott oversaw the additional intake of 12,000 refugees from Syria and Iraq.

There is no way to limit population growth without addressing the humanitarian intake, but all sides have acted to increase rather than decrease this intake. The Greens went to the last election calling for a humanitarian program of 50,000 a year while Labor proposed 27,000 a year by 2025.

Both targets look unrealistic. Those who are shattered by war and violence overseas do not walk into jobs as easily as skilled migrants. It is a mammoth undertaking to offer support services.

Some of the biggest growth in net overseas migration is coming from foreign students, the visitors who are vital to university finances. As John Daley from the Grattan Institute has pointed out, the country now has an uncapped intake that puts pressure on transport and housing. This was a big factor in net overseas migration growing 15 per cent to about 250,000 in the year to September.

No politician can dismiss the concerns about whether migration is rising too fast. Any decision to limit the growth would need action on all fronts – not just to the skilled program but also the humanitarian intake.

Based on what the Turnbull government quietly achieved last year, a cut between 5,000 and 10,000 a year might be possible. This would be a logical response to the pressures within the Coalition, but to go further would be to trigger complaints from families and employers.

Whether the Liberals and Nationals can unify around a policy is another matter. A more likely option is an extended period of Coalition division, ensuring policy paralysis and leading to political destruction.

David Crowe is chief political correspondent

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