

This was published 6 years ago

Former Liberal minister Bruce Billson faces censure over lobbying job

By Adam Gartrell

Former Liberal minister Bruce Billson is set to be censured by Federal Parliament after a bipartisan inquiry found he failed to uphold proper standards by taking a paid lobbying job while he was still an MP.

Parliament's powerful privileges committee has also criticised Mr Billson for failing to properly disclose his business interests and "manifestly misunderstanding" his obligation to avoid perceptions of a conflict of interest.

While stopping short of finding Mr Billson guilty of contempt, the committee has recommended a rewrite of parliamentary rules to expressly forbid serving MPs from engaging in any paid lobbying work.

Former small business minister Bruce Billson is helming the franchise industry's peak body.

Former small business minister Bruce Billson is helming the franchise industry's peak body.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Mr Billson announced his retirement from Parliament in November 2015, after Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull dumped him from the frontbench, but officially stayed on until the election was called the following May.

However Mr Billson took up his paid part-time role as executive chairman and independent director of the Franchise Council of Australia in March and accepted an initial $6250 payment in April. He did not disclose the job or the payment on Parliament's register of interests, as required under the rules.

Labor called for the inquiry to examine whether Mr Billson’s conduct as an MP was influenced by the payments he received from the FCA or whether he advocated for or sought to advance the interests of the lobby group.

Mr Billson also revealed to the committee he had received payment for the provision of "advisor services" through Agile Advisory, a firm of which he was the founder and sole director - payments he also failed to disclose.

In a submission to the inquiry, Mr Billson said his failure to update the register with all these details was an "administrative error and oversight". In a letter to the Speaker, he apologised for "the discourtesy to the House this represents".

The committee accepted this explanation and found there was no evidence to support a finding of deliberate contempt.


"No evidence has been presented to the committee which would establish that there is a clear direct or indirect connection between Mr Billson’s acceptance of director’s fees and his actions in performing his parliamentary duties," it found.

But the committee found Mr Billson fell short of his duties by failing to avoid any "real or apparent" conflict of interest.

"It is not appropriate conduct for a member to commence paid employment with an organisation, which has as an objective influencing government policy, prior to that individual’s actual resignation as a member," it found.

"The committee concludes that Mr Billson had misunderstood his obligations to the House as a member. Despite the efforts of the committee now in explaining to him the primacy of the public interest in relation to a Member’s work efforts Mr Billson is choosing to ignore the committee’s explanation of those obligations to him."

"It is of considerable concern to the committee that a Member of the House should so manifestly misunderstand the potential for concerns about appropriate conduct when accepting paid outside employment while still a member."

It will now be up to Leader of the House Christopher Pyne to move the recommended censure motion against Mr Billson. It will also be up to Mr Pyne to move the recommended amendment to standing orders "to include an express prohibition on a member engaging in services of a lobbying nature for reward or consideration".

Labor's Pat Conroy said Mr Billson had failed in his duties.

"It's clear that Mr Billson damaged the reputation of himself sadly and the Parliament by not understanding that there was - at a minimum - a perception of a conflict of interest," Mr Conroy told the chamber.

"He should not have accepted the job he took with the FCA while still a member."

Comment was sought from Mr Billson but he said he had not yet read the report.

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